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You liar! You cheater! I cant stand you !!!


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ok , so i thought i found the perfect guy. we were so happy..we took pictures constantly because i wanted to remember all the good times. fast forward ...so the last two months, he seemed a bit distant. he came to san francisco from guam, for school, and now hes almost done. he wanted to move back to guam permanently because his family is there. i told him id move there for him. id leave my LIFE here for him, including friends, family, job, etc. he didnt leave me any say AT ALL. he broke up with me. turns out, the last two months me and him were together, he emailed his ex gf and got back together with her. bastard!!! i hate him! i todl him to never get back with his ex because she hurt him and i loved him and he didnt deserve that. WHATEVER , ANDREW! i gave you everything and expected you to give me nothing in return but love. what the heck did you leave me with ? nothing! i hate you!

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Good riddance.

San Francisco is a great place to live; you should be glad you didn't follow him.


Can you imagine having given up your whole life, moved to Guam only to find out that once the honeymoon was over, that this weasel wasn't the guy that you thought he was?

That the path you'd chosen wasn't what you'd hoped?

Only to be stuck with a dud on an island in the middle of Pacific?


It's a rotten shame that you ever got as deeply involved with him as you did, but in the long run this guy did you a favor by ending before you were stuck with him.

You have far better things in your future than you would have with him.

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you know, i hate him! heres the messed up thing, too...i have a sickness (which i choose not to disclose). anyway, i told him in the beginning that i am content being alone and that i cant deal with anyone hurting me, etc.

he said "you can trust me. i wont hurt you. ill help you pay for your surgery" blah blah blah...what a freakin liar! im so mad! but you know, whatever.

im just MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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you know, i hate him! heres the messed up thing, too...i have a sickness (which i choose not to disclose). anyway, i told him in the beginning that i am content being alone and that i cant deal with anyone hurting me, etc.

he said "you can trust me. i wont hurt you. ill help you pay for your surgery" blah blah blah...what a freakin liar! im so mad! but you know, whatever.

im just MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah, he definitely sounds pretty scummy.

All the more reason to be glad he's gone.

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Sometimes I think its the abandonment that hurts the worst. You put all your hope and faith into someone that says they are going to be there. Then they just walk out or find someone else.

Anyway, you are beautiful someone will come around who will be everything you ever wanted and more..

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Sorry to hear about your emotional distress and that unconditional love was not returned to you but be glad you found out on time. Imagine if you had moved in with him and/or marry him in the future only to find out it's not the guy you dreamed about... That would have been even worst.... He's a liar alright but there are more good apples than the rotten ones...

As for getting back with the ex g/f that hurt him before, it's very likely she will dumped him or the relationship won't last but it's his loss... The two are right for each other afterall.. My guess is that once their relationship is over, he will come crawling back. In that case all you have to do is say ''No thank you, it's your loss''.

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GOOD. Good, that you are mad. You're a step ahead of the grand majority of us who usually start off something like this by feeling sorry for ourselves. Once you settle down, you will be a happier, healthier person for it!


And GOOD, that he's back with his ex. Sounds like they'll be a ridiculous pair. Ugh!

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Of course men are going to lie to get into your pants! Hello!!!!!!!! Men give love for sex, women give sex for love.


By the way, if that is your picture-- WOW! No, wait, excuse me....DOUBLE-WOW!!! You are absolutely gorgeous!!! Seriously, you will have no trouble finding a decent guy who will treat you right. Just add this frog to the list you've kissed; your prince is still out there.


It takes a while to mend a broken heart, and there is no way around that. Time will eventually heal that wound.


A quick word of advice though...men get bored easily. This may not be the best time to point this out since I know you're in pain, but since I don't have the benefit of "waiting till you feel better" I'll just go ahead and throw it out there. You said:


"i told him id move there for him. id leave my LIFE here for him, including friends, family, job, etc."


Yeah....uh....don't do that. YOU are the prize, and he needs to adapt for YOU. If a woman is sooooooo enamored with a man that she is willing to turn away from everything for him- nothing left to work for. It get's pretty boring after that.


Anyway, this is not your fault and don't think it was some sort of contest where he picked her over you. This situation simply reflects his own lack of self-respect and character-period. He's just another frog.

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Of course men are going to lie to get into your pants! Hello!!!!!!!! Men give love for sex, women give sex for love.
While I do agree on not giving it all up for the SO (no one wants that as it makes you sound codependent, needy and clingy), isn't that extremely.

If that was completely true then it would mean that we would never have a committed relationship at all. It that it's true then my all means I should be single forever or arrange when I will be the dumper in advance so it's me doing the dumping and not vice-versa.

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I really feel for you. Thank goodness you are no longer with a cheating lying s.o.b. I was in a similar situation. My last ex was cheating on me the entire time with his ex-gf. Behind my back. I believed his lies, the "I love yous", "I'm not trying to fool yous"... it was all a lie. But believe me, life DOES get better because I'm now with someone who is honest.

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