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I don't wish to have you back. I realized I don't really love "you", I loved who I thought you were, which you eventually proved you weren't.


I should've believed you when you told me you weren't really as kind of a person as I always thought you were. I thought you were just being humble every time you denied that.


I just wish you have a full realization of what you did so you can somehow reflect on it. I hope it haunts you for a little while and you understand how I felt the way I did and how justified my feelings were.


I'm sorry but you're the type of guy I'm going to warn my future daughter and nieces about.

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I miss you so much. All the things I used to find annoying, I miss. While I'm here miserable your enjoying life. You have easily moved on from everything we shared for all those years. Even have a new friend as you call it to occupy your time. I wish I was like you. Able to just forget and move on. But no, I'm stuck here wondering about everything. Wishing this was all a horrible dream. I still love you and always will!

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7 days of NC. Each one harder than the last. Sometimes I still feel the hole in my chest and I have stop and put my hand on it to hold it all in. I wish you would text. I'm not going to reach out to you but I wish I knew if you were thinking about me. I wish you would leave her. I am so lonely I can barely stand it. I know I have to be strong but I wish so much we could go back. We can't. Grief sucks.

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The pain tonight sucks! I've felt pretty good for the last week but tonight it has hit me like a ton of bricks. The sadness and pain has come back. I wonder why... What made you stop loving me after all these years and everything that we had been through. It's just a bad night and I know I'll be ok tomorrow or the next day. The waves of sadness and pain are the worst. It comes and goes at the worst times. Maybe it will be a little longer before it comes back. Until eventually it just doesn't anymore.

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I was feeling so good after not talking to you for over a month. I had started to feel better and stronger. But then you came back texting me, like nothing had happened, only to ignore me again. I felt so hurt and all my progress died. But then, when we talked once again to arrange for me to give your belongings back, it was different.

My view on our situation changed dramatically as i saw you when we met to give our belongings back. I saw you, at last, as the person that I knew before all of this. I saw you as a fragile human, who, for the first time since it all started, apologized for hurting me. I finally saw that I meant something to you, that this relationship we built was important. I think I still saw love in your eyes. I hope i am not mistaken. i will try to talk to you again sometime. i still love you wholeheartedly

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In fact, i must say that my view on love changed a lot. I feel like now I know more of what true love is than before. sometimes i questioned my own love at times, because i was being driven by fear so often. but now i am not afraid. i want you back and i hope we can reconcile as i know that my love is here and won't leave right now, as much as i try to push it away. but i am not afraid. i feel like i can trust the universe

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I broke no contact today to tell you I was done trying to be part of your life. I laid my heart on the line and said everything I needed to. Your response was what I expected but I hoped you would give me a hint that I actually meant something to you for the last 16 years. Nope, you act like we dated for a few weeks. I should have known all along that it would end this way. I was used for so long. I hope you enjoy the house that was picked out by me. I forced you just to go look at it. Now it's all yours. My heart is broken but I will move on. Hopefully I can start to forget about you even if I think your my soul mate.

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In some ways I am happy you aren't responding to me bc I dk that I would stand up for what I want. I worry that I would bend to what u want to make it work. I'm sad and hurt bc I feel deceived. U acted so much like u were on the same page, sometimes even more so. I don't think u deserve to be in my brain distracting me, especially as much as you are. U know how much I hate being ignored and ur doing it. I want to forget u and never let someone in so quickly again. Certainly not bend who I am for them again.

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Leaving my ex was the best thing for me. He is toxic and I'm free from all his emotional baggage. We ended it very friendly and he made me think we were cool as co parents and all of a sudden he doesn't reply when I need to finalize things pertaining to bills when we lived together. I'm thinking he's probably going through it as I am now over the mourning of our relationship and moving on and hoping to find real love someday. As parents I don't want us to hate each other but have a mutual understanding that out thing is over now and we must move on and be happy. He is now mean and cold so all I can do is keep going and focus on my kids and my happiness.... Finally.

