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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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It's been 3 weeks since I saw you. 3 weeks since we smoked outside at our favorite bar and talked about what went wrong in our relationship. That talk gave me hope because the things that went wrong seemed so easily fixable and you told me you were still in love with me. I stupidly thought that if we gave each other space we'd be able to figure things out. We texted the day after that and you told me that maybe you'd change your mind about the break up. But then a few days later I texted you that I missed you and you told me we weren't right together and you were tired of explaining yourself. That's when I decided that I couldn't keep following your breadcrumbs anymore and I went no contact. Now you're mad at me for "treating you badly" but I hope you understand why I made that decision.


I feel a lot better now. I still miss you like crazy but I've also realized that I thought way too highly of you. You have a lot of issues you need to work on, and I've been working on my own issues too. Things are going well at university and I've been spending a lot of time with my friends. I've been going for walks and keeping a journal to cope with my depression instead of using alcohol. I know you'd be proud of me for that.


We live in a small town and I know that I'll run into you sooner or later since we share the same frequents. I hope that we can talk then and I can explain to you why I cut you out of my life like that. You hurt me so badly and it was the only way for me to move on. I hope we can at least be civil with each other because I still care about you deeply.

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I'm tired of caring about you. It's become an lonely exercise. When you walk within view and pretend you never knew me, I think in that moment about us being intimate. It's so puzzling.


It's like I'm the old phone, and your new guy is the upgraded model...


I suspect at some point, there will be something said by you towards me, but I've been detaching in so much silence, I don't even know if I will say anything back.


I deeply love you. I do want you to be happy. Imagining you sleeping with someone else is like a knife in my heart. So there's the conflict.

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I hate you for making me feel special, for making me feel like I was different or that you actually cared about me. All you cared about was your ego. I would have done anything for you, heck I would have moved country with you to make it work but you didn't want me like you said you did. You said you wanted me forever but you lied because you liked seeing me in pain when you'd throw it in my face that we never would be. F* you for making me fall for you when you knew we would never be. How could you be so heartless, watching me fall more and more in love with you everyday when you knew you were leaving.

I hope you learn to let love in, where I have learnt to not love again.

Even after the way you've treated me, I still don't want you to go and it destroys me knowing you are


You once promised me we would have our own beautiful family and make a peaceful life for ourselves, why would you tell me this knowing it was never going to be true? Why would you let me become so deeply involved with you that when you leave I am left with nothing but memories to grieve and a heart to fix.


I would do anything for you to be here lying with me like we used, I can still steel feel you somwtimes, You way you'd stroke my heart or kiss me head, it's torture to me. I'd rather feel nothing at all than feel the memories of you? You are probably moving on, planning your life out and waiting for the "one" to come along. You never gave me the opportunity to be yours. I could have given you so much had you let me, I have so much love in my heart all I ever wanted was to give it to you. We still had so much to do together l, so many plans left, so many memories still to make together


I can't get you out of my head and I hate you for it

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I just listened to the very few voicemails I have left from you and they're mostly pocket dials but I could here you with everyone laughing and having fun in the background so it just made me think.. was all that laughter and happiness worth throwing away? During summer the few times we did talk and I told you I was lonely you said you were too. Do you know how effed up that is?? You were literally telling me you would rather be alone and lonely than be with me. Because you NEVER hit me up just to hang out it was only for sex, then the last time we hung out you were holding me and kissing me like you missed me so much was the point of all that? You gave up everything we had and now I'm the only one left destroyed I'm sitting here posting on forums TRYING to regain my sanity and you are just living life. You took me by the hand and showed me what love was then you just walked away and walked out of my life like nothing ever happened. How is that fair?!!! Why do I have to be left to pick up the pieces why are you so ok and not heart broken like with your last girlfriend. How come I meant so much less to you and so little. I wish I never met you in the first place. You ruined my life.

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Your son sent me a text asking why I haven't reached out to you to try to be at least friends. What is it that you tell him?


I sent you a pic and broke nc to let you know in his words how he was hurting. You berated me saying that I ignore you.


I stay away from you. You enter my workplace of your own accord and we both know you don't have to come there. Yes I try to avoid you.


The last thing you did was leave my belongings on the driveway for me to pick up.


That is a hostile act. So I am trying to stay away from you.


I sent him a response expressing my concern for his sorrow and tried to explain the best I could that I loved him and you.


I was sure not to blame you in anyway. I told him how fortunate he was to have you as a mom.


