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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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You broke up with me over facebook saying that you loved me and missed me. You also said that since we had a 2.5 year relationship, you don't see yourself with anyone else for a while. Bull**** you start dating someone within weeks of dumping me. Some ugly guy who's the complete opposite of me. How could you? You selfish woman. I told you I still loved you but you treated me like **** and tossed me aside like I meant nothing. I have feel rejected, useless, hopeless and I regret EVER loving you. You know what the sad thing is? I still love you after all the s*** that you've put me through. I should hate you but I don't. I see you around with all your friends at school while you always see me alone. I've improved myself in every aspect. I am a stronger person now and I wish you could see it. I AM better than your new boyfriend, you downgraded in every respect. Maybe we can be friends again in the future, but right now, I hate your guts.

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Why is it I can be surrounded by friends, or be chatting to them online or texting them... but still feel desperately alone because they aren't you... I hate feeling like this... I know I'm not alone, and I know you aren't everything in the world.... but dammit it feels like it right now...

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Dxamn you. I can feel how I should have left you before it started. I can feel how you strung me along. I can feel how incredibly cowardly you acted. It makes me want you less, in a way, but in a way, it doesn't impact me at all. What is up with that?


Tonight on my run I imagined myself running out of your sphere, running away from you, running out of reach of you. It made me smile broadly. I deserve you, and I deserve you to be in love with me.


I wish you were here now, enjoying the quiet of the snowy night and the girls in bed. Funky jazz is on, Baileys is in the glass.


I hate you for judging me, for not appreciating me. You should miss me, even as a friend. Not many others get you the way I do.

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cant sleep. havent been able to for a week now. ive taken benadryl and melatonin but i get up in the middle of night and then just lie awake. just want to sleep but all i can do is think of you. wonder if you are happy ? you were never replaceable to me. I never left you. not even for a second. I would never ever have made you unhappy again. you couldn't give another chance, just a few more days, huh? we both tried and you know what? it had worked. a few more days, and you would have seen...

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It is very hard for me to contact my ex. She asked for "time and space". She even asked for her belongings within a week after we broke up. I wrote her a hand written letter and talked to her about getting back together multiple times. The only thing she said was she needs time to think about all the mistakes we made and how she bent backward for me. I asked back for my belongs as well which took her two weeks to give me but she keeps reminding me of the vacation we were going to take in March. I don't get it what she is trying to do. If wants time and space then why remind me of the vacation. I haven't talk to her for 4 days. Sorry guys its really hard.

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My mind wanders and I'm 200 hundred years in the future. Unimaginable beauty and changes but neither of us are alive. Now I'm on a beach 2 years ago, drawing signs of love on the sand, with you watching and smiling. 50 years from now again, in a hospital, watching you with tubes going into you, you surrounded by loving family. I never existed.


You know, I've thought about this for a long time. True love is giving up ones own life to preserve the most special thing in the universe, the thing that must be preserved at all costs, because it is so intrinsically beautiful. One's love. I've never been able to come to terms with mortality, dying, not existing. And I wasn't sure wether I would die for you, not initially. But in the end, I was sure, (or at least I think I was). I would have died for you, if I had too, my true love...because you were beautiful and you loved me.

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It's the weekend and I'm finding it hard: I always seem to at the weekend. It is when I feel lonely and when I miss you. I've had a better week than last week when P & L got engaged and you decided to write me your guff e-mail showing how we are on different pages.


I'm finding it hard to write back. I've given up that you'll ever even acknowledge or validate anything that I say. I feel like that's all I want from you. If you could just say: I know that this is hard. I hear what you say about love fluctuating. I've noted that myself but have realized that...


I dunno, I probably wouldn't want to hear you say that as it hurts all the same.


I know my reply will be pretty unemotive and short. It's just really hard to say goodbye to someone who I loved more than anything and then deserted me I wonder if you are enjoying a new relationship with Mona or someone else? I don't want to know. I am happy that I have not let myself know as I have been able to protect myself in this way.


I miss you though, it takes me a long time to trust people and I felt comfortable with you. I trusted you and after 6 1/2 years you left me. Hopefully, I'll feel better if I cry this out.


I feel so angry at you after that letter. Mad. It makes me angry that instead acknowledging that it's been hard you just say, logically, that you're activly moving on and occupying yourself. I'm jealous that I don't have enough strength to do that. I'm angry at myself for expecing it to be easy. Why can you do it and not me?!!


When I'm occupied with moving on I feel better but when I reach my goals they feel empty. I got a temporary job, I'm starting to think about traveling. I'm volunteering. But at times it's empty. Eugh. Weekends. I just need to get it all out. I wish I had some single friends to go out with and get drunk but I don't. That's isolating itself.


