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Questions for those still/was close to their exes

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How long has it been since you broke up?

How often do you talk/text/im each other?

Are you still single?

Are you still sexually attracted to/involved with them?

Are you/did you have trouble dating other people?


I'm still talking to my ex, still very close to him, and when we talk it's great but sometimes we end up admitting with each other how much we miss each other and being with each other then the conversation becomes...sexual. We have plans on meeting up and getting with each other later down the line when our schedules/finances allow. I'm more than willing but at the same time, I'm worried that... this whole arrangement may prevent me from moving on. Like...right now, I feel like I am not ready for a long term relationship with anyone else, and won't be until I get my life sorted and am comfortable with just being me etc... but, I do miss being with him, (and sex!) but again i'm afraid if I make myself 'sexually available' to him just like how I am willing, what if that's what all it's going to be? Friends with benefits for the rest of my life but never really having a significant other?


..just thinking out loud mostly, I'm curious to what you all think and what you have to say.



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How long has it been since you broke up? Divorced 4 years now

How often do you talk/text/im each other? Regularly because of our daughter but he was a friend to me when I needed one, so he earned good karma points IMO.

Are you still single? Yes

Are you still sexually attracted to/involved with them? Did have a sexual encounter but it wasn't a good thing to do because it just didn't feel right.

Are you/did you have trouble dating other people? Yes took me a while to get over the past.


Really I think you need to cut ties with your ex and try to move on with your life. But I held onto my ex for a while, and I was the initiator of the divorce. Needed to for a while, but now we've distanced ourselves, we still have an odd relationship. He's remarried and I've gone out with him and his wife (and our daughter) for a couple of outings (a her dance recital, a trip to the zoo with mutual friends). Like I said odd, but we all get along and it allows me more time with my daughter.





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How long has it been since you broke up?


March this year.....


How often do you talk/text/im each other?


Every day, numerous times a day....


Are you still single?


Im unsure....lol


Are you still sexually attracted to/involved with them?


Its long distance (2 hours)....so no, sex doesnt come into the equation...which proves I aint a booty call I guess....lol


Are you/did you have trouble dating other people?


Im way too busy for men in the real world....plus there is no one else I like enough to want to date them.


Yes we are close, but Im unsure where its headed. It feels like we are back together and he looks upon it like we are.....but for me we are not together and because physically we are not together and I view 'real' relationships, as those being where two people are together and see each other often and on a daily basis.


I view it as being a really close friendship and the way things stand at the moment.


We are both the type of person, who can easily put past hurts behind us.....and we both forgive and forget easily, which is why we are still closer than close I guess.

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How long has it been since you broke up?


Divorced 13 years ago


How often do you talk/text/im each other?


holiday cards and the odd email


Are you still single?




Are you still sexually attracted to/involved with them?


Not involved, but she's still cute


Are you/did you have trouble dating other people?




FYI you are holding onto something that is in the past and should start to reduce your contact with your ex so that you're open to new relationships

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...makes sense, I have to cut ties with him if I want to find someone new - thing is though i don't want someone new,, probably gonna ride the single life for a little while, I've actually tried to talk to new people and hit it off with one guy, I had to tell him that I'm not ready for a relationship or to even date now. Though we hadn't done anything...intimate, I realized that we could potentially but the thing is I realized that it wouldn't be fair to him, he would end up being the rebound guy and I don't want to do that. I know I need to get over my ex before I get with someone else.

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How long has it been since you broke up?

1 month


How often do you talk/text/im each other?

We have a class together, so almost everyday


Are you still single?



Are you still sexually attracted to/involved with them?

I am attracted to her, but not involved. She says she has moved on, but at the same time wants me too... confusing.


Are you/did you have trouble dating other people?

I am having trouble talking to other people. Maybe because she still has feelings for me and I am holding on to the reconciliation thought... but each and everyday I'm loosing the feelings for her!

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How long has it been since you broke up?

7 1/2 weeks


How often do you talk/text/im each other?

Everyday...several times a day


Are you still single?



Are you still sexually attracted to/involved with them?

Yes and only emotionally involved not sexually.


Are you/did you have trouble dating other people?

Dont want to date yet. Things are still complicated between us and we may try again once a few issues are dealt with on our own. Good friends for now.

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