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I can't get myself to charge my phone and turn it on to get music off of it because I know you sent me all those sweet text messages while I was stateside. I don't want to read them, I don't want to delete them, I just don't want to do anything with them at all. So I am going to leave my phone turned off. For another day, until I can get the nerve to turn it on, read nothing, and then delete them.


The good news? I'm leaving in a couple of weeks so we will never have to see each other again. I will finally be free of seeing you on your way to chow, or to the bathroom, or out for a run. It's stupid. Yesterday I was doing fine without you and this morning I woke up with a huge hole in the pit of my stomach and I couldn't stop crying. I miss you so much. I keep thinking that when someone knocks on my door it might be you, smiling and telling me you're off work and that we should hang out. Of course it's not. Why would I even think that? I just want you to get out of my head. Stop making me cry. Quit making me feel like an idiot. I just want to get over you.

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i hate that i let you walk all over me and treat me like sh#$! i hope you feel in the future for whatever reason, the same way im feeling now and you think of how you treated me. i hope your world falls into a black closet like mines have, sadly i want so much to hate you but i cant at this time dont have much space for anything but feeling horrible about losing you. wouldnt know what to do with that much hate, not good right now.


i wish i never meet you, you are truly the devil in disquise!!

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You broke up a with me a year ago. It has been months since I initiated full NC. How come I feel that it's you who has actually benefited from this, while I find myself thinking of you more and more?


I am having a hard time today. I thought I saw you yesterday on a night bus going towards the city, not home. Is there someone else now? I guess I can't really say "already" but still, It hurts. Then again, that might have been someone else that reminded me of you...and it's the same.

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It gets easier every day with out you, especially since every day we have not talked. Sometimes I still wish to talk, but not to reconcile, just to end everything on a more understanding note. Not like it hadn't, I was sad, sometimes frustrated, but more understanding and accepting even within the first few days. I loved you enough to respect it's what you wanted. I loved you enough to let you have what you wanted, a life with out me. I have been moving on and seemingly pretty fast too! I know I'll be happy and eventually meet a great guy. It's kind of exciting! Maybe you even did me a favor ;D haha.

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I forgive you for what you put me through, the lies, the hurt the deceit and I wish you well, like 100% this time. Because I know there is something better out there for me, someone better than you. I am so excited right now, I can't contain myself. I don't wish to make you jealous or hurt your feelings even though it would be fun. The resentment, bitterness and pain is gone. The feelings I had for you are now being directed towards someone else. I should feel bad, but I think they are ginuwine. Who would have thought that after 3.5 months, I have feelings someone new. OMG. I thank you for doing me a favor and not trying to cloud my mind and judgement and you and I know that this was the best thing for me or us...lol..I am so glad that I don't have to go through another year of drama with you.


You are such an attention seeker, and all that you did to me, i am sure will come back to you! I don't have to worry about that for sure!


I am doing what I should have been doing while I was dating you and that is Keeping MY Options Open...ha ha..and I am having fun doing just that! And I am not going to settle simple because somebody says they want to marry me..huh..prove it!


I hope you are happy with your decisions, but you can not be apart of my life right now. I want to focus on my new life, new friends, new journey. Maybe in a year, I can consider reaching out to you. But right now, it's just not good for me. Your so selfish and egotistic and I don't want you to be knowing what's going on in my life so you can try to keep up. This was never a competition. Just be glad you got to spend 2 1/2 years with me. But having me in your life in any way, it not gonna happen! Sorry

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she came over to pick something up that i wanted to give her to hold onto. she told me that i was the one and that we should move on with our lives and if fate brings us together then so be it. completely destroyed me. i cried, etc... i wanted to do something sweet for her today because i know that she would be stressed out of her mind. but i tried my best to keep the distance.

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Uuuuuuugh I just texted him about things unrelated to "strictly business." I mentioned wanting to be friendly and... ugh. He's so much stronger than me. I feel SO TERRIBLE. Okay, no more. I feel like I just binged on a jelly-filled doughnut [it's remarkable how NC is just like resisting food with a compulsive eating disorder].