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I'm unlike any woman you've ever met, unlike any ex you've ever had. I'll never be angry or resentful because you asked for what you needed. I will love you unconditionally by giving you my absence. I will listen in the future when you need me. I will create my own happiness and do my best to be happy for me. I'll give you what you need by moving on.

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There are so many conflicting things. I heard you were going abroad for 3 months, how the hell did you do that and why? you said you needed to change yourself and now you are just going away? Also you still have a conflict with me, you still made a promise to contact me later on, did you just forget? Or are you running away from me now too? How can you keep moving on so easily?

But I also just want to know how you are doing? If you are alright, anything new? And if we can ever have a second shot at it, I still have love for you. I wanted to stay by your side, why did you dump me so suddenly? You said you were afraid to end up alone, you said you were happy that you had me by your side, merely days before you ended it. What changed?

And what must I learn from this? What did I do wrong? I want to change it, not for you, but for myself. I want a better relationship, this one was good. But I want it to last.

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Im a little under the influence but my feelings haven't changed.


I love you. There's really nothing else to say but I love you. I know nothing will change but I still want to tell you that I love you. You know this but you're not doing anything about it. You think life is better after you ended things. Im still here because there's nowhere for me to go. You are the one. I believe in this journey and I know that you will come back. I don't know how I know but I'm sure of it. I miss you and I love you Sarah

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I'm angry today. Angry that the last 2 people I was with both think it's ok to ignore me and won't give me closure. That they both think disrespecting me is ok. I'm angry and hurt and pissed that this keeps happening to me bc I'm confused. What am I doing to warrant this ? Giving ?!? Giving myself to someone honestly means I deserve to be stomped on? Why is this so unfair ? Why am I tormented by this so much when they are going on fine . Why can't I just find someone who is equally invested ? Why is it such a bad thing to place a high importance on finding a partner ?!?!? Isn't that the thing that makes life worth living ? Why is it bad that I don't feel fulfilled bc I am alone ? I'm not saying I need someone but I'm effing tired of being alone. What is so wrong w that? I want to forget u. Both of u don't deserve my thoughts or feelings, you're both a piece of .

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No we're not all good and no I won't be the one to make all the effort. You left me, left me high and dry and got with the person you told me I was paranoid about for no reason. I don't understand how you can just throw me aside after 12 years. You didn't want to try and be friends you wanted to clear your conscience and I stupidly indulged you. I want to hate you but can't. You have a hold on me and you know it. I can't believe you didn't even grieve for our relationship. I can't believe you moved on so fast. I hate that I mean nothing to you and you'd rather I just disappeared after wanting to stay friends at the start. Why wasn't I enough? Why wouldn't you try? How could you be so cold? I miss you.

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I contacted you last night. Damn. Sometimes the pain is too much and reaching out feels better. This morning I am left with the question: hair of the dog cure or bad hangover? I don't know if your being responsive is good or bad. I do know you are still in crisis and that is dangerous to me. But it felt good for a time. You say you are sorry for hurting me so but I don't think you really get the depth of how you have destroyed me. I think you think there is a possibility to get back together if you explore this "gift" with her and it doesn't last. 20 years is a long time to give up but you have acted atrociously - you broke us. There no going back.

And somehow I still miss you.

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I just want to contact you about all the nice things I am doing. I've been out and about, meeting a lot of interesting people. Wierd, strange, smart, all of them. I've had fun from time to time dancing, which we sadly didn't do often as I was ashamed of it before. I've gone surfing again after 1 year, I started picking up old sports, been playing guitar with people and alone a lot again. I went rappeling and I went into a windtunnel, a couple of vacations. All these new things made me kind of happy, which I want to share with you.

You said that you cannot make me happy or fix some of the problems I have, neither could I fix yours. I agree with that, only I am able to really make myself happy. I just want to share this happiness with you. Snuggle up again like we used to and just talk about how much fun I had (normally we would do this together). I've come to a lot of realisations and new ideas, all which I would love to share with you. I wish we could just talk like we used to, endlessly about pretty much everything. Remember the very first time we met, we didn't stop talking for a whole 7 hours or something.

