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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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I wrote a lot this morning. I think I ended up in the same spot where you are. Most powerfully, I identified the gift, articulated it. Felt its loyalty. You will get my letter; it will make sense. And then there is nothing but time. You will not unchoose me, I have to unchoose you. I have around me two extroverts. Maybe they exist to remind me how much I enjoy letting my energy coast in the brightness of others. One is not serious. One may be rebounding. Both could be serious, one day. Its a slow awakening.


I wish myself grace to let you float away.

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One of the hardest parts is the complete radio silence since we ended. I know its better this way; the whole “no contact” thing is supposed to be good for healing and all that. My silly ego still won’t shut up about how unimaginable it is that you haven’t tried AT ALL to reach out though. Oh, I’m sure it makes you a better man, you know, for not dropping breadcrumbs and respecting my decision to walk away. I guess on some level I wanted to believe that you would want to come back at some point. It seems less and less likely and quite honestly, I know being back with you would not be a wise thing. So I guess I should thank you for dropping off the face of my earth.


eventough I know these words to be true, I am shaking uncontrollably with guilt and regret for how I know I treated you sometimes. But I was frustrated that everyone seemed to be moving on in life except for us. Still you did not deserve it and I am truely so so sorry, I love and I miss you, I do. Nonetheless I did not deserve the way you ended things, with your rampage of hate. And now you treat me like a perfect stranger. How will i ever get over you and find my way back to a place of love for myself and for someone else

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You were behind me in line this morning. I saw you, you obvi saw me, my car is so distinctive. I didn't wave hello. Didn't even occur to me to do so.


You are hot as blazes. I'm kinda sure you feel the same about me. Its a pity you were hesitant to pursue consistently. It would have been powerful.

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It still takes a bit of practice, letting you go. It feels singularly grounding to be in your embrace, but that feeling will happen again. So much that nobody else could tolerate, that I could. Feeling that you are not good enough, that's killer. I hope you find a way to break that pattern.

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Could I watch a movie with you now? You bet I could. It would feel so good to have that quiet place you provide. Do I like someone else who seems (seems, only, it is too new) to hold more potential? I sure do. Interesting, he shares a lot of your traits except a big big difference. Rather than be fearful enough to avoid responsibility for his involvement with someone else, he involves himself with many people in many ways and talks with each openly about their roles with him and his roles with them. He trusts them to manage themselves, and knows their choices aren't his responsibility because he was transparent. That is all you need, and I wonder if you don't already think you do it. Just to be clear, you don't.


In any event, it remains that the people whom I collect are people who are irreplaceable. They are people of consequence. You are one of those people, whether we express it to one another doesn't matter.

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This is what I wanted to send my ex this morn after having a dream about him last night: "I miss you so much... was thinking of you all day yesterday... I love you... my soul cries out for you... I am so angry and hurt that you didn't fight for me, that you took advantage of me, that you didn't want me enough, weren't into me. I hate you. I hope you hurt as much as I do right now, I hope you realize what you are missing out on. You missed your chance with me, forever... F&%* YOU"

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If this was to get my attention it absolutely was not the way to do it. But I know you and I know you're honestly just a disgusting person and were legitimately tryna hook up with her. That's what is giving me this pain... I thought maybe you used to love me and fell out of love. But now I see it was all just a lie. You never loved me they were just words. I told you everything and you know that and you know how she always went to great lengths to lower my self esteem. How could you ing do this?? This goes beyond having love and respect for me this is just basic human decency. There are millions of girls out there why are you going after my friends and family. You're a wicked and broken person and you will never be better. I'm not broken, you are. After everything we shared with each other you ing know better. I am trying to move the on and just leave all this especially you in the past. Just leave me the alone like I said. I always wanted someone to love me, you know that. And for mentoncome to terms that I was the only one that was in love. I don't even know how. I feel like love doesn't even exist except for maybe with God but love between humans.. I don't know maybe it just doesn't exist for me. You really made me believe you loved me you begged me to believe you loved and constantly said how much I mean to you. What was the point.. You weren't even there when I wanted to hurt myself. You just said I'm breaking your heart then went back to sexting girls. Why am I like this, why can't I just realize you're a ing shell of a human with an evil heart and move on. You met me when I was too weak and weakened me further. Now I'm stuck at ground zero and I just don't know why I have to go through all of this what is the ing point. These aren't lessons normal people have to learn. And my life has been ty enough. I didn't need any extra lessons from the school of hard knocks. And I definitely didn't need this lesson right now I already was avoiding you like the plague. Why did I need to know you really didn't love me. I don't feel that was a necessary lesson. I already suspected and I absolutely didn't want you back. Did I need that knock out punch to finish the job? I was already down! With my hands in the air! I'm sensitive especially when it comes to you everyone knows that.. I just didn't ing need this. Now I'm late to ing work. I cannot express enough how much I did not need this final kill, I was barely putting myself back together and being able to breathe normal again. Now it's like back to square one. Back to a place I absolutely did not want to be at.

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You're still always on my mind (and in my dreams last night yet again...ugh)


But you're in the back of it now. Tonight I had a really good night despite a crummy week at work. I had a feeling while driving home that felt so vague and distant - it felt like happiness was finally within reach. I don't know if it was the freedom of being alone tonight or the 50 degree weather or the smell of rain in the air, but things just felt so good and it's a feeling I never thought I'd feel again. Like my soul is at peace for once in years. I'll take that over the way I've felt for the last couple of years.


