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How insane is this? I met my friends at one of their houses, where we were set to go out in a little while - and I started thinking about you, got so depressed, and left to come back here - so now I can drown the feeling away.

I made up some BS lie to my friends about having to run back to work to change something I forgot to change.


Instead? I'm here sad and lonely as sh*t.

..yet it's my fault, everything was fine until we had one stupid conversation that I misread and it's all blown up in my face again.

I mean, it was going to anyway - even if I did keep my mouth shut and if I didn't act on how I was feeling - but still.


I hate this, I hate this so freaking much.

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Why were you so busy that I couldn't come see you? But you can spend every waking moment with your new guy. You're busier than ever and you can make time. That's what it comes down to, you just didn't want to make time anymore.

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I really thought we were going to get married someday--hopefully without sounding completely arrogant I can say that I really think I'm moving on to much better things. I really thought you were it. Now that I've made so many improvements I have so many options...I know you always said I wouldn't want to be with you anymore after made those improvements, which is exactly how I feel--out of necessity really. I know I deserve better than how you treated me. I always looked forward to the day I could reject you back and break your heart but I'm glad to say I don't feel anger toward you anymore.


Yes!! This is really good. If I'm not angry then it really means I'm starting not to care. You'd be so surprised if you knew me now...part of me likes being off your radar--that's the part of me that is still angry and trying to punish you for leaving me. I need to not care what you think of me at all, if you're impressed by me now or not, it doesn't matter. You don't have any control over me anymore--I'm not going to live my life trying to make it up to you or trying to get you to notice me. I don't need to worry about that anymore because I have my own life now!!

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Oh my freaking... I cannot believe what our daughter told me today.


First, you've jumped from engagement to relationship to engagement since our marriage fell apart.


And now, one of your best friends, who you admitted having feelings for, told you she doesn't feel the same. Ok, it happens.


So what do you do?


First, you do the same irresponsible drinking bingeing, and driving, and locking yourself in a room, worrying everyone who cares.


Then, when HER ex-husband gives her 30-days notice - you decide to jump to her rescue again - and get a place near her so you can bail her out, no doubt hoping something will come of it.


You think because you went to a couple of counseling sessions you've grown from when you neglected me so terribly - but instead, you've become a whiny doormat to whoever volunteers to use you. Then you go through the whole quasi-suicidal depression when - surprise - they bail after getting what they wanted/needed, usually money.


I am SO glad I'm not part of your life now, I'd have shaken your teeth out of your head by now!!! You can't fix one problem by replacing it with another one! And you can't avoid healing forever, by diving into relationships within a week of one ending...


I pity you, so much. You've become a pathetic caricature of a man.

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I seriously hate how unworthy I have made myself feel. I know I deserve alot better then you, but im so pathetic I jump at your every whim.


Please contact me again, so I can ignore you and show you what it feels like to be treated like crap!

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You were so much worse than Zoey Deschanel - you were my paramour, and now you are the bane of my existence. Why did you have to exist. You only ruined the good in me.


I hear you, but it was different with my ex. I ruined the good in me, she just helped the process along.

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I just realized that, even if I may be no hotshot...you don't deserve my love. I have so much to offer and I can love with all my heart. Someday, the right girl will come along, and being with you will stop me from being with her. I release you...I'm sorry but I won't take you back, no matter what. Goodbye.

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Why did you leave like that last night? You quite literally ran away. You walk me home, come into my house and do a runner while I'm in another room! You walk me home with your arm around me and then you can't even man up and say goodbye properly? WHAT IS GOING ON?!


I was looking into your eyes a lot last night too. They seemed greener than they ever did before. I'm not sure what the point of writing that down is but hey-ho.


I know I have to keep the door open to you if I'm still holding on to the chance of reconciliation, but EX, it just confuses me. You confuse me!

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Remember when you got kicked out of your uncles house, had no money, had no car, was getting * * * * at work,everyone thought you were trouble... and you asked me never to give up on you like everyone else had? I never broke that promise. So why did you give up on me? You promised me you would never give up- and to never forget that I was amazing and meant the world to you.


