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Been feeling weird lately...


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I've just realised i am scared to death of death. Lately, all i've been thinking about is when will i die? I go to sleep sometimes and feel like i am dying. I wake up and feel like i am dying. Is the end nigh? Why am i getting like this? This morning i nearly had a panic attack because i really embraced the fact that life is finite and that there will be an END. I feel so weird..


Why am i like this?

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Absolutely, I realized I might die before completing my bucket list, so I needed to get on it!


No, but i feel really scared. It feels real and tangible, it is no longer an ideal, it is a reality. I can almost reach out and touch it. I sometimes feel as though my spirit is reaching out to the other side, but my body is stuck here. It feels really weird.


Edit: I'm actually thinking, this could be an opportunity to be true to myself and let go of things that are way passed their useby date. Another 'chance' if you will To come out of the intellectual and experience "feeling".

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No, but i feel really scared. It feels real and tangible, it is no longer an ideal, it is a reality. I can almost reach out and touch it. I sometimes feel as though my spirit is reaching out to the other side, but my body is still here. Is this normal? It scares me. I wish i could transcend this fear. I wish i could transcend the fear of death, maybe then my life will become good.


I fear death in the sense that I have respect for life because I know it's fragile. I take risks, but I calculate them beforehand. Am I afraid to actually be dead? No, I expect to rest in total peace.

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This morning i nearly had a panic attack because i really embraced the fact that life is finite and that there will be an END. I feel so weird..


Yeah sometimes it just hits you that death is inevitable and it feels very real for a moment as if it's imminent.


I was having a phase of this not long ago and it's kind of shocking, almost like you've been kidding yourself all along that it will never really happen or something.


Not much you can do except find distractions and you'll eventually stop thinking about it for quite a while, except in a more abstract way perhaps.

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Well, the good news is: You are not alone at all one this one (bad joke)


Seriously, I have gone through this after seeing a lot of death since being a teenager. Started with many people dying around me.


I believe it has been something that I have been blessed with since I believe I have a gift with it all.


Maybe my gift will help you.


I see people who have died and can receive messages from them.


There was a time I feared that people would think I was crazy. So I literally went to a psychologist and he did all these things on me.


It came out perfectly fine, minus a slight problem with depression since my father's death.


The good thing? Dead people are NOT "dead".


They are in another state...still themselves...and mostly very happy and content.


We are all in this together and we all will die. The good news is...there's nothing at all to worry about and this process you are going through will absolutely help you grow spiritually and many other ways as well.

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I think because you may not believe in an afterlife? for me for example. i am so confident of life after death that I dont even worry! Ofcourse theres life after death!! Once u realise that - all fear goes coz u realise we have FOREVER to have fun! So while ur here, find what ur supposed to do on earth..invent something, do something...ull be fine!! We are all here for a reason, but as for death, its just passing from one world, to an unseen one...and apparently, the unseen one is AWESOME!

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Weird, yesterday and today have been like this for me. I've experienced it before but in a much more disassociated way. This now is like "I could very well drop dead any second."

It's a shock to the system.


I'm trying to intellectualize it a bit so that I can cope. Because I haven't been feeling well these last few days, physically, and I think for me that has part to do with it. Maybe you are getting sick? Hey, it's possible! Our bodies are some rather funky and amazing things. Think of how a bowl of sausage at night can change how you think and feel for a night or more. It could just be simple stress that has piled up pushing you to this point too.


Anyways, I'm coping with it by reminding myself "Well then I still have to deal with now!" So I do that. If my anxiety is all over, I try to relax and calm myself. If I'm freaking out, I do something to change that. Just taking good care.


I'll add this just because there are afterlife posts on this thread, because I do believe that a person's views about what is real or not regarding afterlife, the spiritual dimension, etc. does have a role to play in how they will experience "death is real" and what that means and even how they cope. I am not religious and do not have faith in any afterlife concepts: I deeply believe that "I just can't even guess that, I just don't know and anyone who says otherwise is lying because no one knows until they are dead".


But while alive, that's what we know we got. And realizing we are going to die isn't such a big deal in the scope of things; we all will, and it doesn't change the fact that life goes on and while here we still need to eat and bathe and make sure the work is done and have the freedom to do what we want. In other words, the fact we are going to die at some point is no reason to allow yourself to be stressed out about it. lol.


tc. hope you feel better soon.

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In other words, the fact we are going to die at some point is no reason to allow yourself to be stressed out about it. lol.


tc. hope you feel better soon.


I know, i still freak out about it though. Perhaps if i transcend this fear, i will have no fear. In fact, this is the only fear i have.

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