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I wish you had the guts to tell it was over . All you did over these last 2 months is give me falso hope. That one weekend we had with the kids was a look at our future and we loved it. I took it all in and it made me extremely happy. Also, you allowed your "ex" to be at the house way too much. Even after hours when your kids were sleeping. That was disrespectful on your part. Wonder where he was sleeping? Most likely with you since you definitely weren't sleeping with me. Now go enjoy liking other dudes instagram/Facebook pictures... but not mine when we were together. Don't worry, your friends and family don't know I ever existed cause you didn't tell them anything.

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The funny thing is that the scales may have completely tipped over or even broken, when I told you at whatever point that if we were married and you cheated on me, I probably would not divorce you.


It's because I understand more about the heart and humanness than you might, and I know that long-run couples overcome these events.


But I think something about that really scared you, and put too much pressure on you. Because you knew that I meant it. You knew that I valued you and the container of marriage and that I would go the full distance with you.


I also understand that these events for you would likely be chronic, and that enduring them would likely cost me my health, or who knows, maybe my life. At least, my trust. So thank you for doing me this final favor.


I don't blame or judge you for what you do. Some people are inherently not cut out for fidelity. That's where we differed, most of all, and I just didn't understand it fully until now.

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Dammit I just want to talk, we've been apart some time and I just want to talk about us. If there is ever a second chance, if there will ever be some sort of reconciliation. I want to know if you still think about me, if you still care. You said you loved me in our previous conversation, is that still true? Are you taking this as hard as I am? Are you planning to contact me again if you are doing better? Are we ever going to give it another shot? I want to know where you are, where you stand, how you're feeling, I want to know you. I want you back in my life, just let me back into yours.

I still believe we should be together.

Is there still a chance for us, if you move away abroad?

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I'm tired of men. I'm tired of dating and being heartbroken and giving and giving to be manipulated. Two men who I care for two of them do this to me.. both knowing how much ignoring affects me yet twisting it on me bc

I'm easily manipulated. Bc I chose to be a nice girl u have to poop on me. Bc I cared enough to do things for you , put you first and value u sometimes more than me, the only person that matters is you. I'm not doing it again. No more. No more love for someone else before me. I'm the only one looking out for me. I don't deserve how I grew up, I didn't deserve for my dad to constantly make me fight for his approval and never get it. So why am I doing that to myself now ? I'm literally letting someone convince me that ignoring me and my feelings is ok. That it's my fault . That I'm screwed up for wanting love too, after giving love. Both of u have ruined me... thank u

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Does this break even effect you? Are you taking as hard as I am or are you just like "ehhh" and moving on. How do you sleep at night knowing you broke my heart which is the one thing you never wanted to do. There are things in your house that will remind you of me every single day. I hope your gut hurts every time that happens

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We aren't going to ever contact each other again are? This is truly the end of the line for us isn't it? No second chances or anything. This was the course we had to go. I would love to give it another shot, but you will be too scared and proud to try and contact me again. You always said you were afraid to give me a message after you knew you hurt me. And I, I am too stubborn to budge. I have my goal and nothing will budge me from that. Now my goal is to heal my heart, but most likely the pain you've given me will be beyond the threshold I've always warned you about. The one you should never cross, because after that there is no turning back and you might as well be dead to me.

I just wanted to contact you and say thanks for the time together, farewell and we'll never meet again.

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I honestly don't know what you saw in your ex. She only always yelled at you and had always been financially dependent on you. Everyone said she was also against any of your dreams (going abroad, putting up your own business). She always brought your self esteem down by insulting you or pointing out how insufficient you are.


I have always supported you in everything you wanted to do and showed how much I respected you. I always appreciated (even verbally) your talents and skills and I encouraged your dream of going abroad even when it meant being away from you. I've never insulted you or tried to bring you down, have I? Until the very end, my respect for you remained despite all the hurtful things you did to me.


I will never understand.

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