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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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i have my good moments. i have my bad moments.

now i know and accept that you never loved me and never wanted to make our relationship work

you just drop me, our dog and our cat, our home and everything we built together after 6.5 years

you say you care and love me but you are tanning on the beach on our vacation while i sit here trying to sort out where we went wrong


thanks pal for some well wasted years


after i move out i wont even know what's your face

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Wish you would just shut the f up and be there for me, vs. talking all that sh989787 you do, which quite frankly, makes me want to stab you.

I love you, but you're a jerk.

I wish you would just bring me some food.. i'm starving...... and i've had a horrible day, and compassion would be nice, vs. your hate calls/texts and then your I LOVE YOU texts. you're insane. just.........make me a sandwich.

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I didn't cry when you posted your new facebook photo--although I felt like someone punched in me the gut. I really did. But I don't care THAT much, surprisingly. You treated me so horrendously that I can't imagine you really being that different. Otherwise, you would have sent me an apology or something. Who knows, maybe you got therapy and made peace with your seedy past.


At first I was furious that you're playing house, getting a dog, making amends with your family, etc with this silly, plain little woman but anyway--lol I am so out of your league now in every way!! I'd feel sorry for you if you ever regretting breaking up with me so I definitely will stay away. I never wanted ever of us to have any regrets about breaking up. You're not even thinking about me but I still think about you every day. It's getting pretty bearable though. I thought I wouldn't be able to live with missing you all the time but I can just talk to you on here and it's so much better than having you tear into me in real life. Of course my pride wants you to hurt--a lot--but I know that's not important.


Wow--yeah my anger apparently now has a half life of 1 hour now! that is pretty amazing. Should I go through the reasons I'm glad we broke up?


1. You are SO not witty--neither am I but I have potential unlike you

2. You're definitely not as hot as I thought you were

3. I'm way less nerdy than you, and I'm also a lot smarter

4. You're too boring for me

5. I have a lot more energy

6. I'm a much more passionate person

7. I don't lie

8. I'm loyal

9. I'm good at making new friends (although I have to admit I need to work on keeping them)


You did everything, everything I thought you would do. You learned a new language for her, she fits in with your family (whereas I don't think I could ever really love them) etc. etc. And you dumped me exactly the way I thought you would too. So predictable.


I was so annoyed with you for finding her--she's perfect for you. Where is all my happiness? I hate your guts right now but maybe you're right, we can be friends someday. I'm getting over you. I'm starting not to care that you're getting all your ducks in a row. It's just life.


Still, you give love a bad name. I don't think I can forgive you for trivializing an ideal that is so important to me. Your words were so cheap, and my feelings were kind of real, weren't they? Sometimes I wonder if I just wanted you to love me so I could outgrow you. If that's ultimately true, I'm really sorry. I can imagine that would be really painful. Not that you care, you've found her now and I do wish you all the happiness in the world. I really don't believe in tragedies.

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Tonight is the first night since we broke up that I have cried for you.


I don't understand how you can just hurt me so much.


I remember when we were so close and now we walk past each other several times a day and we are invisible to each other..... it breaks my heart.

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Ahhhh if anyone is reading this please stop me...I am caving...I've been thinking all day 'what harm can a little how are you text do'...I'm talking myself into it....I typed it then deleted....stop me stop me tell me why I shouldn't!!!! Day 10 NC...longest ever...it's killing

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Ahhhh if anyone is reading this please stop me...I am caving...I've been thinking all day 'what harm can a little how are you text do'...I'm talking myself into it....I typed it then deleted....stop me stop me tell me why I shouldn't!!!! Day 10 NC...longest ever...it's killing




Vent it out on here instead! What answer could you get that would make you feel better? I'm in the same boat today, I keep getting urges to email him to apologise for upsetting him on Saturday when I told him I couldn't be his friend and he walked out on me. How crazy is that?!! He should be apologising to me if anything. We can ride this out x

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Thank you north pickle...It's so hard! I know that nothing more I do can change anything...I was doing good and now I have that hopeless feeling again I am dreading the weekend as I will be alone...no friends here and nothing or noone to keep me occupied.


I have 2 good weekends coming up after that but it's so hard to think clearly and think ahead. I know if I text him and he text back even small talk would make me temporarily feel better...but then it would make me feel worse afterwards. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I miss him I miss him so so so much

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Thank you north pickle...It's so hard! I know that nothing more I do can change anything...I was doing good and now I have that hopeless feeling again I am dreading the weekend as I will be alone...no friends here and nothing or noone to keep me occupied.


