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here goes what I would say to my husband...he is not even my ex-husband yet


you dirty piece of work....I gave you 13 years of my life and you break up with me 4DAYS before our anniversary and then sleep with my best friend...I hate you and I hope both you and she get STDS and die....lingeringly.....

and yet....

In the dark of the night I turn and you are not there. I wake and there is no coffee made by hand that loves me. I compare every man I meet to you and they all come up short, and cheating liar that you are , if you came home tomorrow I would shout to heaven THANK YOU .


I love you/miss you hate you/need you/ despise myself for wanting you back, all in the same heartbeat....which I cannot believe still beats in my chest after what you have done to me. What happened to love honor and cherish? what happened to til death do us part.

what happened to us?

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I had a bad day today...it's probably the worst day I've had since you decided you needed space. I was doing fine and had such clarity about the situation...until the last time we saw each other. When you told me that your messaging me to look for stuff that you thought was still at our old place, was just an excuse to see me.


When you started to cry, because you felt so awful about yourself and didn't know how to get "you" back, and I held your hand while you vented to me, it broke my heart. It broke my heart because I hate seeing you so upset. I know, and agree, with the reasons behind you needing the time to focus on yourself and try and get "you" back, and I know that because I want more, there's a pressure that only makes the process more difficult for you. So I give you the space and time you need to sort it out.


I know that things would just end up to what we were in the end if we try to rush this...I know that it would only end in heartbreak again until you're in a better place...but I still miss you. And it takes so much not to tell you how much I love you, and how much I miss you...but I won't...because I know that's what's needed right now.


But I do. I love you and I miss you =/

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You are now completely out of my life. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me. Though I still have your hyper-critical & condescending voice in my head at times. The romanticizing has long since passed and I see you for who you were/are.


You showed me what I do not want in a partner. You've shown me why I cleaned up my life, because you are the person I was 3 years ago. Selfish, egocentric, lost, all while chasing the approval of those you idolize. The "dangerous" ones who are something you will never be. You're a sheep.


But I wont hold on to this negative energy anymore. I've been wishing for your happiness and it's slowly working. I am replenishing the love I have for myself and others. Your parents warned me indirectly of your "bad influence." They were right and I'm thankful to be gone.


Sadly for you, light always illuminates the dark. And good will always quietly subdue "evil."


I wont waste anymore energy posting in this thread about you. It's about me now


Ready to continue my journey in this universe!


(Even though I'm wishing good things for you to erase anger, I still hope that at some point soon you get into a minor fender bender. Of course nothing with any injuries to either party, just something that maybe costs you a couple hundred bucks. Jk hah. No but seriously I hated driving your car and your * * * * ty iPod mixes that you were such a musical elitist about. You have exceptional hipster taste in very below average unknown music. Congratulations.) End mini-rant.

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What a journey. Boy have I learnt alot!


Your phone calls won't get me down. I've blocked you, and if you call me on another number I'LL BLOCK THAT ONE TOO =). And if you call me on a private number, I still won't pick up.

Cos don't you see? You're just someone I used to know. That's all you are to me. Don't you see? You have no more sick control over me. I AM FINALLY FREE! It's taken me nearly 14 months, but I've done it. I loved you so T, and I won't say I wish I'd never met you, cos once upon a time... You were actually exactly what I needed. =)

And don't you know...

That you, were the one that made me strong;

You made me stand up on my own,

With every cruel intention, you helped me find my


Yeah it's all because of you,

That i have the strength i do,

To turn my pain to passion, instead of crashin'.

Boy I'm thankin' you.


Bye suckerrrr!

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Can't sleep and thinking about what you are doing. I know you are with someone else and sometimes it still feels unreal to me. You won't let me anywhere near you and I don't understand why. Times were really stressful for me before you left, it wasn't my fault. There's no way things are as good for you as when we were together. Quit that crappy job and come home so we can go take all the trips we talked about. Your life is here with me! I love you!

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My sis is right, you're a * * * * * . Why did you have to lead me on whilst you were flirting to your bf and telling him * * * * about me. I was your doormat wasn't I? Shes right, and my initial thoughts of you were right. I don't regret going out with you, you taught me a lot that I will surely need later in life.

