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I truly feel sorry for you. I know we had our ups and downs... Me with my anger issues and neglect and you with your depression and somewhat carelessness. In the end you sat there and did not give a care in the world about me while you messed around with another guy behind my back, did you tell him you did stuff to me as well while you and him were fooling around? The person I am now is a MAN, I have gotten over my anger and I will NEVER treat anyone the same way I treated you.. Sorry I did what I did but I have learned from it, You never gave me that chance I begged and cried for. You truly lost a GREAT person through your selfish thoughts and actions. My next relationship will be Perfect because I know now how to treat my next love and to be loved again!

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Good why do I keep feeling worse? You told me when you left that hopes sucks life sucks... you seemed so angry and scared..and would think the opposite... what hhappened? You ended up falling in love with someone else and be happy ! And me? always trying to stay positive I got my whole life taken away from me... all the promises.. how could you be such a heartless coward? How could you do this to me? You promised everyday I shouldn,t have believed you...not once even after everything you told me..you liar

don't you feel bad? breaking someones life? not making me want to live anymore? I thought I was special I thought you would miss me...but I was nothing after all this you just don't care

Why can't you hurt? Why can't you feel the unberable pain i've felt for the past four months? FOUR MONTHS!

nothing works you keep coming back in my head all the memories WHY DON'T THEY HAUNT YOU! why do you always come back in my dreams... I hate you how could you do this to me? your love your princess? how could you destroy me this way...you promised not to...

you liar.

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Is this what you wanted? I have becomed something I never wanted to be something I never thought i'd be i'm out of my mind..... how could you..please stop please...all I want is for things to go back the way they were.....no better I want to fix things up..you promised to protect me...please

I just want to spend hours looking in your eyes again.. i want to hear you say those words you told me over and over again.. I want you to call me back after we hang up because you miss me..pleas

You said you owuld die without me... i'm the one slowly dying and it's not fair...

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Hi hun!

Sooner or later your drama will fade away,people will get back to normality and with that you will become uninteresting,lonely and ignored as usual.Your whole life has been like that actually.

You bored me to death with so much drama but I am slowly recovering with my new dates,younger,energetics and full of life.

They dont pretend,they are the genuine thing,what you always wanted to be.Isnt that just sad?

You havent add a thing in my life,all the opposite,taken away.Yet I gave you a whole new meaning to life,hope you can build on that.

And do yourself a favor,keep practicing your cooking!

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Some days I can go a few hours and not realize that I haven't thought about you and then when I finally realize it, then I start saying "darnit, I almost when the whole day, without you crossing my mind". But how can I? You are still there. You were apart of me and I like to think that you still think of me and it's hard for me to leave your mind as well. You told me a few weeks ago that you remenise about us alot, so that was comforting. But to leave it at that is best. Because to hear about what's going on in your life, if you moved on or met someone, is too much for my head to handle. I like to think you are getting your life together as I am getting mine together and we need the space to focus without the distraction. Oh how much I want to call you up and say how much I miss US being together and doing the fun things that we did. Maybe somebody will fill you spot, but not any time soon. I hope nobody is filling my spot either. It's been 2 months and I wonder if you still love me, cause I still love you even though I force myself to think of all the mistakes you made to help me forget you and move forward. I guess this process is going to take longer than I like..ugh : (

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To my idiot (ex idiot)

Even though i never said those words, i felt them everyday when i looked at my refelection in your eyes, when i smelt your presence on my pillow long after you had left, when i stopped in the middle of the street and smiled, when i was trekking the himalayas, when i was stuck in the slums, when everything in my life seemed wrong i closed my eyes and saw you, and i knew it was alright.

i am sorry for any hurt, for any pain i caused you.

i wish you nothing but hapiness and love in your life, god knows you deserve every bit of it.

i live with my regrets, and each day they build, what if? but it helps to know that you were right in your decision. it helps to know that i was attracted to and once had a strong, smart, indipendant and beautiful woman, not just a girl. but a lady.

i will miss you for as long as i will miss you, and i will love you for as long as i will love you.

I commend your strength, and your will.

heres to you my beautiful ex. to a life full of love and infinite happiness!

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Sitting here at home, I should be with you tonight. Miss you so much, are you even missing me? Are you even thinking about me? I just wish this pain would go away. I was fine yesterday, I was in a good mood. Now today I'm sitting here alone and depressed.

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How dare you ask to see my son?! The boy who you bad mouthed and said horrible things about. The boy who you were jealous of, my son, jealous of a 8 year old!


Asking to pop round to see him is messed up! Just an excuse no doubt to mess with me again. Well, im not standing for it and will ignore you. Yes, I would love you to come over and see him, he loved you too, you were his friend, but he is 8 and never saw or heard the bad stuff. But no, I know the bad stuff and no way do I want you to see him.


I only wish you were genuine about this, but I know you and know your not, its just another game and Im not falling for it.

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When I saw you tonight I felt weird, like you weren't you and I guess maybe you aren't anymore? I'm sorry I upset you with my misleading email, it was not intentional.