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I'm finally starting to feel better. I truly believe that I will be able to forgive you and accept the situation soon. This was for the best because we we're not a good match. We are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I was not being true to myself when I was with you. I spent too much time trying to change myself into a person I did not want to become. I am not the type of guy that you need right now. I am sure that one day down the road (when you grow up) - I will become the man you want, but you threw me to the wind to seek someone different. I will move forward, without you.

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Just saw your new pictures on okcupid. It looks like you went on vacation or something. The sad part is that I don't even recognize you. Honestly. And from what I see, you have turned into an even bigger arrogant a**hole. HAH. As far as if you look good or not, meh, you look alright. But far from the way I used to view you. I guess after all this pain and reflecting, anger, and sorrow, I just see you as a monster.. your true self shall I say.


You know what, I'm glad this happened. Now I see you for who you really are. It's pathetic, you are in love with yourself and you have now evolved into one of those douchebags who say "SWAG" way too much. It's seriously laughable. GET OVER YOURSELF. YOU ARE NOTHING.


Ugh. I'm actually embarrassed to have dated you. Who seriously pops their collar anymore? I'm sorry to say it but you really are lame. I feel sorry the next girl who falls into your trap.

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I'm not hungry. Let's have lunch.


(I just want to see you... Tell you I miss you and that I'll do better this time... show you a little at a time that I'm changing. Lunch is a terrible idea and I still want to do it - now maybe you understand how much I want to do this for our relationship.)

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I'm not hungry. Let's have lunch.


(I just want to see you... Tell you I miss you and that I'll do better this time... show you a little at a time that I'm changing. Lunch is a terrible idea and I still want to do it - now maybe you understand how much I want to do this for our relationship.)

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Today is your birthday. I remember your previous birthdays...one of them was when you first told me you loved me and now I just have to pretend that I don't care. I'm not going to contact you, because I KNOW that if it was my birthday, you wouldn't contact me. So much has happened to me since you broke my heart. You've never once reached out. Well, I hope this year brings you more understanding.

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I miss telling you I love you. I remember the day you told me you loved me...it was one of the happiest moments of my life.


Now I know you have been at that music festival in nyc all weekend, partying til 6am on god knows what kinds of drugs. Maybe even hooking up with random girls, I don't know. And I really don't know when I'll stop missing you and it scares me. You are off doing your own thing and I never even cross your mind.


I just know that me wanting contact or wanting to get back together would only relieve my pain temporarily. I know that even if it were to happen in some alternate universe, you would only end up hurting me again. And despite what I think, I have healed in this time away from you. I might not want to acknowledge it, but yeah, I've made strides. I'm just not at the point where I want to be and it frustrates the hell out of me.


Hope you're doing well. Ah, who am I kidding. Of course you are. I'm the one thats still a damn mess over someone who didn't even love me.

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I'm finding it difficult to believe that this is actually the end of us. I don't want it to be this way but I know that we just can't function as a couple like we used to and the realisation of that is killing me. No matter how hard I try I know that I'm not the right person for you any more. It kills me to think that I'll never wake up besides you or hold you in the same way as I did when we were together. Their's no one on this Earth including yourself who could understand how much I love you. I love you so much baby, you would not believe how hard it is for me to let you go. I find it so difficult to imagine a future without you but I know that in the long run you'll be better off without me and I know that you'r going to grow into such an amazing woman and make someone so happy. I wish I could cater for your requirements to feel loved but I just can't cope with the pressure but believe me when I say I tried my best. I can't even begin to explain how much I'm going to miss you my precious baby girl. I hope your doing okay and taking this better than I am and I truly wish you all the best of luck and happiness with your life. I love you princess and I always will xxxxxxxxxx

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During our talk you told me that you are really confused and you're not sure if you're just being stubborn or if you actually want to stay broken up. You said you didn't want to rebound really hard because that wouldn't be fair to me and you're right! I appreciate that you are trying to be so valliant but I wish I knew what you were thinking! I wish I knew if it is ok for us to hang out again and watch movies and just chill as opposed to this weird half avoidance half awkwardness. I admitted that I still love you. I don't know if it was the right thing to do but at the time I followed my intuition and it seemed correct. Besides, it's true. I do still love you. I wake up in the morning clutching that bear you gave me even though I don't slep with it. Somehow I find it in my sleep and it ends up in my arms.