Tomorrow an event is going to happen that will make me miss you, but I'm just living for and enjoying this feeling tonight.

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Well the event happened and I miss you.


I wanted to stop at your house on the way home and tell you "see how my family acts? Do you see how they buy all of this bull with my brother and his wife?"


But I know it would never make a difference to you. I told you how my family is but you would never understand. And you held it against me. Why did you care so much? All I cared about was you but it was never enough.

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I wish I could forget all that we've been through all the sacrifices I went through for you and most of all return my years I lost which I could have had with someone else. I hope the guy you cheated on me with reveals his true colours soon because no married woman cheats and leaves a marriage unless there is something not right in her mentality.

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i feel that talking about you and how i feel is just not a good idea....i really want you back in my daily life. you are a special person. i truly just want to be with you. that is all i really want. i am going to try to stop posting about what i want to say to you. i just dont know what to do anymore. i just love you. i want you to be happy. i would do anything to just be together with you.

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That's kind of what I figured. I know there is a censor that will edit things for you anyways. If you're offended by the language wouldn't it be easier to just turn on the censor? I really think it's a lot less therapeutic when you have to temper down what you want to say. I have friends that don't swear, but they will listen to me swear if it makes me feel better.


p.s. I would post here with what I want to say to her, but I don't think I would get 3 or 4 words in before I broke the "watch your language" barrier.


The censoring shouldn't stop you. It'll delete the words, but what does it matter? You still wrote everything out. The point is to get it all out. That's what matters, not whether or not readers can see you calling your ex a see you next Tuesday.


I think this thread is awesome. I come here and write posts I want to write and then delete them. That's therapeutic to me, I get it out.

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If I could go back and take it back, make it better, I would. You know I would. I miss you, we had all the plans in place, just had to give me a little more time to work it out.


You couldnt do it anymore, you shouldnt have had to put up with it for as long as you did.


Without it we were perfect. We both said as much. It changed me, I never liked to admit it but it did. Others have said so, I find it hard to believe them also but I cant hide from it anymore.


I sort of hope to hear from you all the time. You went out last night probably drinking, I left my door unlocked in the hope you would stumble in and wake me up. Just to hold you. To whispher how sorry I am and how much I love you.


You would be proud, 15 days today. You would notice how good I look. Have worked so hard on me and I guess I hope it would make you second guess yourself. Perhaps too soon. I truly hope you go reach out and let me know when you leave to go travelling.


Wish you would acknowledge me when we drive past one another. :) thats so weird!


Whatever happens princess, I want you to be happy and I want you to smile your perfect smile.


I know you will be missing me too, just wish so much you could find it in your heart to try again. Love you bub xxx

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“Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.”

― Anaïs Nin

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Having a hard time today. Missing you a lot and have a big urge to message you, I wont. I know that I wont but it wont subside. Feeling lonely and feel a little sick.


Wish you didnt hang out with that psychotic mess of an excuse for a friend. You always said you didnt like her and yet here you are hanging with her again.



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I told you many times that I was feeling low and depressed, and you just didn't listen to me. I told you I was suffering from stress at work and the long journeys I was making daily. How could you not see what was happening to me? How I went from being happy and confident in our first year together, to unhappy and tired all the time. I could say so many things to you right now, I'm so angry. It was all about you, and your happiness at the end of the day. If you really loved me, you would have listened to me and supported me through my bad time and understand what I was going through. I'm free of that now, and free from you. You disappointed me, I never thought you would be like you were. You let me down. I committed myself to you and you wiped your feet with me. All those good times we had, all those things we said. Water under the bridge

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How could you tell me you love me then go hang out with your ex bf behind my back? How could you make me think you were single and sleep with me then ignore me and go on a trip out of town with him? How could you accuse me of being shady and hung up on my ex when it was you all along who was being shady? You are a very damaged and hurtful person, I don't know how I still am in love with you at all. Keep it up, just like my ex wife you will end up killing all the love I ever had for you. I hate you so much and I love you so much you giant B**CH

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I just had to post this. Has so much meaning for me and I wish you could read it.


New Order

Blue Monday


How does it feel to treat me like you do?

When you've laid your hands upon me and told me who you are

I thought I was mistaken, I thought I heard your words

Tell me how do I feel

Tell me now, how do I feel

Those who came before me lived through their vocations

From the past until completion, they'll turn away no more

And still I find it so hard to say what I need to say

But I'm quite sure that you'll tell me just how I should feel today

I see a ship in the harbor

I can and shall obey

But if it wasn't for your misfortune, I'd be a heavenly person today

And I thought I was mistaken, and I thought I heard you speak

Tell me, how do I feel

Tell me now, how should I feel

Now I stand here waiting

I thought I told you to leave me when I walked down to the beach

Tell me how does it feel, when your heart grows cold, grows cold, cold

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I wish I could forget all that we've been through all the sacrifices I went through for you and most of all return my years I lost which I could have had with someone else. I hope the guy you cheated on me with reveals his true colours soon because no married woman cheats and leaves a marriage unless there is something not right in her mentality.


THis is exactly how I feel. :(

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