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Dear B,


I LOVED you with everything I had. My kids LOVED you like a father. We understood your schedule was hectic, and we knew you had a ton of obligations, and never once did we complain. Everytime you took a step back, scared of commitment and the future...I always held on. I never strayed from you, and I never turned you away. I thought after three years of the back and forth, we were finally going to move forward. You said we were gonna do it, and no one was gonna stop us!!! I shared all of me with you, and you left with my heart, and never looked back. Now..I'm left alone to repair four hearts...I don't know how to begin to live without you! You were my lover, my best friend, my partner in crime...and I lost it all. I want to SHAKE you and say WAKE THE F*&K UP!!!! and see what your throwing away....

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I keep staying strong, haven't cried in days, don't think about you as much, though times you still cross my mind, like right now. I realized that a few weeks prior to the break up I had questioned if I was still happy, if things were going right. So in a way I can't understand why I was so devastated when it happened then, if I too thought maybe it wasn't working. Maybe I was the one trying to hold onto something that I knew wasn't even right. Either way I had loved you a lot though and I had wanted it to work. I had hopes my doubts were just all in my head. But then later they became reflections that everything wasn't so perfect.


I don't know why I still feel like you'll contact me. I feel like you'll say you're sorry or ask me why I deleted you. But it's been days since I removed you from my facebook and my phone after you ended it with me, and you haven't noticed or don't even care. You haven't talked to me in days and I shouldn't be wishing that you will because I know it'd only make everything worse. Part of me just wants you to admit that you made a huge mistake and that you'd want me back, even though I know it's not going to happen and even if you did I would not take you back. If you wanted me in your life you would still be in it. I would have been with you, we would've been still together.

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I love you so much, it crushes me you can't find it in yourself to start something serious with me, and although you told me not to wait, I can't help but feeling that's all I'm doing with every passing hour ugh I really love you so much.

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I still think of you often (ok, constantly), and often fantasize that we might realize we made the wrong decision.

My logical brain tells me that we did the right thing.

I hope you find what you're looking for, but I doubt you ever will.

You will settle eventually, and likely much more than you were doing for me.

This marks day 20 of NC. It's been awful.

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The anniversary of our break-up is on Saturday. I've got my schedule as crammed as possible in order to not think about it. I know if I stay at home, I'll just cry all day. I don't want that. I was so miserable on what would have been our 2 year anniversary that I almost couldn't stand it. I can't wait until I am fully, completely, 100% over you.

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First of all, I care about you so deeply. You cannot comprehend how important you are to me. All I feel is love towards you.


That said, I cannot function as your friend without the understanding you gave me. Our breakup made no sense to me, and it was tearing me apart inside. I can be friends, but not if it doesn't make sense. It was just destroying me, all day, every day, for the past two months.


And you seemed not to care. And that made things worse. It was like you just didn't care about my well being. You knew what it would take to help me move on, and you chose not to be there for me in that capacity. And yet you still expected to be friends. There were alarms going off in my head, all the time, that something wasn't right.


I could not handle it. It was too much to expect of me. And when you told me everything, then everything made sense. I don't agree with everything; some of it was honest misunderstandings, but even then, that's how I came accross to you, and that too makes sense. It flipped a switch inside me, and I could move on. I was free of the confusion at last.


I cannot question your reasoning now. We are in agreement why things had to end. But I wish it didn't cost me my friend.

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OK so I have agreed to settle for just friends. You believe me of course and in a way I believe it myself. I will make you enjoy my company, as you have always done, and then when we part... you will miss me. You forget, how well I know you.

I have a date with a guy on Saturday. I am looking forward to it. I wont compare him to you at all. I dont believe that there can be anyone as selfish and emotionally detached as yourself.

I still think of you every single day. But I dont cry and I dont hurt. I feel only angry with myself that I let you get under my skin all over again. I am old enough to know better and I should have done.

Anyway... this is going to be your loss. You are going to be alone and will have to pretend to be happy about it.

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It's been a year since the last time we were together. So why am I still here.


Two months ago I went to your blog, I know I shouldn't have, for my sake, and because tose thoughts are now yours, and yours only. Why did you write "I can't help it if I fall in love with you again" and "I'm ready to move on" on the same day, just a separate entry? I was so confused after I read that, I still am.


Then you add me on a chat a month after I told you that I had to delete your contact info form....well....everywhere. What was the point of that? Just to see when I am online, and feel comfort knowing that I am still there? I don't want to delete you the second time, since that would be just stupidly childish. But why, after a year, I feel you are just a stone's throw away, but at the same time miles away.


A year has passed and you still haven't walked away from my thoughts.

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How can someone be so shallow? There is no depth to you. You come accross as the nicest person in the world, but you are judging them, critizing them and you think you are better than them. You can't love, you can't feel real feelings. You are really the most selfish person I have ever met. It suprises me that you think other people only think of themselves when it is all you ever do. You will be alone, sweetheart. I know that you want to be right now.... but even when you don't, you will be. I feel sorry for you. I thought I loved you but I loved what I thought we had. There is a huge difference. Take care.

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I keep staying strong. Still continuing to do so much better! Still no tears, actually really no emotion when thinking of you. Which I think is really good. I'm continuing to realize that what I had thought was so amazing actually pretty much wasn't at all. It wasn't equal, I felt unappreciated, disrespected, I'd even cry some nights in the last few months wondering if I really wanted to be with you and asked myself if I was happy. I'd re-evaluate things. I don't know why I was holding onto everything then. Why I still stayed with you when I was beginning to feel like things weren't even working out like they used to. I think I stayed because I still was hoping it'd be different. Go back to how things seemed and felt before. Though you were still saying sweet/cute things, saying you loved me I thought that possibly I was too sensitive or something and it was all in my head. But really it wasn't, it wasn't my fault. I tried and wanted it to work. But things kept happening. It had all started to bring me down negatively. I didn't feel right, I became so worried, anxious, emotional, I didn't even feel like myself before it ended. Yet I had still loved you at the time. Through everything I put up with, I still stuck by you.