I told him it was my fault that we were no longer together (even though it's you who ended everything so abruptly) and that if he had any anger to direct it at me.


I don't know why you made me so expendable so suddenly.


I love you more than any man ever will.

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I love you and I miss you so so so so much everyday. Each day, the pain grows more and more and the desire to be back with you, holding you so close and so tight and never letting go. You were the best part of waking up everyday and each day that the school keeps us seperate is another chunk out of my heart. I miss you so much with all of my heart and I will never ever treat you like that ever again. Allie, just please give me a second chance. I swear to God I will never hurt you or put you in harm's way. I just want to love you, I want to be a part of your life, I want to be their for you in times of grief, I want to be in your life and I want you to be in mine. I still love you Allie and I want you back in my life oh so badly. Please just forgive me and let me back in, please. Allie please

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The reason I haven't been in contact with you is because I've been hurting. This whole breakup has torn me apart and I hate myself more and more every day. But I think it's rude of you to send me a text like this, assuming I'm not hurting, assuming that I don't miss you and assuming that you meant nothing to me. I AM hurting. I DO miss you. And you meant EVERYTHING to me. But I don't regret breaking up with you, because I saw no sign of anything getting any better. I've told you several times by now that I wasn't feeling well in our relationship. I felt like I carried the weight of your anxiety and the weight of your expectations of me and I couldn't live with the pressure and the guilt you threw at me when I couldn't be the one you wanted me to be. And that is my fault for accepting to carry your well being for you, and that is something I have to work on. But you make it very hard for me to do so when you send me texts like this to me, accusing me of never having been honest or loving you, when I did all I could for you and for us. It breaks my heart that you show no signs of understanding what I went through in our relationship, and even less understanding of what I'm going through now. If you really love me you should let me go. Or you should at least try to see it all from my perspective before you send messages like this to me. Because right now you are only making it harder for both of us to heal properly...

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You kept telling me you loved me during our breakup. Then why wasnt love enough to keep us together? You were an amazing woman and Im glad I was finally able to tell you how much I loved you. I just wish things could have been different. Ill never forget you. And this is killing me inside. I cant even function and dont know how I am going to get thru this. I love you so much baby. You deserve to be happy. Im sitting here at work wondering how I am going to get through the day. Wondering how I am going to be able to go home not having spoken to you. I want you to contact me so bad. I want you to tell me you cant take it anymore. I want you to say that no matter what your family thinks you cant be without me. For 4 years you have been part of me everyday and now its over. Id give anything to go back and cherish every moment we spent together again.

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I smiled all day thinking about how much fun we used to have. I feel very lucky to have loved you and to have been loved by you. It was all I ever wanted. Trying not to miss you or us but just focus on how blessed I am to have even felt what we shared. Even if it's over and gone now.


Hugs and kisses, Lover. You're still my heart.


Ahhh well....off to work.

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you said you don't wanna give me hope of you coming back. but all i do is hope that you'll come back. that after things cool off we can work it out, that you'll change your mind. i can't think straight at all. i can't accept the fact that you said youre not in love with me anymore. i know we love each other deep down. i know you need to heal. i want you to heal but i dont want you to move on from me. i just need you. i miss you. its taking everything within me to not drive to your house again and plead with you. i know that wont get me anywhere. oh please. please come back. come back the way you were. anything for the way you were.

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Reasons why I shouldn't text my ex:


1. I wasn't worth even a phone call. You broke up with me via text while I was deployed.

2. You don't even lift!

3. You often ignored me when you were upset instead of talk

4. Talking to you is like talking to a wall

5. You spend too much money, you can't even afford that jeep you bought new off the lot. Good luck with that.

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In the sharp gust of love my memory stirs...when time wreathed a rose...


... a garland of shame.


It's thorn my only delight, war torn, afraid to speak...I dare to breathe.


Majestic, Imperial


A bridge of sighs.

Solitude floats in the waves of forgiveness on Angels' wings.


At the close of day, the sunset cloaks these words and shadow play...


Near and far, long and loud

My heart cries out!


And the naked bone of an echo says,"Don't walk away....reach out your hand Im just a step away."


How in the world could I wish for this?


Never to be torn apart.


Close to you till the last beat of my heart...till the last fleeting beat of my heart.

