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Really struggling tonight, just want to talk to you, can't stand the thought of u being with anyonelse, I know I need to ignore u when u text me but can't help texting back sometimes, I'm angry you have her but u have me too making sure your ok, the fact that u moved on so quick says it all about how u felt about me, was my own fault for letting you treat me that way for so long, I'm so hurt and angry that I can't think about anything else right now, I know one day il get over it and il think how stupid I was feeling this way, I can't wait for that day to come

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Led here can't sleep feeling lonely and wondering what your up to and who your with. How can it be so easy for you to just throw what we had away like that and to do it in such a horrible way, I wish I'd never met you and that's really sad, 5 years wasted in someone who I thought loved me how can I get it so wrong

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I miss you so much today....I've been thinking about you all day. Weekends are always the worst and today is no exception. I am in tears wishing I could call you or get one of your reassuring hugs. I feel like life sucks so much right now. I don't know what to do to make myself feel better.

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Why did you lie to me and have me move all the way to Texas for you? Why didn't you let me be by your side as you grew into a better person? I hate you for what you did to me for the lies you told me and the promises you broke. I hope I can forgive you one day and that you will get what's coming to you for all the hurt and pain you put me through. I gave up everything to be with you and you just threw it all away and tossed me to the side.

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Night time is the hardest. I miss your touch, your laugh, your gentle caress against my body. It hurts that you aren't here anymore to listen to how my day was and that I can't call you when something exciting or good happens to me in my life. Maybe one day you will realize what you lost, I guess until then I will lay in bed alone at night and wish myself a good nights sleep.

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It's been 10 days since you moved out. I was completely crushed, and I was stupid and awkwardly hung out with you twice. All you have done is text me how much you love me and your changing.. I didn't have the heart to tell you there was no chance.. Why? I didn't want to hurt you.. But you deserve it. But I think I also needed to be reminded why I did not want to be with you, and I now have come back to reality. Our conversation last night reminded me people like you don't change, and my head and gut are way better judges then my heart.


What a rollercoaster of emotion this turned out to be. My head is back on my shoulders and its time to do me.

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The worst part about this is the feeling of being alone.. waking up alone, going to bed alone. I think that was the real reason I hung out with you.. There is just this emptyness I can't explain, and I keep reminding myself that empty feeling will go away, and its a better feeling then being belittled and harassed.

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Why did you elope. Everyone was trying to support you in this relationship, even though we have suspicions and doubts that he is good for you. Then you go and do this? Sending a freaking text to your family members that they can come to the courthouse to witness you starting your happily ever after, "if they want to"? What is going on with you? What do you even see in him?


Seriously. What do you see in him. How is any of this worth hurting your family like this. Especially your father. And your brother, who was unable to get away from work to make it down. And making your mother have to tap dance and try to get everybody to forgive you. I know you get tired sometimes with everyone thinking you are such a good girl who can do no wrong, but couldn't you have waited the 2 months you were going to wait for the big wedding that I know you have always wanted?



Is this really the life you want to settle for?

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I miss you so much I canceled your Netflix and Apple Music accounts, I know you got emails notifying you. I also changed the password for access to my other streaming accounts. I removed your access to Amazon prime, stopped the direct deposit to our joint account because I will no longer be using it and am changing the last bill to my name tomorrow. It has been so tough to know that I am locking you out. I know you will be ok. You live via your school loans and financial aid. Still, my heart ached as terminated it all. The last thing is the medical and dental insurance I provide through my work. I downloaded the form and filled it out for termination. I know I said that I would keep you on but i can't. It hurts and for once I am going to be selfish. I am so anxious. I know that you probably think I am throwing a tantrum because I am not getting what I want, but I am trying to move on. After a year, I finally want to stop living in this hole. I wonder if You even care. I wonder if you've even tried to contact me since I blocked your number. I guess it's all for not. It's not like you cared enough to be honest about it all. It's not like you felt bad fo using me for a whole year and a half for my money. I just want You out of my head!

