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Reflection: September 11, 2001


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I'd like to pay my own respects to


-All of the workers that lost their lives.

-All of the individuals, fire-fighters, police officers and security that risked and also lost their lives trying to save the occupants of the twin towers.

-All of the people that had their lives and dreams shattered and who are still living with the pain and memory of this tragic event to this very day.


May god bless you all.

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When I first watched it way back in my freshman year of high school, I was thinking it was an action movie at first but then when I realize it was real, I just couldn't believe it. Hard to believe what hatred can do to you and innocent people get killed as a result of it. Those poor souls had nothing to be with it, they were living a normal life working hard to provide their families. Sadly it happened. RIP

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Just two weeks before the towers fell, I remembered walking and looking up at them and marvelling at just how majestic the towers were. I felt blessed to live in a city with the type of infrastructure, as the World Trade Center.


Another thing, when I shopped in nearby China Town and suddenly felt lost, I have used the towers as a sort of compass to find my way home. I felt a little like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, following the yellowbrick road home. I always knew that all that I had to do, was to walk towards the towers to safety.


For weeks following the bombing, the smell of burnt steel and bodies, permeated the air. Smoke rose in the air, in a "plume-like" pattern, for weeks following the fall of the towers.


It is still very painful to look at the spot, where the towers once stood. It is impossible to ever get over the loss of so many lives.




God Bless America!

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Yes, I will never forget. I believe it be one of the most profound days in all of human history. As events unfolded, I was working in a North American telecom network operations center. I was literally sitting on top of the Internet backbone while talking to people all over the country. I was hearing about the first plane well before 9 am. By 11 am the whole world stopped. But the talk did not stop. Nor should it ever.


Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury' pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is sadness, joy; where there is darkness, light. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; not so much to be understood, as to understand; not so much to be loved, as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.



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that was such a crazy day. when i woke up that morning, the plane had already hit the first tower. i put on the TV, but it didn't really register to me. everyone thought it was a freak accident. i got on my bike and went to the gym, and saw on the TVs at the gym, the second plane hitting the tower, live, and that was the scariest thing ever. that was such an awful day, it took me weeks to realize that it was real and not some crazy nightmare.

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I also remember that in my city we were all doing our exam finals that day, but after having been glued to the TV for most of that horrible morning exams really were the last thing on my mind. I've always dreamt of visiting New York, and since then, I've vowed to go to the site and pay my own respects. To my American friends, thinking of you on this your day of reflection.

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September 11th Poem


Her hair was tied up in a ponytail

her favourite dress tied with a bow

today was daddies day at school

and she couldnt wait to go


but her mother tried to tell her

that she probably should stay home

why the kids might not understand

if she went to school alone


but the little girl went to school

eager to tell them all

about a dad she never sees

a dad who never calls


there were daddies along the wall of the room

for everyone to meet

children squirming inpatiently

anxious in their seats


one by one the teacher called

a student from the class

to introduce their daddy

as seconds slowly passed


finally it was the little girls turn

and all eyes were upon her

each one of them was searching

for a man who wasn't there


''wheres her daddy at''

she heard a child cry out

''she probably doesn't have one''

another dared to shout


and somewhere near the back of the room

she heard a daddy say

''looks like another dedbeat dad

too busy to waste his day''


and then with hands behind her back

the little girl started to speak

and out from the mouth of a child

came words incredibly unique


''my daddy couldn't be here today

because he lives so far away''

but i know he wants to be here

because this is such a special day''


''and though you cannot meet him

i wanted you all to know

all about my daddy

and how he loves me so''


''we used to share cream sunades

he taught me to ride a bike

he surprised me with pink roses

and taught me to fly a kite''


and out in the crowd

her mother stood in tears

touched by the actions of her daughter

who was wise beyond her years


for up she stood for the love

of a man who wasnt there

doing what was best for her

doing what was right


the child paused for a moment

and she smiled on at her mother

and looked up at her teacher

who told her to go on


''i love my daddy very much

he's my shining star

and if he could he'd be here

but heavens just to far''


''you see he was a fire man

and he died just this past year

when airplanes hit the towers

and taught americans to fear''


''but sometimes when i close my eyes

its like he never went away''

and then she closed her eyes

and saw him there that day


and to her mothers amazement

she witnessed with surprise

a room full of daddies and children

all starting to close their eyes


who knows what they saw before them

who knows what they felt insides

perhaps for a mere second

they saw him at her side


''i know your with me daddy''

to the silence she called out

and what happened next made believers

of those once filled with doubt


not one in the room could explain it

for each of their eyes had been closed

but lying on the desk besides her

was a fragrent long stemmed pink rose



they say it takes a minute to find a special person

an hour to appreciate them

a day to love them

but then a whole lifetime to forget them

send this to all the people you love and never want to forget

God Bless

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i am watching a documentary on the history channel "The Man Who Predicted 9/11." it's about Rick Rescorla, the head of security at morgan stanley-dean whitter. he knew that the twin towers were a terrorist target, and he worked very hard to set up increased security and emergency evacuation plans for the workers at morgan stanley (nearly 3000 of them). he got them pretty much all out alive, except he died saving people, making sure that they left the building as quickly as possible, down the 70+ flights of stairs. he is truly a hero.

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I won't forget, even though I am not an American citizen. It was felt around the world and my heart continues to go to all those whose lives were impacted by the tragedy. Also, my heart swells with pride remembering all the good acts of human decency and heroism during and after 9/11 - both Americans and in my own city and country.


The loss of one affects us all.


Love to all of you. You haven't been forgotten.

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I won't forget, even though I am not an American citizen. It was felt around the world and my heart continues to go to all those whose lives were impacted by the tragedy. Also, my heart swells with pride remembering all the good acts of human decency and heroism during and after 9/11 - both Americans and in my own city and country.


The loss of one affects us all.


Love to all of you. You haven't been forgotten.


Are you from the UK?


I always wondered how other countries felt that day.

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A memory forever etched into my mind on that infamous day. Since, I live very close to the twin towers it affected me greatly. The horrible thought of breathing in all the ash and dust of the people that lost their lives is terrible. Unfortunately, it was like that for a few days after and it was so bad you could see it settle on your windows.


A day I will certainly never forget and a day that changed history.

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Are you from the UK?


I always wondered how other countries felt that day.


I didn't live in the US when it happened. I didn't own a tv either so I actually didn't know about it till the next day when I went to school for flag ceremony and the flag was at half-mast.

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i live in long island, on the border of queens (20 miles/32 kilometers from manhattan.)

even over here, the sky was hazy from the smoke coming in from the city, and when the wind blew you could catch the scent of the burning metal. i was still in highschool, and though there were more than a thousand kids in school that day, i've never heard it so silent. walking down the hallways was almost eerie, everyone was hugging and quietly crying. nobody would say a word.


when i walked home from school, my dad was standing in the driveway. his first words to me were "everything is going to be different now."


i'll never forget. rest in peace.

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Are you from the UK?


I always wondered how other countries felt that day.


this was a world wide tragedy New York is such a good mix of every colour,race and creed that the population within the Towers combined with the souls on the planes involved the entire globe.

In Ireland Masses were offered for each soul excluding no one.


the world needs more rainbow cities such as New York.

when all cultures mix understanding or acceptence of our differences is more likely then the seperation some seek in order to breed ignorance and mistrust.


the world needs more rainbow cities every colour,race,creed,non creed all mixed and mixing.

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