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Another happy Tiger!


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Along with Tired Tiger, I too am happy to report reconciliation with my ex of 5 months.


I went to watch her son play football (9th grade) on Tuesday night. It was the first time I had seen her since April. She fell in my arms, and we had a long talk later that night.


Like Tired tiger, we have a long road to travel but the future looks bright.


You can search my threads under my name for my backstory if you like. Thanks to all who have advised me since I joined this site.

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I'm Lonewing!


If I ever get my ex back...man, I really have a lot to think about. Truth be told, I will be far better off without her in the rest of my life. Truth be told, I would LOVE to have her int he rest of my life. Truth be told, her relationship maturity is far less than my own, even though she is 4.5 years older. Truth be told, without her, I can be with anyone.


And the truth be told, she said some things that prove her concept of love is undesireable - when something mroe compatible to her comes along, she'll be in his arms in a heartbeat and shell never know what happened.


I'm Lonewing!!!

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I'm Lonewing!


If I ever get my ex back...man, I really have a lot to think about. Truth be told, I will be far better off without her in the rest of my life. Truth be told, I would LOVE to have her int he rest of my life. Truth be told, her relationship maturity is far less than my own, even though she is 4.5 years older. Truth be told, without her, I can be with anyone.


And the truth be told, she said some things that prove her concept of love is undesireable - when something mroe compatible to her comes along, she'll be in his arms in a heartbeat and shell never know what happened.


I'm Lonewing!!!

I'm lost!!


Try as I might, I can't seem to relate your comments to Tigerfan's post. (Congrats to Tigerfan, by the way.)


I'm lost!!

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I'm lost!!


Try as I might, I can't seem to relate your comments to Tigerfan's post. (Congrats to Tigerfan, by the way.)


I'm lost!!


I wish Tigerfan the top of luck with his reconciliation too!


I connected "tiger" to getting the ex back...


And I looked it through and said "no, that might not be the best plan!" It might work well for some, but it's not for me! So I'm sticking to who and what I am!


Kudos to the tigers though!!

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