I want a second chance. To prove to you and to myself that I'm not some emotionally unstable mess. To show you what it's REALLY like to date me. Not here, but in the states. I want to show you just how much I love you and how worth your time I can be. I have thought of this logically, emotionally, and every other which way and I truly do believe that we are good for each other and we can bring each other up and make each other better people.


This waiting game is just killing me though! You said we are still friends. Great. You said you were confused and that you'd let me know... When? You never gave me an end date and that might have been to placate me. I can't tell anymore. Why do I think about these things so much? I just want my brain to shut down so I don't have to think about this anymore.


I will go back to working on me. I am going to work hard on being a better more stable person. I will do it, not so you can come back to me, but for me. With or without you I am going to need to do this. With or without you I want to smile, make other people smile, and be happy. So that's what I'll do.


I love you. I miss you.

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ending of my relationship story: we dated for 1.5 years. she strung me for 7 months:


when i broke up with my ex because i didn't know what the hell was going on with me ( i got busted for sex txting but never did anything), she started talking and banging someone 2 weeks later. a week later i come back telling, you i love you for the fist time, and she tells me that she is going to give me a chance. but she's already involved with someone else. she strung me a long for 7 months (after proving to her that i would never ever do what i did before--even offered her my phone,etc...) and during the last month i couldn't take much more of it. i finally blew up and gave her my piece of mind. and when i did...dum dum dummmm....i'm a horrible person. been on no contact for a week and some change. every time i went no contact she would look for me and tries to get me back into the loop. this time around i'm ready to thrust forward. it hurts too much to see her, exp. to talk or to even trust her.


lately i've been reading up on A LOT of self help books. trying to understand relationships, and trying to learn what the opposite sex wants out of a relationship. i know everyone's needs are different, but after reading the books i get to figure out which needs that person needs and its up to me to see if i can fulfill it.


im 31 and she's turning 30 (the guy she's seeing is 25.) this july. i bought some disneyland tickets for 7 days and 6 nights all paid for (flight, meals, stay, etc). sucker costed me 4k! i was going to get down on one knee for her that day. the last day i talked to her i told her what was up.


the day u looked for me a month ago i told you that i love you. and the day that i told you is the day i didn't do anything bad.

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Dear .,


You're a cheating jerk. Honestly, after weeks post-break up of telling you how big of an as$ you are, I now realized how I've mistreated you the whole time during our relationship. I'm not saying it's a privilege card for you to cheat, though. No matter how many mistakes I'm gonna enumerate, it still won't change the fact that you're one hell of a liar.


Well anyway, I realized that the relationship was all about me, me, me, and your limitations. I remembered the time that you told me that I was hurting you while I went on rambling about your worthlessness and limitations. I said, well you better be. Needless to say, there were still times when I nagged you, even if I know I was already hurting you.


Then there were times when I was so consumed with making myself happy that I forgot about you. Remember when I broke up with you out of the blue since I was shortly seeing another guy? Sure, it was just a date. I never hugged, kissed, or anything with him, but I did still cheat (but not the way you did). I didn't tell you back then that was the reason. However, despite me stepping on your heart you still accepted me back. Thank you. And remember the time you almost smashed your phone to pieces just because I was texting another guy? Yeah, my bad too. I was only using him as a tool to pass time when you're not around at night. I didn't really like him. I'm sorry.


You're right. I never admitted I was wrong. I was horrible. * * * * ing horrible. I'm sorry for everything. I feel like crap about it. But I wished you just left me, instead of cheating on me. Too bad we didn't get to work this * * * * ing relationship out. Since you never told me what my faults are while I kept telling you yours. Now you've crossed the point of no return. Thanks for the lessons, but I'm not thanking you for the experiences. I hate them. They're the reasons why it's hard for me to just move the * * * * on.

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