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I am a young female as you can see......I am in love to death with this girl,she is my world i act like stuff dont bother me when she does stuff but it really does and i finally told her what bothers me and she has stopped....I did like guys but I told them all recently to stop calling me cause of her.She is so beautiful, she is black/white a stud and i swear she is fine with a great personality....II LOVER HER....HAVE MATURED REAL FAST...I am 12 weeks pregnant and she is hella happy and says we are going to raise the baby together....She is 20 years old and i love her...Is there something wrong with that?

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I don't think there is anything wrong with you liking girls that is your preference. Now being 14 and pregnant that is hard. Where is the daddy? What will he think about that? The fact that she is 20, that is 6 years older than you, I am not sure about that. How long have you girls known each other? When did you start liking her this way? Are you sure you can raise a baby that young ? It will be hard I had a baby at 15 and it was not and still ain't easy. I missed out on alot of my teenlife that I will never get back. Does your parents know about you being preg? If so what do they think? What do they or would they think about this 20 year old and you being together?I have lots of questions to you story. It seems a little to much for a 14 year old to be doing. I wish you the best of luck.

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I agree, you have a lot to deal with right now. Do you really want to have this baby? Maybe you can go to your local planned parenthood to talk with a counselor about how to talk to your parents about it, when you need to see a doctor, what kinds of vitamins you should be taking, and give you some information about adoption if that is something you might consider. No matter how mature you are, you are still young and have your whole life ahead of you. Having a child will make you lose out on your own young life, no matter how much help/support you have in raising it. Are you really prepared for this?

email me if you want help finding someone local to talk with. I'm good at finding resources!

I wish you strength to make the right desision about your life.

As for the feelings you are having for your friend, right now you need to focus on yourself, not on a new relationship. Surround yourself with friends who love you. The rest will come in time.


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