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X--stop contacting me as friends. We are not friends. I am forced to deal with you, but I know you're a devious, liar who keeps the type of good intentions that your public would approve of. I hated being your trophy that made you something more acceptable. I am my own person. I hope you're figuring out how to be a separate person. There are very limited reasons why I wish you well. Basically I wish I could know nothing about your status and life. The less I know the happier and freer I am. Don't you get it that I don't even respond to your texts unless they are business related? I don't want to read anything about your feelings. With you--for life-- meant I needed to stop being myself and for life not exist and support you. So--not with you means--you shouldn't be relying on me as an emotional support. Stop it!

Y--we are friends. But it's been a long time since you've acted like a friend to me. I know all of the reasons that you are limited, and especially now. But all of those omissions add up to misrepresentations of yourself to me. And how can I advise you properly if you're only showing me what you want to? Even when I ask you the questions right to your face, you just say nothing. What kind of person can be so robotic. I know you're working on it, but you need to get a whole lot corrected immediately. somethung serious is not right. I hope you get help.

Z---what's up with just a text on my bday. No way was I going to call you. And then you said there was a card...but it was too late.. So should I be expecting it? Did you send it? I'm here stupidly hoping for what might be in the mailbox everyday. Thinking maybe I chucked it in a pile of junk mail. So I'm cleaning & found someone else's card to me. I had been holding out thinking that it's ok if your card is late, cause so N so us late. Nope. Just you.

And the phone. You are not calling me enough. Not even as friends. But I notice that--now-- if I call you, you pick right up or call me right back. And you genuinely want to talk to me instead of a scenario where you're being pulled for time with something else. So what kind of mind trip is this. You want to talk to me---buuuuttt-- you rarely call me.

You're hurting me.

When I woke up this morning I was in the middle of dreaming something erotic about us and that you desperately want to marry me. I wish those kind of things wouldn't happen. I'm trying to do the work--as per my book-- of understanding my past to be repaired for my future whether it includes you romantically of not. We keep telling each other how we love the other. Both of us meaning it. But do you miss me? You say that you know how I feel--but I think you don't cause you're not here. But, you tell me and I know that you actually do know how I feel. So-- how come I DONT know how you feel? Why am I the one who is wondering ? You keep telling me to remember and not forget that you love me. So-- you know I'm lonely. You know I'm hurting. Yet where are you? I miss you.

It hurts for me to know that I am still connected to you but I've got to go my own way. I'm seeing some of it as an opportunity to grow. And I will. And I know that you will still love self improved me.

Guys at work--f off. I can't stand any of you. No. My name is not Beautiful. I thought YOU were professional. Why you too. So, now the first offender is going to finally get an earful tomorrow. This has to end. I'm so sick of all of you. There is 1 man who is interesting out of all of you and I would NEVER let it be known. I work with you. Go away. You disgust me.

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I am feeling spook much closer to healed, to be fair we DID break up 4 months ago. I realllyyyyy wish I would have done NC right away but that's not really my fault, you made it seem like we're not done in fact you kept telling me we're not done so you for that. Talking bout "oh I'm still here I didn't go anywhere" I really hate you when I think about what you've done. I wanted to get to this phase tho cuz for me at least when anger is the strongest emotion that means I'm almost healed. Cuz it's easier for me to let go of anger than hurt and sadness. I want to hear from you bc something wants you to regret this so bad you cry every night, but I know you've been fine this whole time so I just want to never hear from you again. I will never check your social media again if I have any say about it and if only I could stop myself from dreaming about you so I can really move on. At least in my dreams you get farther away so I don't have to see your face. I know it's not healthy to forget but damn do I want to forget. Everything. It was such a freaking mess. I wish so bad I would have broke up with you last year. Or even on January after that huge fight. You never deserved all I have to you. I'm so done thinking about you and talking about you. Like ok you broke my heart and didn't give af what's done is done I'm tired of dwelling and screaming why at the sky. I'm never gonna know why and you know what I accept that. If I could only accept that what we had was a lie and move on then I would be healed.

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I was dreaming of you when I woke up this morning too. But I can't remember it. The last time we talked was Tuesday We used to talk & text multiple times per day. I miss you so much. I'm on the verge of ic again. I'm trying not to, so supposedly you can feel the angst of not having me and be happy when you do call me. But in the meantime I am completely miserable. I'm starting to accept that we are broken up. That my days have to go on without you and for me to have NO idea how my life is going to go. Not the next few days. Not years or life. You said all the things about how I make you have faith in humanity again and I'm the single best person you've known, so then why aren't you with me? Why then do I get to suffer? If you think you know how I feel then why is it ok for you that I feel lost, empty, alone, posting to the Internet.

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