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This is for you, and you, and you too


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Okay, so this is for everyone that's really feeling crappy and are having problems with there ex. SO, I've only been broken up with my ex for about a month now, im kinda NC with her which is working but it doesn't quite fill the void in my life, I myself like to always be with a woman, i dont know why i just like their company they are amazing! What i want you all to do is GO DATE! Ask that cute guy/girl that you see at your favorite cafe to have coffee with you, ask that girl/guy in your class that seemed to always have a "thing" for you. It sounds kind of like i'm saying go get a rebound, i don't necessarily mean it like that but it is SORT of that in a way. However, when me and my girlfriend broke up i was devastated then i thought now wait a minute I'M SINGLE! I can actually go ask that girl to have coffee with me and ask for her number. Just go meet new people! It's only been a MONTH and just in the past 2 weeks I've met 5 new girls, and already one of them i'm starting to get serious but i'm going SLOW. So if your feeling down and your friends just aren't enough to make you happy then go see someone of the opposite sex. They will make you sooooooooo happy and you will forget about your ex in NO TIME. Life is short don't waste it!

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You are absolutely correct and thanks for the reminder. It really is a choice. We can keep mourning for what we had or we can recognize that life is too short to think about just one of the billions on this planet that we have yet to meet. Getting mind on someone else and an ego boost is exactly what is needed after getting rejected from our ex. The thought of dating more than one person at the same time is something I have never really done but look forward to. I have grown and learned a lot from being dumped and am armed with the knowledge that will make someone even happier than I knew how before.

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I cannot agree more. today was my second date (different girl) after 2 months of my new single life. when I came back from the date I had an email from my date asking me to meet again next weekend! it really feels good. Now my mind is thinking more of what may be with this girl than what it was with the old one.

Did I mention that it was also my 2nd date ever?

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thats nice, thanks. but dont get mad if i say this. i guess you dont love your ex gf much, if you really do love her, you wont go out and try to meet new people that fast. how can you be that strong if you loved her?


well have fun with new girls of yours.


whats this all about? I think if your ready to act like yourself again round girls/boys, then why not get back out there? Nothing to do with not loving you ex atall, if it makes you feel better and forget about them then why not!?

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whats this all about? I think if your ready to act like yourself again round girls/boys, then why not get back out there? Nothing to do with not loving you ex atall, if it makes you feel better and forget about them then why not!?


I agree.


I am also dating someone right now. It hasn't gotten too serious because we haven't defined what we are and whatnot, but since I've started going out again my confidence has risen exponentially and I'm not a sloppy, sobbing mess anymore.


I still think about my ex. Not as often. There is something on here saying that if you and your ex have a chance at reconciling then you need to be on an even playing field. I think being in a good place in life and feeling good about yourself rather than being depressed about the break up will help with that and if dating other people will get you there than so be it.

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whats this all about? I think if your ready to act like yourself again round girls/boys, then why not get back out there? Nothing to do with not loving you ex atall, if it makes you feel better and forget about them then why not!?


Agreed. Just because you love someone doesnt mean they will love you back. Part of moving on is accepting the reality that both people have a choice and all the love in the world wont change the ex's choice so its best to go out and try to start a new.


The heart is able to love again and again and again

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thats nice, thanks. but dont get mad if i say this. i guess you dont love your ex gf much, if you really do love her, you wont go out and try to meet new people that fast. how can you be that strong if you loved her?


well have fun with new girls of yours.


Well yes i do care about her alot still very very much, but whether i loved her or not i realized i couldn't just sit around and hope we get back together. I got off my butt and asked a girl out and before i knew it girls were calling me left and right.


We all are standing at the edge of the break up cliff all you gotta do is jump .

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