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i used to think piercings were a form of self expression that were fine for the people who had them but with my squemish nature i couldnt look at them without thinking PAIN now youve given me a reason to look and wonder does each one have a signifanct meaning.......i know some will be just for fun..but thank you for adding a dimension of thought i would never have thought of.


i hope you have some good second hand book shops.


do you know the dr zesuss books?

cat in the hat, green eggs and ham etc.

dr. z developed those books as self reading tools and increased a nations reading abilites great for phonetic development.


enjoy writing your book and take it easy, be kind to yourself when re-visiting the rough places.

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Your welcome, actully I loved percings and tattoo's before I even knew what they where called.. Had a intrest in them, and learnt more about them, When you see me I dont look how my heart is... I really love the saying dont judge a book by its cover, same thing for a person... kinda take that my own way like dont judge by the looks of a person.. lol..


i will do my best to be kind.. srry for not writing been really bsy last few days and sick.. I hate being sick.. yuck.. well .. thank you again for everything talk to you later! Hope all is going well for you.

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not writtings not a problem.

i've noticed that people mainly come here when in crisis, i think that's a little sad.

i would love it if people came to say,hey,i'm doing fine.


maybe thats just wrong in this forum.


maybe then after posting a few happy times the 'guilt' of posting i'm in crisis would hinder the point of the non judgemental help here.


me...rambling again.


the children are 95% well that flu is NOT funny.

look after yourself.

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Lol I horible for doing that just randomly osting at random times lol.. But I have been trying to post more... It is kinda sad, Well I have been doing good besides being sick! I have been emotionaly Great!! just reading and sleeping... watching kids.. thats about it lol..


How are things going for you?

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sorry for being grumpy before.

can i blame it on the flu?

this place is for posting randomly when feeling pressure.


children are all back at school so i have lots of time on my hands and have to find things to do.

i have a very boring life!


reading and sleeping sounds a lovely way to pass the time.

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Excellent that you have been feeling better emotionally! Same you've been sick physically - any better?


Tattoos & piercings? Goodness, gracious - anything really wild?



~Um no.. lol I have had my lip snake bit, but took it out had the same lip ring middle of lip.. and right now just gaged ears lip and top ears, and waiting for my labret's to come in going to go get my cheeks, demplies one.


tatto is of speakers and vecotor vines, and a snare drum and sign that says pslam 150. and a mic cord wraped around every where.. lol with a mic..


working on getting another that has tiger lilly's and a rainbowtroute for my partents..


Iam still sick but know it is just a cold, horrible cold lol....




sorry for being grumpy before.

can i blame it on the flu?

this place is for posting randomly when feeling pressure.


children are all back at school so i have lots of time on my hands and have to find things to do.

i have a very boring life!


reading and sleeping sounds a lovely way to pass the time.


~Oh its all good! we have our days, do ahead blame it on a flu i know i have been grumpy from mine lol...


oh the kids Iam watching are not in school, the older one his first year is next year!! ahhh lol good and wow!


and yeah life can be borning, what are other things you like to do, play any insterments or ever have.. maybe pick it up again.. lol i dont know i know i read , write, sleep hahaha, and eat, draw, and know sometimes just vegg' out on the couch! lol

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To be honest, I don't have any of that, but, to be honest, it sounds pretty fun and pretty cool! Self expression comes in many forms, and, is a good thing.


Glad to hear that its just an annoying cold (I was like, "oh, no! She's depressed, a SI, and has some horrible dread disease!" - go ahead, cause I'm sure laughing at me)!


So, not your kids, then?

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not so much that your tattoos and piercings are mind boggling to most people.

i want my ears pierced but i used to live on a dairy farm.....the cows used to be restrained and have ear tags put in with what looks like a huge ear gun.

can not describe the sound of a cow bellowing in agony,fighting to get free and of course i was at the cows head end so i have frozen in my mind the cows wide eyed,tongue lolling,fear gripped, including sounds of struggle something i instantly remember when i see piercings. my mind just conects piercings with pain.

i like tattoos on other people but again,on me....all i can think of is...aggghh.


you seem to be very musical.....you must have great patience to learn the piano.

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not so much that your tattoos and piercings are mind boggling to most people.

i want my ears pierced but i used to live on a dairy farm.....the cows used to be restrained and have ear tags put in with what looks like a huge ear gun.

can not describe the sound of a cow bellowing in agony,fighting to get free and of course i was at the cows head end so i have frozen in my mind the cows wide eyed,tongue lolling,fear gripped, including sounds of struggle something i instantly remember when i see piercings. my mind just conects piercings with pain.

i like tattoos on other people but again,on me....all i can think of is...aggghh.


you seem to be very musical.....you must have great patience to learn the piano.


Actully funny you say that out of all the facial pericing and ear pericing i have had which is 10 in total, the one that hurt was the ear. they did my bottom ear with a gun [supoisivly they are not aloud to use them anymore] It hurts because it just rips the ear but know they use needles and its like getting a needle [small one of chourse haha], but pain factors not that big..

And ya thats like some peircing to me, I dont mind it on other people but on me... no thanx .. hahaha but ya...


As for music it is just something in the family line on both sides doesnt take much for us to learn music , we can hear it before we play it, however weridly I am the only one in the family who cannot play guitar, that is why I picked up piano. haha.. I had taking a music compasion class so it is very helpful, to learning piano so far..


got to go, kids fighting hahaha so talk to you later!

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