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I CANT stop flirting...HELP!


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ok...so i know it sounds stupid but i cant stop flriting. everyone notices it. Somtimes i dont even realize im doing it. Then later on i realize it and wish i handn't. If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly apperciated.




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Don't worry we all do it, I do it all the time much to my boyfriends annoyance. Why dont you try to make sure you only touch members of the opposite sex twice in a conversationn dont say anything to them that you would not say to you best girl mate.

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thanks..i never thought about the whole idea of "only touch them twice in one convo." that will help a lot... the only problem with the whole girl friend thing is i am a very open person to just about everyone...so its hard for me to tell when i do say somthing forward or "flirty" as my friends call it. but thanks...that will really help!



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There is nothing wrong with flirting, the touch thing is important. Young guys, heck old guys (like me) always feel a certain spark when touched by the opposite sex. So, try the 2 touch rule. Be yourself it's healthy, but remember those 16 year old boys are raging!

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thanks! so today i have been trying to do these things at school with this guy i always flirt with. and it has made me feel a lot better about myself! I think hes been a little more forward with me now that ive laid off a bit. so we will see what happens...anymore advice would help!



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Ive got this same problem cept im a guy. I have a g/f and i still just flirt away. If a girl touches me in a converstaion where a lot of laughing is involved then i am instantly led on, so take the above advice, and try maybe the "1 touch rule" unless you are trying to get with the guy you are flirting with. In the end though, flirting is innocent and fun, so dont worry so much.

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  • 1 month later...
ok...so i know it sounds stupid but i cant stop flriting. everyone notices it. Somtimes i dont even realize im doing it.


It sounds stupid for only one reason...because it is. How can you not know you are flirting? That is like me going around smoking a cigarette (I hate them though.) and saying "Everyone notices me doing it. Half the time I don't realize I am smoking...I can't stop!" If you want to annoy your future bf/husband or whatever....keep doing what you are doing. It is rather simple to tell if a guy is enjoying you to the point that he is interested in you. I say people who say that just really don't care if they flirt and obviously are not doing anything about it.

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Flirting is just flirting!!! Plain and simple! So long as you do not act upon those flirts, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it! I flirt all the time! And you know what? I, also, do not know that I am! Other people will tell me I am, and I deny it... not because I don't want to admit that I am, but because I really didn't know I was. But, like I said... IT'S ONLY FLIRTING! It's part of human nature. It's just how some people are! I don't know when I'm flirting because it is just a part of who I am, how I am, and my personality in general! I have one friend, a guy who I dated at one point, who I am very close to. We have the type of relationship where we flirt and what-not all the time! We're just that close! We would never act upon it, but we do flirt a lot! If your bf has a serious problem with it, then he needs to lighten up! Like he's never flirted with another girl! It's just flirting! I saw just be yourself... and if that means you're going to flirt... THEN FLIRT ALL YOU WANT!!!!

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Nittany does have a point. Flirting is a natural but it all depends on how you flirt and with whom you are flirting with. But...if a girl is flirting RIGHT IN MY FACE, then we got a problem. I'm not the type to blow up suddenly or beat someone else. I'll just sit there and not do anything and try to convince myself that it is just nature. Now if it is done TOO MUCH, I'm going to get really pissy, especially if I am being neglected most of the time. It is great to talk to other people but if I'm just sitting here and spending most of my day/night/whatever just watching my partner flirt with some hot guy all the time, you can't help but get upset. Now if she isn't around me, I don't care, just as long as they don't come up to me and talk about it all night. And yes, I do flirt somewhat. I'll call a girl cute or say nice things but I won't get all touchy feely and talk dirty to her. That is just wrong. ANd in my opinion, flirting right in front of your partner is just a lack of respect. I would not do it....never have,never will.


Now as for the two young ladies who say they do not know when they flirt (depsite the pleasurable look on the guy's face and his reactions are very apparent), well guess what? I don't know when I am driving a tank!(I'm in the army.) But somehow I am in this driver's hole.....sounds stupid right? EXACTLY. But it's y'all opinion and you are entitiled to it. The truth will reveal itself someday.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, this post has been quiet for a really long time. Is there any other issues with flirting that we missed? So far I think i have made my point with the last post I have made. Flirting is fine but to a certain degree. but think about it, would you want your man/woman flirting with every single person right in your face? For those of you who say, "I don't mind..." I don't believe it. Just imagine, your partner saying sexual things to other very attractive members of the opposite sex RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. Or them touching the other person constantly, and I am not talking about just kisses and hugs. Let's see if you do not care then.....

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I agree with outlaw. Flirting will upset your partner, and upset the guy your leading on. I also don't see how you an accidently do it - just don't say those words or do those things. Think before you do.

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I mean seriously, COME ON! How in the Flying Fig Newton can you NOT know when you are flirting??? That is like me saying I DON'T KNOW WHEN I AM TYPING ON THE COMPUTER, IT JUST HAPPENS!!!" Right, do you not notice the expression on the face of the person you are flirting with? His reaction like body-language and what he is saying in reply? It cannot be that hard. If you are single, it's all good as long as you not toying with someone's emotions. If you with someone, it is just plain wrong messing with someone intentionally like that. Have some respect will ya instead of hitting on other people. It is really degrading.


Once again I can see if you are hugging a friend or peck them on the cheek just to be nice and make them feel better but downright playing with another guy is just downright wrong.


Thank you for your opinion Santa.

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  • 1 month later...

By flirting, I am sure we all mean touching another person's rear, alot of hugging, alot of kissing (especially the passionate kind), body language is another one (kissy face, rubbing yourself, winks, etc.) tone of voice on how you say certain things, the possibilities are endless but I am positive those are some of the things people are talking about.


Now for those of you who say, "Oh I don't care I won't get mad!" just let it happen a little more often and GUARANTEED you will start to feel some negative energy coming from all of this. Believe me I seen it happen.

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