I hope that things will finally settle between us and that I can finally start to feel human again. I don't think you will never know how much you hurt me leaving when I was in a very difficult place. I understand now that I shouldn't have expected you to be able to manage my problems, but it would have been nice if you could have acknowledged them?


Maybe things can be different in the future, but right now I need to focus on me and get better through my therapy and by being on my own, something which I've not properly been since my mum Died. That's nearly 16 years ago. Some of my grief in our relationship is grieving her I think. I should have resolved that many years ago but I didn't.


I feel hollow now you've gone again but do I miss you-I don't know- time will tell.


I hope life pans out the way it should..... See you when everything is finally sorted out

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Yeah so, I was cleaning out my cupboards and found birthday, christmas and valentine's cards from you. I couldn't stop myself from reading them and got upset. First I've cried over you in days. I miss you so f*****g much, why did you have to do this?

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I dreamt about you the other night, and it made me miss you like crazy. But I know you don't care, you're probably sitting at home talking to your next "2 week fling" that you'll get bored of. I hope one day you'll realize that you're just being used, where my feelings for you were genuine. I loved you with all my heart, and I know it was real love because of this pain that I have to go through everyday. For over a year I've loved you, and for over a year you haven't cared. I wish it was that simple to just get over you like you did with me, but it's not. I sit here and feel the pain, and I know I don't even cross your mind. And what hurts more is that I know I'll never hear from you again...just shows me how much I really meant to you.

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I thought I was doing better. I was convinced of it, really. Hes here right now and all of a sudden I miss you. I'm miserable. He isn't you. I want you back.


I'm not doing the right thing. This is a rebound and Im only with him because it makes me feel less alone...temporarily. I just want to be back in your arms where I felt safe. I don't want his attention. I want you. It doesn't feel the same.

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NC - 7 days. I had a dream last night that I was seeing someone else and you were there. I didn't seem to have any feelings for you in my dream and was too wrapped up in my new love. Was actually a nice dream!


Last night before I went to bed, I deleted your number and the text messages you have sent me. You haven't bothered about me since we split up, why should I waste any more time thinking about you?


Funnily enough, Kelly Clarkson's song - What doesn't kill you (Stronger) is playing on the radio right now and the words as so true. Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone...

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It is so up and down..I miss you this morning. I have met someone who is even more obsessive than you, if that was ever possible. I have also gone on 2 dates with someone that is ok but a bit boring. I am so tired today by the 'newness' of those guys that I am just low and missing you. I wish you could somehow fix it...it's 7 weeks of NC today. I have been a little more proactive and hopeful so I guess that's progress. Are you really ok without me in your life? Why don't you try and see me, I still don't understand. Why did you feel you weren't good enough for me? We're becoming strangers..

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I am angry this afternoon. I just realised you have been a knob. Not even checking in to see how I am, I've not heard from you in 7 days. I could be dead for all you know. Not that you would care you arsehole. I'm in a bad mood and I'm taking it out on you because you deserve it, no one else. I gave you everything and you were good at first but started slipping. You ended up giving nothing to our relationship and gave up completely. Things could have been worked out. I hate that you met my son, got close to him then * * * * ed off. I think I might make a voodoo doll and keep poking at that painful boil on your bum. Yes, no one else would care about your boil like I did. No one else would have groomed your scabby feet or plucked your monobrow. Go * * * * yourself...

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I thought I was doing better. I was convinced of it, really. Hes here right now and all of a sudden I miss you. I'm miserable. He isn't you. I want you back.


I'm not doing the right thing. This is a rebound and Im only with him because it makes me feel less alone...temporarily. I just want to be back in your arms where I felt safe. I don't want his attention. I want you. It doesn't feel the same.


I got a rebound too. I know your feelings. It's numbing.

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I wanted another chance, but you denied me that blessing and that is still what kills me. But I didn't force you and I stuck by your decision.


I don't know myself anymore. I find myself walking in circles ever since we broke up. One day I'd loathe you because you found someone so d*mn quickly. The next day I find myself wanting to just hold you again. And the cycle just repeats itself. When will this end? When will you stop haunting my thoughts? Do you even care about me or what I've been up to anymore? Why do I still miss you?


There are nights where I would have a dream about you and about us. I wake up depressed and angry at myself for having such thoughts.


Every time I would enjoy time to myself trying to keep you out, somehow you would creep back in. Please, just leave me alone.


Lately, I feel like I have lost all self control. I'd take unnecessary risks just to feel better. To feel something else but heartache. I did stuff I even hated just to keep you at a distance.


And now I hate the things that remind me of you. Your interests, favorite food, movies, games, music, our favorite hang out spots... They all disgust me because it always takes me back to our time together. And it disgusts me even more because now your sharing them with your new significant other. Did I mention I hate him too?


Will I ever find someone like you? Will I have the strength to say 'no' to you if you come back? What was I to you? Was I just a fling or a rebound?


Oh, thanks for the great Valentine's Day gift you gave me. Because a text basically stating "Let's just be friends" and a panic attack is really what I ****ing wanted. Come to think of it... That was the only gift you gave me since my birthday and Christmas.

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