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I just wanted to know that I can't believe that you were pretending all this time. At that time you made me feel like you were the one. I felt like home when I was with you and despite our fights you were the only person in the world that could make me this happy. you were always there for me you were my best friend. I know I am too good for you, better everything than you. However I didnt care about it then. Because you were my dream come true. You took advantage of me and my emotions. You used me to get what you wanted and then you dumped me with the stupidest reason ever. I am too busy and I can't give you what you deserve. It turns out you just wanted to wonder around even though I am one of the hottest girls in our city. Still you wanted more. Still you made me feel like I was not enough for you. I gave you everything. You were everything for me. And now you leave me telling me lies. Seriously I wish I can forget you forever. I wish I see your face and feel nothing. I wish I forget about the moments with you, sleeping with you, doing sports, watching movies, everything. I just want to forget you and find the courage to fall in love again with someone who is emotionally available. You always made my love feel like it was too much for you. Go f*ck your self. I hope one day you understand what you let go and I hope that that day I will have moved on.

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The funny thing is I didn't even expect or want much of you, except your presence and you actually showing up for a date. My desire was not to take - what upsets me way more is that I didn't get a proper chance to give. I wanted to do so many sweet little things for you - cook for you, give you small gifts, listen to you, dress up nicely for you, do you some kind of favours. I barely got any of that. I really want more... But you didn't give me an opportunity... You were just not there.

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Who you could be still doesn't change who you are. Not that I know who you are anymore.


I didn't know it was possible to be in love or attached to someone who you know is no good for you. I never had to deal with such contradictory feelings before: longing for you, wanting to share, but on the other hand having this weird fear and being on guard.

So, I kept swinging and denying either one or the other. I didn't know what to do with both of them. I still don't.


It is so twisted how we got entangled, who was leaving whom, who loved whom more, who bailed on whom. Maybe our egos were stronger than love. One of the reasons I miss you a lot is because I got so used to having your attention, but I was used to knowing you are into me, that you regretted having broken up with me the first time around. And the next year I did the same, and I miss you horribly, but I still don't think I should've stayed with you.


Why do I feel guilty for having taken you back and given you that second chance? Because my heart told me not to, and by not being true to myself, I was also not true to you in that moment. I got my punishment - I got more attached to you.


Both of our dating experiments were very brief, - but we lived and worked side by side for two years, and now I feel like I'm recovering from an intense two-year involvement... Of course, I miss that "friendship" or companionship much more than that weird dating we did. I just miss intensely us being around each other, the chats, the interactions. It feels strange, after two years, to go to the office in a different city, where you are not there to run into, at least for a glance or a few words between work.


I thought I'd feel better being away from you; and also unfriending you on social media and so on. As time goes on, I feel worse. I anyway didn't want to marry you or even be your girlfriend - you are just not what I'm looking for, at least not long-term, despite the attraction and (however inconstant) sweetness. But I grieve and grieve and miss the connection and interactions we had. I didn't need more. That's all I wanted. And it got destroyed because of a stupid one-week dating experiment followed by fighting and useless explanations on my side while you were defensive or silent. Who cares if you treated me as a jerk. If we didn't date and just continued being "work friends", none of it would've happened. I wouldn't have gotten stood up and disregarded, and you wouldn't have been the kind of person who did those things. You were not like that with other women anyway, it was just an aberration that happened with me.


True, I discovered your "nature" and that you were a lousy friend in the aftermath. But it didn't have to be discovered. It didn't even have to happen. Maybe you wouldn't even have been that kind of person, maybe this wouldn't have come out of you at all if it weren't for my misplaced actions.


Though part of me wanted you to hurt me and to have you be a bad friend in the aftermath - just so that I would be able to justify having broken up with you, and soothe my guilt for that break-up. I knew that if I try to stay friends after, that you would start standing me up again, but I way underestimated the scale of it.

Indeed, there are some things in our lives that we create with our own hands, whether consciously or magnetising it in unconsciously.

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I think we both enjoyed our newly re-budding friendship early that summer - I did for sure. But despite the sweetness of our interactions, I didn't feel solid. I didn't have a feeling that this guy would be there for me if anything happens, like he's got my back. I had an inkling of your flimsiness, and from previous year's experience I remembered how your warmth could quickly shift to coldness, and that scared the heck out of me.


