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I'm sorry, you don't have to worry about me any more. I just needed you tonight, and you weren't there. I'm going away tomorrow, you don't know how seriously i needed you, i hate you. I just needed one reply. All day you've ignored me, i miss you so much.

I don't want to be here anymore. You don't understand how much i want to just jump off the platform tomorrow.

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So torn right now.


I would never argue with your reasoning, nor use it against you, nor dramatically leave your life. I asked for the missing data in order to make sense of a decision you made that directly impacted my life. You gave me that data. I understood. All that hurt and confusion is gone. I can move on. We can finally be friends again, without confusion or fear or hiding anything from each other.


But you withheld that data for months, even knowing it would put me at ease around you. You tortured me for months, when you could have fixed everything. And you had the nerve to act like nothing was wrong; asking how my weekend went, if I was going to the party, sharing funny web links.


I'm better off without people like you pretending to be my friend. But then the one moment when you finally acted like my friend, you stormed out of my life.


* * * * you. I miss you. Come back. Stay away forever.

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I ended up crying AGAIN yesterday, keeping everything in and putting on a fake smile can do that to someone. I almost contacted you but i stuck it out and im so happy i did. I think i ended up in contact with the best friend of the guy your seeing, wasnt my intentions it kind of just happened, he seems like a decent guy, i didnt say anything about you, im not going to ruin everything, he needs all the luck in the world when it comes to been with you thou.

Today seems alot better, im getting back into shape, ive been working on something which im hoping turns out successful for me.


Even if your regretted it i know you wont come back because your far too proud, deep down i hope you dont come back because i am better off without you. Where ever you are i wish you knew i was thinking of you and that i miss you and although you treated me poorly i still hope your happy.

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Soo..this morning I'm in tears....I wanna reach out to you and text you, but I know it doesn't matter. I know it will be pointless. Everyone keeps telling me move on...moving on means facing the fact you are gone for good. Everyone I talk to, shows me how unique you truly are. There is no other guy like you, and I feel sooo alone at this very moment. B...I love you!

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Not heard from you in weeks.... I'm low today and want to hear your voice, but whats the point I'll only end up hurting myself all over again... yuck i thought i was beyond this kind of emotion right now....


Really disappointed in myself that I can't move on form this faster, but I need to realise that its going to be a long time b4 I get over you I guess


Don't know how much longer I can handle feeling like this

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I miss you you wh*re...You are constantly on my mind...I know I must not make the slightest move...I want to pass from your house...see if you are there tonight or you are out...most probably the second...a b*tch like you staying home on a Saturday night? Slim chance...


There are moments I hate you so much for all the damage occurred to me...

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Just when I think I'm doing better, something inside changes and I start missing you again. I think it's because I can feel you slipping away, and I don't want to let the memory of you go. The warm weather makes me miss you, I start to think about the fun things we used to do over the summer.


I'm pathetic.

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I miss you so much, but I hate that you have put me through this. I wish you would have stayed gone. I was doing fine without you, and now, I'm miserable again. Why can't you just let me be happy? I know deep down you are such a great and sweet guy. I don't know why you have to be such a backstabbing jerk sometimes. I have given you so many chances, and you have taken every chance to hurt me again. Please just stay out my life this time. Let me heal.


I deserve so much better than you, and I hope you realize what you have lost one day. I know you will. Your life is going nowhere and mine is already somewhere. I'm successful. I have a good job. I have great friends and family. You have a * * * * ty job because you can't finish anything you start. You don't really have any friends because you treat people like * * * * . Your family... omg the most dysfunctional family I have ever seen in my life! It's no wonder that you're so screwed up. We had so many good times together. My family was always so good to you and treated you like their own. You're going to miss that! What did you get from your family for Christmas last year? Money? That's it, right? What did you get from me and my family? Gifts that actually mean something? Oh, yeah, well have fun next Christmas you bastard.


