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I am an EXTREMELY jealous girlfriend..and it's ruining everything =[


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I thing that he is fibbing when he says he is not a least bit jealous. Sometimes people say the opposite of what they mean. I am sure there is something going on at work that could be stressing him out and making him not interested in sex. May be his is in sh*t for something and it is killing his sex drive.


My boyfriend says he trusts me 100%, and is not the jealous type. One time, while we were on vacation, at this water rafting camp, at the bar at night, he left me to get me a sweater. When he got back some really cute guy took his chair and was chatting me up. I was not rude to the guy, I figured we are all on vacation, so why snub the guy. Anyway, I could tell my b-fried was really jealous. Then, an hour later he went to get me a drink , and it happened again with another cute guy!


I don't know why it happened, I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, but for months after that he had to spend the night at my place if I went out with my girlfriends. Maybe you should get all dressed up one night and go out with a girlfriend??? One of my girlfriends is an ex-Playboy bunny. I love to get dressed up and go out with her...sometimes it's just sushi, but he doesn't need to know that.


Maybe there is a shakedown at work? Maybe there will be a firing??? I don't think it's you, especially if you live together. Maybe buy a special sexy outfit for him????

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So a few days later, he had a really bad day on sat was well P***ed off about work but just felt he took it out on me really but thats just how he deals with his work stress, he likes to have space and quiet tiem and I just want to be there for him but he not like I am. And he did say it has killed his sex drive. Iam still having some bad thoughts about lots of stuff it just kills me, Dont know how it get red of it?!!



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Have you ever read the book Men are from Mars Women are from Venus? This book totally explains when men are upset about problems, they go into their cave and we should just leave them there until they are ready to come out. This is totally normal.


Yeah I have read it, and i do understand the thought behind it but I just want to be there for him and make him feel better, like he does for me.

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  • 8 months later...



i am the exact same way oh my god i though i was alone, i have ocd as well the kind you have, im extremely jealous of his sister and other women even him watching tv! cuz there's girls on tv! i feel crazy! but i think we both need to feel very special to our men which becomes a obsessive need that wont die, i understand completely what your going through or went through since this post is old, its awful its horrible and its miserable and exhausting to always have to think like this. i suggest you see a therapist and if your not already go on medication for your ocd , ocd is a psychical problem not mental. good luck, god bless you (i have horrible spelling and grammar sorry)

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  • 2 months later...

BethanyLiz: Ok i am exactly like you! Exactly. and its ruining my relationship. Just like you i thought my lover was going to do exactly what i did or think exactly what i thought. Cuz i did hurt my love badly a long time ago. But after we got back together things turned worse! I became a total jealous freak! And i cant stop it. I cant keep my mouth closed and i automatically assume the worst. And its turned into me falsly accusing! Which angered my lover so much to break up with me. We did get back together though and i swore to myself i would stop being this way. but it hasnt happened..i get angry at the most dumbest things that arent even wroth getting angry over. Although my lover has never left me for another person .. i have found out somethings that may have caused this to become even worse. If you can cheat emotionally i feel thatss what my lover has done. although she says no not true at all and i want to believe her so bad.. and want to make things work so bad. but still it has caused me tobecome even more of a jealous freak and cause trust issues that are hard to say if really should be an issue or not sometimes i feel controlling and posessive. i need help. soooooo get help asap!

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  • 4 weeks later...

This doesn't sound like OCD to me. This sounds like maybe your gut telling you something is wrong. Why wouldn't your bf just SHOW you the chat he was having with that girl? If nothing was going on with her, I don't see why he would be hiding it.


And also, taking in another girl into your house while you have a girlfriend...NOT a good idea. I can't gauge your bf's intentions w/out knowing him but yeah, I wouldn't have liked that idea either!

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