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can they just be genuinely busy?


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So , I'm so used to my boyfriend instant messaging me at work when we're both online, he has done so every day since we met. But today for the first time.. nothing. When we were talking on teh phone last night he said that work was absolutely manic the last few days or so.... i feel a little bit sad though. Am i reading into things too much again, or could this be a suble sign he is losing interest ?

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So , I'm so used to my boyfriend instant messaging me at work when we're both online, he has done so every day since we met. But today for the first time.. nothing. When we were talking on teh phone last night he said that work was absolutely manic the last few days or so.... i feel a little bit sad though. Am i reading into things too much again, or could this be a suble sign he is losing interest ?


Yeah you are looking too much into things...he called you last night to tell you that work has been crazy...does the guy need to say more?


Is there a reason as to why you would think otherwise?

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I know how you feel! When we're used to our guys texting us or even calling us daily we get accustomed to it. When he doesn't get in contact with us for an extended amount of time I can understand freaking. I'm doing that myself with my SO. He's military so anything could happen! Unless he tells you otherwise or other things cause you concern other than this I wouldn't worry too much. If he never gets in contact with you again out of the blue, I'd write him off as a total jerk. That's probably one of the worst ways to get rid of somebody IMO! Just because he says he's busy and can't contact us like we want isn't a reason to think he's uninterested.

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hi Guys, well he finally got in touch late last night and didnt sound like his normal self, he said work was manic.... and he remembered when he came home that he didn't message me and he said he was really sorry, that it won't happen again!! Also his call didn't end with the usual 'i love you' so that kind of upset me too, so i text him back asking "you sure everything is ok"?. He said that he couldn't really talk before, that he was downstairs and there were peoeple there and he couldn't talk normally! He said that he was totally mad about me and loved me more than ever!


Normal behaviour? Jeez.. relationships cause so much stress!!

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hi Guys, well he finally got in touch late last night and didnt sound like his normal self, he said work was manic.... and he remembered when he came home that he didn't message me and he said he was really sorry, that it won't happen again!! Also his call didn't end with the usual 'i love you' so that kind of upset me too, so i text him back asking "you sure everything is ok"?. He said that he couldn't really talk before, that he was downstairs and there were peoeple there and he couldn't talk normally! He said that he was totally mad about me and loved me more than ever!


Normal behaviour? Jeez.. relationships cause so much stress!!


If he is pulling back, your very best bet is to get yourself busy. Do not, no matter how tempted you are, do the text to make sure thing. It will only increase the problem if there is one. If he is feeling smothered this will cause him to pull away even more.

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One thing to remember is he's there to work, not chat online. Sometimes when others' patterns or routines get messed up, it could throw some of the other aspects of their lives out of whack. So if he's used to pretty lax working conditions and then it's suddenly busy, it could leave him feeling anxious or out of place or whatever, which could make the rest of his life feel out of whack too. Hence the different behaviour in his relationship.


Just something to think about.

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I can tell....you sort of seemed to freak out very easily....the man is working and you turned it into he doesn't care about you or is moving on or whatever.


You can't feel taht way! Don't make what he's going through all about you. That'd doom the relationship for sure.

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Don't read into things too much at this stage. if it still like this in a few weeks then ask him about it. I thought i was in an honest trusting relationship so when my ex started being online less i didnt worry about it. But over time it became an issue. Things to watch out for are if you are always initiating the opening conversation online. are they always the one saying going off line first. Do the gaps between you messenging and them responding getting longer. Do they log on later and later. Are the replies short answers?


Also you need to look at other parts of the relationshiup to see if there are warnings signs> has he changed in other ways?

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hi!! well he said to me a few days ago that work is absolutely crazy at the moment, so wasnt totally surprised about no email yesterday. but he emailed me again today and was being very loving as usual. We're 5 months into it now, and at first the emails were ridiculously romantic but I guess it wasn't goign to stay like that forever... especially when he is getting increasingly busy at work....

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Give him the benefit of doubt. At this stage do not read too much into anything. What you need to do is spend a bit of tim ein person with him a full day or two days. See how he acts and see his body language. don't be too clingy but see if he returns affection. keep an eye on his body language and how he acts with you.

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