I hope you make it into the Navy and can't make it through boot camp. We go to the zoo and you whine about getting something to drink. What do you think it'll be like in the Navy? With drill sergeants yelling in your face. I know how much you love that.


I don't know what you're up to these days, but I hope you're miserable. You told me you missed talking to me. Why? Because no one else cares to hear about your bull * * * * ? Because you have no one else who is ever there for you? Don't you miss me always being there for you? I know you're probably talking to Allysonn, and you probably think you're happy. But you'll see. You'll think of me and you'll miss me. No matter how much fun you might have with her, when you're alone, you'll still miss me and wonder what I'm doing.


Last time you were here, you purposely left some things. You said you didn't want to take them because you just couldn't stand feeling like it was really over. You weren't ready for that. Well guess what? I got rid of everything you left! Even that Xbox that you love. Do you realize what a * * * * * * * you are? You leave your things here just so I'll miss you. Just so I won't move on in case you decide you want to be with me. You always get what you want don't you?


I hate you so much. I hope karma kicks your ass. You're going to end up old and alone like my dad, because you act just like he did when he was your age. And he always says how he regrets the things he did to my mom and how he wishes he could take them back and they could be together. But instead, he's alone. Right now, you might be happy and I might be miserable, but one day, it will be the other way around.

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Hi, how are you doing? I just wanted to know what's happening in your life, are you happy? Is there anything I can do for you? (is this helping me at all?)

I guess I'm just looking for some alternative to drugs or alcohol to help ease this anxiety, this pain. Reading about how other's are in pain, how I don't feel alone, but I still feel lonely without you. I can have all of my friends and family around me, I'll still feel lonely. When we ran into each other, at the beginning of our relationship, in such a serendipitous way, I thought maybe God had made this miracle happen. Now, if God made this happen? What am I suppose to learn from this? At least I gave our relationship everything. I did not take one second for granted. I let myself fall in love totally. With every fiber of my being. I can die without regret. Of course, this is the price I have to pay. This heart ache. Love is hard. Lust is so much easier.

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I feel like I am doing so well to get over you thus far. Seeing friends, being with family, trying to do things to distract myself yet I still think of you. I want the thoughts to stop. For some odd reason I really want to talk to you which I know is an absolutely HORRIBLE idea! The urge to talk to you is there but I have been keeping myself from doing so, thankfully for my own sake.


I feel like talking would only be frustrating, again, like it was the 2 other times we talked since we broke up. I know talking wouldn't even be the same anyway. It'd be a waste of time and get nowhere. Yet I still oddly want to. I wish I didn't feel like I even wanted to. I don't want to do something I'll regret or something stupid that will prolong this healing process. I will not contact you though. I'll stay strong.

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How is it possible that I wake up and go to bed with you on my mind? It does not get better throughout the day. I go out secretly hoping I'll run into you somewhere...at a stop light, the mall, the beach, a grocery store, anywhere. It's sick, I think I'm going crazy. And at the same time I dread running into you AND your girlfriend, and see you happy with her, holding hands, kissing. I'm still thinking about that enigmatic text of yours of 3 weeks ago... what did you want from me? Luckily for me I still have enough pride and I never followed up, or initiated contact since that day you told me you were going back to her. And I never will.


But everyday I find myself waiting for a text or a call, stalking your facebook page. I unfriended you on FB, but unfortunately your wall is public. I've even blocked you some times, but I go back and unblock you to see your effing face again. Ha. No new activity on your page for 2 weeks or so now. Are you having so much fun and are so busy that you dont even log in anymore? God I can be so effing pathetic. Have I hit rock bottom yet? You've kept the same profile pic of you and your girlfriend ever since I met you. Even after your short-lived break up with her, you never changed the picture. I should have known I was setting myself up for heartbreak. After all your trash-talking, you were never over her I guess. But I kept going against my instincts, against everyone's advice.


