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I am going to join a gym tomorrow


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I have decided. I decided this because I finally realize that it is now or never. I am 25 years old and I am overweight and ugly and no girl would ever be attracted to me. If I don't change now, then I don't have a chance and by the time I start later, I might be too old. If I am not attractive in the prime of my life, I would definitely regret it later.


The second reason are my friends. They make fun of me all the time. They call me ugly all the time. I would reduce my weight and let's see what they can say about me then. I am so angry at everybody that I am not likely to back down from this.

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I have decided. I decided this because I finally realize that it is now or never. I am 25 years old and I am overweight and ugly and no girl would ever be attracted to me. If I don't change now, then I don't have a chance and by the time I start later, I might be too old. If I am not attractive in the prime of my life, I would definitely regret it later.


The second reason are my friends. They make fun of me all the time. They call me ugly all the time. I would reduce my weight and let's see what they can say about me then. I am so angry at everybody that I am not likely to back down from this.


Good luck!


Forget those "friends". Maybe you might meet new people around the gym?

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Take it from me: DO NOT OVER DO IT!~!! That is just setting yourself up for failure. You can lose 2 to 3 pounds per week. Make sure you feel good but challenged yourself at the gym... NO SODA AT ALL. The stuff is goikng ot mess you up whether it's diet or not.


Get some new friends who make you feel good, not bad. Just the way you are. Is there a gym class you can go to regularly? A support group? Somewhere people are like you and who will respect you?


Good luck!



BTW- My husband has always thought he was ugly, etc... fat...whatever.


I thought he was a little crazy. I look at him and think he is the world and more. He is wonderful in every way and aabsolutely gorgeous.


Is it possible that you just take the abuse rather than deserve it?


Just a thouight...

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Good for you, man. Working out will not only make you look better, it'll make you FEEL and FUNCTION better. It will keep you young. Just make sure you give it your all and don't ever get complacent. And remember that your physique is half diet. Just imagine where you can be in 1...2...5 years if you start now and go hard.


And by the way, get new friends too.

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I have decided. I decided this because I finally realize that it is now or never. I am 25 years old and I am overweight and ugly and no girl would ever be attracted to me. If I don't change now, then I don't have a chance and by the time I start later, I might be too old.


The last guy I dated was overweight and I was attracted to him. Why we did not last had NOTHING to do with his look: it was his confidence which drove me away.


If you have a positive attitude about yourself, you will attract people people. Especially girls.


I would say go for the gym- your confidence will pick back up. And definitely dump those "friends" of yours because they sound like jerks. Real friends wouldn't treat you that way.

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take your anger and focus it into your workouts. I was in the same position as you in January - I made the decision to change my life and am now 52lbs lighter and still reducing! This will be the best thing you ever did - I promise. Dont give up and you will be surprised how quickly you begin to feel better.


on a side note - your friends dont sound like friends at all. do you really want people like that in your life? you deserve more!

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going to the gym sounds like a good idea.

no idea what you look like but anything that makes us feel good is always a bonus.


maybe you'll find some new people at the gym who will be real friends once you give the time to get to know them.

real friendships take time to establish.

dont be pushy (no idea if you are) just let friendship develop.


i started at a gym 3 years ago, the temptation to overdo things is hard to resist, go easy and stay at it.


dont be put off if it takes longer then you want for things to change patience is a good habit to develop.

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Here's what helped me as a newbie gym rat.


1. At all times remember that I am a work in progress, no need to have already reached my goals.


2. People are far more worried about what I think of them then what they think of me.


3. If I am diligent then in a few weeks or months the gym will feel like a home away from home.


4. Focus on doing the exercises with as many muscles engaged as possible (tense the abs, squeeze the butt, keep good form, breathe properly).


5. Drink as much water before your workout as you can and still be comfortable, then drink during and after. Drinking water is a great way to pace weightlifting between sets.


6. Enjoy your time in the gym, it's you time and you're worth it.



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