And what hurts me the most is that after everything I did for you, after all the times I was there for you when no one gave a damn, you couldn't even talk to me and break up with me the right way. The way I deserved. Yes it would have been hard- but telling me you loved me and that you were going to try, getting my hopes up when we would plan dates, then canceling them last minute- or when I said I was sad and wanted to see you- you would say "OMFG I don't want to see you!" or just saying F*** You all the time for no reason- was just plain CRUEL.


I'm probably one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. God knows I didn't deserve how you treated me. I don't even know why I miss you. Who you are now is not the guy I fell in love with. That's who I miss. That's why I took all your crap- because I felt like I owed it to him.


I will never hate you or ever treat you the way you treated me. I refuse to be like you. But I understand- as hurt as I am now, as much as I wish you would come to me and tell me you are sorry and realize you were wrong- that I deserve better. And no, its not because you could NEVER buy me anything, or take me out, or because your job sucks, or because your car sucks, or because you never finished HS, or because you are what others consider a "loser"- Its because you couldn't treat the one GOOD thing in your life with some respect and kindness.


Now I see why your ex gf went crazy on you. You might not realize it, but what you did to me is called "emotional abuse." I'm sure she got sick of it too.


And honey, no one is out to get you, God doesn't hate you, and everything sucking in your life isn't "bad luck"- You don't do anything. You lay in bed all day hoping good things will just appear. You give up so easily- its almost criminal. You don't follow through on anything. Get your life together-I know you can- I wanted to help you.


I love you. I meant it when I said it. My heart hurts- but I know I'll be okay.

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You are so funny!


After contacting me all weekend long, saying sweet nothings. I told you I was confused and didn't know what you want from me.


You replied with " I don't want to hurt you or confuse you, I just wish to leave open communication between us" How was you day my love?"


So i replied "Good and yours"


And your reply was................... NOTHING! So, much for communication eh.


Seriously, get out of my life. I know your life is dark with everything that has happened too you, but leave me out of it!

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Just when I was glad that I don't really want you back..I saw that you were online and my heart started to rush...if such a small thing throws me back, will I ever be over you? I want my peace...if you don't want me, leave my mind and my heart, so I can heal. Please.

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I guess you're not quite my ex yet, but we've all but made it official, so:


How the hell could you let beer make you lose me and a cohesive family for our daughter?! Do you really SUCK that bad???? No, you're just that damn selfish. Why I can't just put you out of my head and move on is a mystery to me. Despite that, I still love, I just wish you'd act right.



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I got a bit stressed out this evening. I was worried about some aspects of our house sale and worried about my little brother who might be sick. For the first time in a while I felt like I actually needed to talk to you. In the past you were always the one who would calm me down and tell me everything was going to be ok. If I'm being honest, we didn't really need to speak on the phone. I could have just texted you and kept it strictly business like it has been, but I wanted to talk to you, even though I knew it would probably be awkward. Stupid, huh? It made me cry and there was nothing you could/would say. Of course there's nothing you can say and it's not your job to make me feel better anymore. I understand that and I don't expect anything from you. I think it's just that tonight, for the first time, I can see that we're strangers and that makes me even more sad. We used to be best friends.


Obviously this doesn't change anything. You're still a liar and a cheat and I know that I'm better off without you, but tonight I'm wallowing a bit.

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You are the lowest of the low. How dare you insult me after I have done nothing but try and avoid you so I can heal. How dare you hold my belongings hostage? Have you no soul? Do you not realise how badly you have broken me down? Why are you still kicking me? I hope karma bites you in the ass!

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You are the lowest of the low. How dare you insult me after I have done nothing but try and avoid you so I can heal. How dare you hold my belongings hostage? Have you no soul? Do you not realise how badly you have broken me down? Why are you still kicking me? I hope karma bites you in the ass!


How much are your belongings worth? Do you think you’d be better off if you just left it with her and just ignored her? This sounds like a really volatile situation.

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I'm having a bad night all of a sudden. Please, don't be with her. Do what you like. Ignore me forever. But don't be with her. I can't stand it. It drove me insane during our relationship, and now that my nightmares have manifested, I feel absolutely sick. Please don't do this.

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