This break from classes is not helping me either. I need to keep my mind busy. I'm having recurring dreams of you. I'm telling you, it's insane, this had never happened to me before with anyone. I'm scared I'll never get over you. I've had two different nice looking guys hit on me in less than one week, and I just turned them down. I cant bring myself to trust anyone anymore, or to get excited about anyone or just anything. Depression? Fantastic, just what I need now.

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Dear C,


All i fear is losing you. And it's happened. Now, I'm so alone. More than you could ever know.




Fool for you: John Butler Trio - Remember this song you used to sing to me?



Two atoms they collide in all their random ways

The meeting of you and I not so random some might say

She walks up close to me and she looks me in the eyes,

She said,

"Boy, what's it gonna be, now that it's just you and I?"


I'm a fool, I'm a fool for you

I'm a fool, I'm a fool for you


So I stepped up to the plate to a place I thought I'd never be

So I'm thanking you today because of you I am now me

Cold days them dark and blue when ran was our only friend

For all that we've been through and will go through again


For that I say,

I will come and I will stand

and I will live my life beside you

I'm a proud, a proud man, but all the same I'm

I'm just a fool, I'm a fool for you

I'm a fool, I'm a fool for you


Two atoms they collide, you and I we make them child

What lovely creatures they are, something right from the stars

And I helped you bring them forth

I offered a safe place to land

An overflow of love, falling right into my hands


For that I say,

I will come and I will stand

and I will live my life beside you

I'm a proud, a proud man

A proud man to be walkin right next to your shoes.

You're the one, the only one, the only one that's just right just for me

but all the same, you know I, you know I'm, I'm just a fool

I'm a fool for you, I'm a fool, I'm a fool for you.

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I cant stand this much longer I feel like im going insane i feel like ill loose you forever and i just want us to be happy again, i cry everyday for you but i know that wont go far

we were so perfect


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I'm 22, essentially a grown man, and I'm crying right now, tears and all. It finally hit me as we parted after the graduation ceremony tonight that you'd be gone and out of the country in 4 days, and that I might not see you again...maybe not for years, maybe never again. I feel so much loss at this moment, and it takes all my strength to stop myself from pleading with you to not go back to Korea--from begging you to figure something out with me. Yet I know life does not play out like a rom-com. I can't stop you at the airport, say I love you, and expect you to stay. I can't do anything about circumstance and timing after the fact. I know I have to get over you--to move on. I do hope so much that we can be together again someday, but I know it can't be now. I know that holding on to this hope will turn into self-sabotage, so I will do all I can to bury it from my thoughts. I guess going no-contact might be one step in the right direction, but it hurts so much to force myself to cut you off. I can't bring myself to completely remove you from Facebook, but I will remove the temptation of FB chat and unsubscribe from you. I won't call; I won't text; I won't email; I won't go to your Facebook page. This is my farewell. This is day 1 of no contact....

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I get it now. All of it. I'm sorry I didn't understand before. You, US, the tremendous fears that are a part of your daily life. I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you right now how I understand. But you left, I know you wouldn't listen anymore.

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i suddenly realized that my crappy ipod is actually your crappy ipod.....and now i've got a huge knot in the pit of my stomach. i have integrated you so fully into my life that i don't even know who's stuff is who's because it wasn't worth remembering since it would always be ours. how could i do that and then spent months pushing you away until you finally break?

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Some people will never be fulfilled. Maybe you are one of those people. All this time, I loved you and accepted you for what you are. For me that is a beautiful thing... But maybe you aren't like me. Maybe that's not enough you. Maybe we are too different. Maybe, maybe, maybe..... all the maybes in the world come down to this one.... Maybe ending this is the best thing. Sure, I love you but I won't always. you will fade if I just let you.

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You haven't been online in almost a week. Did you meet someone? If so, is it one of those girls in that picture from the club? And more importantly, why do I even CARE? Figures that as soon as I get out of a relationship and go back to that site, you are no where to be found.