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Remember how we used to wake up on Sunday mornings and make love before getting out of bed? Then we would just spend all day being lazy, go eat out with the sun on our skin... It kills to know you're probably doing that with someone else now and you seem so happy after 5 years.

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gunna go for a course of antiDs...happy now? see what your meaningless contact has done? you dont deserve my love, and i certainly dont deserve this. cant even get it together to go fill the fkn coal scuttle up im so down....nope not gunna let this consume me anymore than it is doing so. guess i had to hit rock bottom in order for me to get back up.


i will get over you and get you out of my head and heart, whatever it takes. and when that happens, i wont look back.

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should've never saw you this summer, should've blocked your number the day we broke up. Should've erased you earlier. But bc I didn't I'm still stuck in that stupid frame that YOU broke, waiting for u to say oh yeah I'm here too. But it won't happen. It's gone from your memories. You aren't even thinking about me today. You probably don't even nostalgically look back at our 1 year last year. Well at least I'm a much better person now .. I'm happier, driven, and I'm starting to know me. But bc I never fully cut you out of my life, I'm still sitting here slightly wishing we were celebrating a 2 year, or at least the factthat we still loved each other. Except we don't. Only I still have romantic love for you, to you love is fickle and u think such things like " in love" exist so just as that logic would follow you don't love me anymore bc you probably never believed in love forever when u said it. They were just words passing to appease me. I

Am angry well furious that I gave in and texted you. Who am I to text you? You lied to me in our relationship and never appreciated me then sucked at getting me back. Now because u gave up and dated someone else I want you back? That makes no sense. I bet it's just bc u are running I am trying to make u see what I wanted from you all along. But you always knew, you Just didn't want to give it. But keeping u around in my thoughts is a waste of brain function. I should wait for something and someone better. Plus you haven't changed a bit. So scummy of you to see me while you had a gf this summer but I still wasn't enough for you to even drop her and fight for me was I? Guess in your mind I'll always be a doormat. Well I have news for you buddy. Stores closed and the welcome mat is gOne. I'm finally going to call a t and.t and block your number so even if you try to use me as a friend you will never be able to set me back again. No more you controlling me without even trying. It's over for me now too. Gbyejerk

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I am officially blocking your number today. I warned you and surprise surprise no answer bc for now younddont care. But when something bad happens in your life and u want me there, or when u want a real friend and u have no way of contacting me ever again, maybe you will. Jerk.

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I hate you bc you don't love me and I can't make you love me anymore. I hate that I'm crying and I care so deeply for some jerk that forgot about me. I want to forget you. I want to never feel this way for you again. I want to view you as just another guy and feel nothing for you and no compelling desire to ever speak to you again. Bc u ruined everything it's all lost. Thanks

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I love you. Still.


Even though you were too much of a douchebag to ever listen to Jill Scott with me.

Even though your selfish and brotastic simple azz dictionary doesn't expand to cover the syntax of how deeply I loved you.

Even though you never gave it back with the same ring to it.


I still know what I felt.

And the only consolation I have is, one day, someone might be worth it.

If I can ever drum it up again.


I still, though. Still. Kinda always.




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You were a pretty good boyfriend. You were sweet to me and always treated me nicely. but you're still a boy. You're still living like a kid (you're grandmother even does your laundry?! Wow. W.T.F.!) You pay NO rent and are always buying the next best expensive electronic. You can't even drive yourself TO or FROM work. You are letting your expensive college degree go to waste by working a dead end retail job while you live off your grandparents and take advantage of them driving you all over. And you took advantage of ME driving you all over. I enabled you. Not happening anymore! I don't want someone who can't stand on his own 2 feet and you worth not wasting my time in the end. I just can't imagine staying with a 27yr old that doesn't even buy his own toilet paper to wipe his own butt. You should be embarrassed! You LIED to me about having your license when we first met. You kept that LIE going for almost 2 years until I thought it was really weird that you NEVER drove. You are a LIAR and a freeloader and you should be ashamed of yourself. You basically have free rent, board and maid service and you're perfectly content with it. You save your money to buy expensive things for yourself... what does that say about about your character? It is like you are 16 years old. I need a REAL man. There's no way you are going to grow up and step out on your own. No more pathetic excuses, no more broken promises. I'm done. Moving on and not looking back! I hope you have a nice life!

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