I have 2 good weekends coming up after that but it's so hard to think clearly and think ahead. I know if I text him and he text back even small talk would make me temporarily feel better...but then it would make me feel worse afterwards. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I miss him I miss him so so so much


Aww I've read your latest thread and you ARE getting there, and I think I am too, but ups and downs will be the norm for us for a while longer. And there's nothing wrong with that, we're sensitive people and that is a GOOD thing. To feel and to love is a beautiful thing. Yes! But we need to take our heart out of reach of someone that at least isn't sure or at most doesn't want it, however hard it is. They know how we feel and we have to leave them with that and take care of ourselves


I know what you mean about the small talk, I've done that and it is a temporary relief but that's all it is. I'm sure you'll get through this weekend fine (try and make plans, even if it's going for a walk) and it's good that you have plans coming up. I might go out tomorrow night but will see how I feel, I still feel a bit rubbish not being with him on a day or night out!




To the ex:


Your strange habits were very cute but the fact you wore pyjamas in bed with me towards the end of the relationship, in the middle of the summer, when you never had done before except in midwinter was a bit odd. Like you were putting a cotton barrier between us. Maybe I look into things too much and see things that aren't there. But maybe I was right. Ha! That was one of our in-jokes, that I was usually right about things! So if I'm right about this, I love you more than you love me. Therefore we can't be together again unless that changes because I deserve true love.

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My ex just text me after a 8 days of NC about a letter she got from me explaining the amount of the bills she owes me for each month. I am letting her keep the car lease for the moment while she finds a way to get a new one with NO credit, and NO money! We made arrangements for me to see the kid on sunday as well. I wish I could just cut clean but this NC stuff is nearly impossible in the middle of a divorce with a child involved! Anyway, then she texts me "I wish things could have been different." ??????? what the hell does that mean? I wanted to text back, "THEY COULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT IF YOU DIDN'T DECIDE TO START SCREWING THE ATTORNEY AT YOUR WORK AND GIVE UP ON YOUR FAMILY...THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFERENT IF YOU ONLY TRIED TO DO THINGS THE RIGHT WAY!" I mean, she has made ALL of the decisions here. How can she say that she wishes things could have been different. She's the one that chose it! Anyone have any insight into what she is trying to say here, what motivation a dumper may have in saying something like this, or if there is any good response that will register with her. Thanks.

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I just re-read some of our emails...why I am sitting here in tears again. So so sad. You said you loved me and would never leave me. How can this be. If I could turn back time I would have ended it then rather than go through all this torture. I love you so much I just don't understand. Why are we given something so amazing only to have it snatched away again. I want to be snuggled up with you again...like the bears..remember it hurts so much and I thought I was getting better. You are impossible to get over. I hate that this has happened.

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Plain and simple.... I just HAVE to let go, for my own sanity!


At the moment I am allowing you to rule my world and that isn't a good thing.


Baby steps for me in the positive direction.


Me too. We can get there. There is no other way.

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I was about to contact you today but I didn't, knowing that you'd probably be with your friends watching a stupid game on tv. I got angry that your club won, it's true, my club didn't make it that far. I am planning to call you tomorrow night, it is scheduled, you'd better answer although I don't know what to say.

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I hate you so much - it still hurts so much. I am still weak, I know because I still have hope, I still wish you were here, I still miss you - but do I miss you or do I just miss love? Not that you made me feel that much loved anyway...so it's for the best. I am sorry I didn't reply to you text - I am doing it for myself, I can't bring myself to have a conversation with you about what you left behind when you moved out 3 weeks ago. That's just selfish of you. Hopefully your memory will just fade and I will stop missing you. I am just trying to not think right now - If I start thinking about what could have been, what I could have done, what I could do etc then I am lost. I must be strong.

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Feeling better today babe even though I woke up dreaming about you standing over me...I was moving out of your place in my dream, packing up my clothes pulling clothes off the hanger..

Anyway I sat down on the couch writing and you came up behind me you said "I knew it.." and you started to try to kill me then I woke up

Maybe that dream helped me again realize how much damage you did to my psyche..

I have much healing to do. Today was a good day though...I wish every day could be this good for me emotionally instead of the highs and lo's...

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I was thinking of my life 4,5 years ago, before I met you... I got disappointed as I realised that my life was miserable and awful, like this last week after you left me. I don't want to get back there. I improved my life all these years because I had you by my side. What am I going to do alone? I am so scared!

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The Imissyousomuch wave has passed. Now I'm doing ok again. I feel like you were an addiction to me. This site is a bit like a rehab-center.

I'm no longer craving for you. Craving for contact in any way. Finally I'm no longer disapointed when I see you still haven't contacted or anything.

But I do miss someone. Just not you in particular. Someone to hold me. Someone to do things with. I need to start making some new friends to fill that gap but...

No friend can fill the boyfriend gap.


Soon enough I will be visiting your city. Correction: a city that you happen to live in but do not possess!

I hope you won't recognise me because of my haircut. And if you do I should not give a ... about what you think about it.

And I do hope you won't express your feelings about it.. ( get real, Moonchill, it's just a haircut).

I should not make a big deal out of this. If I bump into you, I do. If not.. then not. I hope those thoughts about you won't ruin my day out there.


I don't know if I'm ready to visit this city again. But I'll never know if I don't take the plunge so I will. Let's see what happens. You never know whatchagonnaget

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