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Do self-help books work?


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I'm considering buying some self-help books to take some steps to relieve my anxiety and depression, because I want to tackle my problems but I can't afford a psychologist, and don't want to go on meds.

Has anyone had any experience with this, and do self-help books work at all? Or has anyone ever had a positive experience or outcome by buying these books? Thanks...

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Some are better than others, and some will fit your situation better than others.

The biggest harm probably comes in thinking that one can change your whole life.


You might fare better if you go to your local library, that way you're not investing too much into any one book. If you find one that's really helpful, then you can always buy your own copy later.


Don't expect any one book to have all the answers.

Try to be patient with yourself.

Also, you might want to look into other ways of relieving anxiety/depression; e.g. yoga, meditation, diet,

and though they may not be what you think of when you first think of 'self-help', there are books with advice on those subjects which may be very helpful in terms of balancing things out for yourself.

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Self-Help books very rarely help someone oddly enough. They define everything as a medical treatment or mental illness. They define simple actions that are truly acceptable but taken out of context and proven “insane”… twisting the binds and the truth and passion that came from the actions that one commits.


To by hear to a book telling you how to improve will in truth show you more faults then success. I dare say not one person may be able to say they do not hold one of the “illnesses” resting in those books.


If you see things rationally and don’t take offense from the meaning and opinion of the author, then by all means enjoy.


I’d see more help in “Inspirational” Books, Movies, Poems, and Music then I do in the books that define life in a manner that takes the very essence away.


When I was depressed and read those books, they made me feel worse and crazier then I was. They made me believe that I was inadequate and insufficient in many ways that I had never realized before. When I dropped the books and move to inspirational and “brighter” things; I was then able to change my opinion of myself, and improve the depression and status of my life…

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I agree with other posters that it will help if you actively do the exercises and if you really want to improve.


The self help book that truly changed my life is "feel the fear and do it anyway"


Often it was suggesting things that were out of my comfort zone challenging me to alter my limiting beliefs. I cannot begin to explain how much it helped me, I would recommend it to everyone. It made me really understand that there's nothing to be afraid of and how to handle not having control over things.

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Confession time - I have read "It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken" and you know what? It DID help me, but mainly because I had my own resolve to help myself get through the breakup, and the breakup wound wasn't fresh - it had been about a month. At the same time, the book provided me with positive reinforcement about the decisions I was already making as well as a few ideas. So yeah, they CAN help.


Another book that I find amazing and inspirational is M Scott Peck's "The Road Less Traveled". It is an awesome, awesome book. I want to read it again, but I'll have to wait for my friend to return it to me! It was so good two of my friends have read it, and the third one is halfway through...

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