And then those instincts came true. That last date we had was such a horrible strange nonsensical experience. You made me set it up and decide time and place the evening before. Then at the last moment you told me you want a different place but wouldn't say which and asked me to decide. How weird. If you don't know what conveniences you, how am I supposed to know it for you. That was so juvenile. I told you either you tell me where the new place is or I'm going to our original one. Then of course you wouldn't show up and didn't even call, till I called you half an hour later. Then 40 mins late in total you showed, and were acting distant, not apologising or anything - you seemed like a child who knows he did smth wrong, or like a dog who ted somewhere or chewed someone's shoes, knowing he's guilty but not standing straight and owning it, nor suggesting to make it up to me somehow. When I dropped the hint of being hot and thirsty, you didn't offer to get me anything, but left it to me. We put your laptop into my backpack so we could play in the spraying fountain; I put it on my back, and you didn't offer to carry it. All of these are small things, but each was like a pin poking and they spoke volumes. This was only our second date since getting back together. How much worse would it get after?


It was so drastically different from the first year when we were together. At that time, it didn't phase me that you were late or whatever - I saw love and attention in your eyes. I gave myself to you as a gift which you yearned for and appreciated. That's the only way I want to give myself to someone. It was easy to look at you with love - and you said you felt like you melted.


Such a banal story. Someone loves you and is nice to you, but then cools down and doesn't give a damn about being nice anymore. I guess it is not a special story. Now that I read it, it looks banal and ordinary. I was just stupid, because I knew that ch.2 would go that way, and I still did it.

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Had a dream about you today that you were dating my friend and you treated her better than you ever treated me. I woke up and felt sadness. I think thats what scares me the most you will treat the next person better than you ever treated me which isn't fair because I never did anything to hurt you. smh

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15 days moved out, almost 2 months since I broke it off. I feel great, it doesn't feel like its only been 2 weeks considering I was a mess the first few days. At first I questioned whether I was forcing myself to feel great, but I realized you rarely cross my mind.. I've just been going about my normal life. I don't feel the need to text you, I don't wonder what your doing or who your with.. Maybe its because I'm focusing on replacing everything in the apartment and painting, I don't know.. But I like it. No more fighting, no more piles of dishes, no more giant messes, no more bed on the floor.. Woot!

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We have never gone more than one week of NC in the 1.5 years since we met. Today is day 7, and I am DETERMINED to get past this hurdle. I will do whatever I can to keep myself from texting you.......you do not deserve my time or attention. I will move on from this and be better for it. You, however, are on track to be forever alone---or worse---a lifetime of meaningless, short term partners who will never love you like I did. You lost the best thing you've ever had--and for what?? SMH

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Well, I made it past the 7 day mark----yay me!!!!! It hurts me still, but I will not contact you--I deserve an apology, and a lifetime of making it up to me. I don't think you deserve me anyway---I'll be fine without you, I'll do better without you than I did with you.....I'm seeing that more and more each day. Hopefully when you do decide to pop back into my life I'll be strong enough and over you enough to tell you to keep on moving-nothing left for you here......

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Telling me that you don't want to end things horribly with me - is OUT the window now, after all the lies I found out you were doing my back & the lies you told me when we looked at each other straight in the eyes.


Things ended horribly because of your lying constantly, mooching off of me, and too many other things that you know b/c you did them. Despite this, I tried to be amicable but you turned cold & nasty when you realized that FINALLY this is OVER.


I wish you no ill will, but please don't expect us to be "best friends" again or even "friends". It isn't going to happen. "I don't know your face no more."


After I uncovered all of your lies & deceit, I don't even know you anymore. Listen to Kean "We might as well be strangers". You are a stranger to me. You are not the man that I fell madly in love with, the man that I gave everything I had to, the man that I thought I was going to grow old with and be together for the rest of my life.


You are now part of my past - a long part of my past - but that is where you are now, and where you will remain.

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