I hate mowning, I worry I'm too moany but I just need to get it out. Gggrrraaarrrrggg!!!

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and again.


I am not learning a lesson that is right in front of my face. I have an example of a "man", someone with integrity and commitment to his word. Someone fearless and ready to put his loved ones first. A man who wants to provide profess protect. Here he is, ready willing and seemingly able.


And I am thinking about you. When my mind is empty it wanders to you, not to him. WTH, B. This is just ridiculous.


If you wanted to be friends with me, then I would share with you my journey. You dont give a wit about my journey. Only except as to judge my suitability for you, or lack thereof. I know you were hoping to be friends. I havent heard a peep from you. I dont know how you intend to initiate a friendship. You correctly understood my subtle rejection of friendship. The other shoe will drop, somehow, sometime. I am not ready for you, yet. But I will be, when you show.


I wish I could appreciate the importance of what you are not, so that I can appreciate the importance of what someone else is.

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Text message my heart wants to send to my ex but that my head won't let me:


I really don't know why you have messaged me asking me "how I am". Do you really care? Is this a lame attempt to try and find out where my head is at, or, more importantly, where my heart is at?


Are you texting me to play games? Do you need closure?


If you really liked me and cared about me, then why did you blow hot and cold? Why did you push and pull? Why did you break my heart after you promised not to?


It's embarrassing but I am still not over you yet, but I hope to be...soon.


[**sigh** thank goodness for this thread - I really shouldn't text him back...]

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I have only just realised how much I hate you. I tried for so long to see things from your point of view but you are an evil and manipulative person who blames everything bad in your life on someone else. Stand up and take some f***ing responsibility for your actions!


You are a pathetic excuse for a human being and all that crap about how bad you have been treated in the past etc... Well even your best friends and family have said no one in your past has been nasty or controlling and that you end up doing and saying the same about everyone you ever get with.


I'm a great person. You on the other hand are just plain nasty, mean and evil. I hope you wil always be miserable and in fact I cannot see how you never will be after seeing first hand how you treat people i comparison to how you expect to be treated and then how you turn everything into someone elses fault.

How the hell can you blame me for things that happened years ago before I even met you? That is just plain insanity! But you did it and still say it! You are never wrong, you are the best at everything you do, everybody wnats you blah blah blah. If any of that were true then you wouldn't be living the miserable non existant life you currently are living.


Karma has you well and truly in it's grips and it wont let go until you change but you never will. Happy miserable life to you and good f***ing riddance!!!!

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I spent all of yesterday asking one of your friends to be there for you when you need him because you are going through hell and I cannot be there for you. You chose this. Remember that when we exchange our things tomorrow and I don't say very much. I thought of offering you to keep in touch, and let me know how your mom is doig, but I have realized that I cannot do that. I cannot keep that option open, but I cannot take it away. Never say never. And the only way I can not damage this further, or wreck any chance of a future friendship or whatever you think is possible....to not wreck any of the 100 possibilities that fate can throw at me I am not going to say anything tomorrow. Hi, here's your stuff, be well.


You chose this. You chose this. You chose this.


Ps, I love you and never got to tell you. Now I will show you by doing absolutely nothing. I hope you figure you out, and things start to come together for you. Be the man I know you are and I know you can be.

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I woke up angry this morning and I didn't know why. I have just worked it out. I hate the fact I did so much for you, made you feel safe and loved and all you did was throw it back in my face.


I thought I was over you. I know I no longer miss you but there are still some emotions going on that come as a surprise from time to time.


I'm glad you are out of my life and I can say that with 100% sincerity now. I'll just keep taking it one day at a time. I don't want to keep being angry. You don't deserve that type of emotion from me. I will be happy again some time soon and when I am all I will do is thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me your true colours.

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Memories of us keep rushing in and out of my head like a flash of light. It's like something won't allow me to think about you too long because I will fall apart. I just watched the end of Shawshank Redemption. I remember you tried to get me to watch it for months and I finally did. It made me bawl my eyes out and it was a great movie. I just cried again.. not just because it is a great movie with a meaningful message.. but because it reminded me of you. I'm pretty sure tonight was your dad's birthday party.. and I all I could think about was how I should've been there. I hope you were thinking the same thing too. Do you ever feel the pain of missing our love? I still pray that you will come back to me. I'll always love you....

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So you are coming for your things today...No clue what to expect or which personality I will see today. Will you be calm and collected? Will you be a crybaby like Friday? Don't know. I do know I have zero control on you and your actions only my actions. I plan to be as I have been, calm collected non wavering and in control. You are a hot mess. Seriously.

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