I should have ended it months before you did. I see it as a positive thing now though. I no longer am afraid to say how I feel in fear of being judged. I can be myself, not worry about anything, be happy! I realized if we had stayed together I would have become more miserable, felt more uncomfortable, been more worried instead of being happy.


You told me you wanted me to be happy and I think now I can be! I am starting to be. I've seen friends that I hadn't seen in a while, am starting to talk to more people, and it's fun! It's exciting. When we last spoke almost a week ago, you had told me you were happy. Despite feeling liek I deserved better and what happened and that you ended it for reasons I'll never exactly understand, I still would want you to be happy as well. Maybe it was sort of a blessing in disguise. Ultimately I see it as a new start now and a chance to find the things that I want and deserve.

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I want to kick your effing face in.

you and the $lut you're dating couldnt even tell me the truth about the cheating, YOU BOTH LIED TO ME. If you wanted to be with her so badly why couldnt you tell me the truth? She was okay with being "the other girl" because she doesn't value her gaping hole of a vagina.

it's so embarrassing to think you went from me to her. It's been over a month and still people will come approach me with "OH MY GOD HE DOWNGRADED". YES DOWNGRAAADE.


I hope you remember the only reason you're together is because i let her keep you. You two deserve eachother, much better fit. She deserves a compulsive liar, a drug addict and someone who mooches off mommy and daddy. god, what would you do with yourself if you didnt have mommy and daddy's precious money?


drop dead douchebag.

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Never lied, never cheated, never looked at another girl, always put you first, took care of you when you were sick and down, got along great with the family, what did i do wrong? what did i do to deserve this...? I miss you more than worlds can describe.

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i need to start posting here more to help me release my emotions that im going through...



Last night i never wanted to happen..i really didint but Ive been so confused lately and it just slipped...its only been 2 weeks i know. i know no a lot of time at all to heal what so ever but i dont kno why this one feels the worst out of all my break ups...


im coming to a conclusion that because the past 3 exs before you cheated on me..there for i had no other choice but to go no contact and just had so much built up anger that it helped me to get them out of my lives...


but you left not really on bad terms, you did what was right actucally but i still feel that at the end you did what YOU felt was right. It was about IF you were happy If you were sad. If you wanted this and If you want that and I was walking on egg shells and seriously i deserve better. Wy should i ever be scared to have an opionion on something. Everytime i called you out on something that u knew u were wrong about it was ok i dont want to talk about it..byee..yeah run from your problems and i feel like this was another reason for our break up..instead of manning up and trying to fix things, you run away..just like any issue you have..you run away u internalize your problem or sweep them under the rug in hopes that they will never return..


i need to stop thinking that you were the best gf and perfect gf ever..cuz u werent or we wouldnt be in this position right now..you treated me like crap for the past month for no reason. and thats what kills me the most..how mean u were to me when you could of just talked to me about it...of course it still would of hurt but just finding out that u were thinking about dumping me for over a month just makes me feel worthless when that whole month i was doing everything to save our relationship...makes me feel like a fool



PS: get ur next bf to buy u that 1000 dollar cat..everyday im thankful that you did not sucker me into to buying that cat for u..lol would of been worst mistake ever

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Well, here I am. It's been a year since you left me. It's been almost 9 months since I last spoke to you. I sort of feel... defeated. I'm still here a year later, still in pain and still missing you. I've done so many amazing things in this past year, and I've realized so many things about you and about the relationship and about myself. But I'm still waiting for it to stop hurting.


I hate this. I really hate this.

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somehow, i lost myself in the relationship, lost sight of the kind of person i wanted to be. i fell into old habits, things that i'd grown up with that i HATED. and then i applied that to our relationship. it's no wonder we didn't make it. i was basing my decisions and reactions on a relationship i saw in my life that i always told myself i never EVER wanted. it's amazing to me that i could do that to myself and to him. whether we were perfect for each other or not is yet to be seen. because the only thing that i'm doing right now is finding myself. if i can't, then i'll never be able to love someone properly. It's like i compulsively cannot let myself be happy unless everything is EXACTLY the way it "ought" to be. thats a load of bull. i can see that. but making the change is hard. i do yoga and meditate everyday, and i feel really good for a little while afterwards...but i always eventually slip back.


i cry for hurting you. i cry for you hurting me, for fear that maybe we weren't as perfect as i'd like to think. i cry for fear of starting again. i wanted YOU, every plan i made in my head was with you. i can't even fold clothes without breaking down. my things i took from your apartment are still just sitting there. i can't touch them. because now almost all of the things that i have, i bought for "us". we were physically apart for so long, but in my mind we might as well have been married. that was always our plan. we talked about the children we'd have all the time. you were a fixture in my future. you were my first in every way, and that means i intended you to be my last. i can't even think about intimacy with someone else. it makes me sick. but i let my chronic need for misery ruin everything, and even when you told me to just let myself be happy, i couldnt. and i know that until i can, i don't deserve you or anyone else.


and i sincerely hope that you are doing as much work on yourself as i am.

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You're out aren't you.

I knew you would be, as soon as you don't have to put up with me you're out with them, i bet you're not even thinking about me, you're just glad that you did it, that you gave up on me ,and us. You just don't care. I miss you so much, today has been awful. I wish i could just go out and forget about you like you're doing with me, but i can't.

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