You don't deserve happiness. It isn't right to feel that way about another person especially someone who I loved, but I take back what I said to you that night. I told you I wanted you to be happy and if it meant being without me then so be it. And up until very recently, I stood by that. But now? Now I see how much pain I have endured over your selfish and cruel actions towards me over the past four months and I am suddenly angry. I have anger towards you for screwing my head up so badly, and I have anger towards MYSELF for LETTING you do this to me. Okay...you won. You won. Happy now? You still have that power over me. You controlling, malicious pathetic excuse for a human being.


I hate the fact that I have let myself get to this point. I don't want YOU back anymore. I want ME back.

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I know that you loved me. After all the emails, the lovey notes on my facebook, the notes under my door, holding my hand while nobody was looking so we wouldn't get caught, stealing kisses while nobody was in the room, how much you talked to everyone else about me. I don't doubt that you loved me. But how do you stop loving someone in 1 day? Is that even possible? I know you're not a super emotional person and you feel they are some sort of weekness. That weird stigma about how guys souldn't have emotions and girls should live through them. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You are scared that we are going in different directions later in our lives. But what about right now?!? You don't know the future. You only know your own interests and mine. You know the things that we both WANT to do in the future and so what if they don't add up right now? Two years from now, you have no idea where either of us will be by then. So why do you let yourself rationalize your way through something you don't know the outcome to? It's only been a few days and already all your feelings for me are gone. Maybe, in the end, you didn't actually love me. I do remember you apoligizing for it. For all the pretty pictures you painted for me and for just up and changing your mind out of the blue. You always prided yourself in good communication and you never talked it through with me. Why are you a huge set of double standards? I know I should be happy that we're not together anymore. But even when I found the strength to make a dignified response and let you go for good, I still think about you, I still end up hugging that stupid bear and crying, I still feel sick and throw up my food, I just don't want to feel like this anymore. I want to find that switch that you found to turn off how you feel about me, seemingly overnight, and do the same thing. I want to be as done with you as you are with me.

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You cant have it both ways. You cant come in my life when you feel like it. I seriously think your struggling with this more than I am. I hear things. Sometimes i dont want to but i do about how you feel like txting me and calling me more but your friends have to stop you. Its not a game..and when you realize this is not some kind of _____'s fantasy world where you get everything your way, this will be a big wake up call for you.


Also i dont need your permission and you cant say who im allowed to talk to serious. Your "best friend" has actucally been a great friend of mine for longer, and has been one of those only people who have actucally sat down and talked to me and really listened. She told me about her break up with her boyfriend and how it hurts..im not talking to her to try to get back at u or get info about u from her..thats the thing YOUUUUUUUU dont get.,.ITSSSSS not about youuuuuuu anymore cant you see that or when will you ever learn that.thats what pissed me off so bad about u at the end..you have this attitdude that everything has to make you happy..everything has to been your way. LIfe isnt about just you.


I also find it funny and childish how you got mad when one of your other friends saw me at the gym mutiple times and you were like omg dont talk about that he never wanted to go when we were dating...yeah i didnt because we were fighting so much that it put me into some weird funk and i didnt want to leave my house because i was so nervous about you leaving me..well guess what u did and guess what im not sitting around depressed anymore and waiting for u..im moving on


i can deal with the break up..i understand where your coming from and im not at you about that..but what hurts is the way you treat me...nobody deserves to be treated the way you treat me and you were the one who broke up with me..so why are you mad at me? seriously ..


I dont get you...the way you communicate i dont think i ever will...

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2 years on and you still haunt my dreams. You were the subject of this last one, and yet I can barely remember how your voice sounds. I know I mean nothing to you now - just a part of your past that is better off left unvisited. But for some reason, I can't let you go entirely still. Hell, my stomach is in knots because I thought I saw you.


I don't know if I miss you, or I am still upset that I got left by someone I trusted. It doesn't really matter, I guess - theres nothing I can do to change it now. Well back to sleep. Goodnite Lo

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