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Today I'm embarrassed that I ever cried over you, that when you dumped me it ripped my heart out .... you were sour, dour, unsupportive, furtive, sercretive, selfish. Oh, and your breath stank most of the time. Brush yer teeth more often, flossing and mouthwash wouldn't kill ya either ffs.


And to think I didn't mind your horrifically loud snoring! I was so in lurrrve that I would just give you a gentle nudge to quieten you. How I would love to go back in time and shove you out of the bed entirely, you cold fish

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T. Even though you screwed me over so terribly... I can't help but love you still.

I really wish I could call you up right now and talk to you. Just hear your stupid beautiful voice. I wish I could just have a glimpse at your face and your amazing smile









Eff this.

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If i could speak to her right now, id say "is this still really what you wanted for your son, is it so much better now that this is the life you want? am i such a bad guy that i would not be worth working things out with, learning from our mistakes and making things better? am i that bad of a guy?"


i would say-


"dont you understand that you ruined me, in the weeks after we split, you knew how badly i wanted you back, and you continued to feed your ego and your guilt, by stamping on my face repeatedly...so do you understand why now, i hate you, and that i hate what youve done, and why i truly want NOTHING at all to do with you, and why ive asked you repeatedly to leave me alone, and not make any demands of me, yet you have continued"


i would ask-


"why did you text me that on sunday? why? dont you understand what you have done to me? to our family? and to our son? why are you still trying to mess with my head? why? You are with another man, you have your life and i have mine, move on, or come and get me...either way make your choice and stick to it, you cant have both, if you want me back, im here, im here for you, i dont know why i would want you back, but i promised you i would never shut the door on our family just like id never have walked out on you and our son.....if you want me, lets work it, and if you dont...then stay out of my life, we will not speak ever, you can tell me anything about our son that i may need to know, but i dont need to know about you, i couldnt care if youre living with ya guy, if ya getting engaged, married buying a house nothing i dont care i dont need to know....im happy not knowing, i trust you with our son, and that you wouldnt put him in danger, so keep ya life to yaself, and stay away from me...you have caused and created so much damage in our world, that i fear your voice everytime you call! please make your choice and stick with it forever. i miss you, i still love you, take care, good bye"




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So you just rewrote history huh? Apparently you were never in a relationship with me? I hate you. I hate that I wasted my time on you, I hate that I believed that you were a good guy albeit everything.


I hate that I fell in love with somebody like you! You're dead to me.

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I keep thinking about how much time has passed and it upsets me that I am still not over you! Almost 4 months ago you shattered my world. There have been days when I can barely put one foot in front of the other. My emotions are all over the place. Truth is, I still love you, I am still in love with you. I don't want to be, I want to move on like you have. If it was soneone else telling me about my story I would have all the answers. Why do I still want someone who clearly has no use for me? What kind of pathetic, desperate person am I? It makes me ill.


You are so lucky to have people to stand by you through anything, I was one of them. Who is here for me? Nobody thats who. Everyone in my life is soooooooo sick of my sob story. Believe me, so am I. I am stuck and the more I try to climb out of this hole the further I fall. I wish I could hate you. I bet that would feed your ego but you won't hear it from me.

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I need to STOP dreaming about you =(. Ever dreams so vivid, so real. Every dream involves me trying to get away from you. Please just get out of my head. I still remember how terrified I was in the dream. How faint I felt. I just wish you'd just leave me alone.

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i thinki i have finally realised why it is hard for me to let go...

I think that the last "true" words you said to me were correct...and i think for me to accept or to say you were correct it means defeat...i do believe you have hurt me and i do believe all the things yo have done was wrong but you did eventually ...tell me i wasnt your girl anymore...


I got pretty angry with you yesterday...i was so bad at you that i broke the sculpture u gave to me... It reminds me of the betryals and sorrow you caused me and for everyone else that u have hurt...but mostly me...


I dont know what is going to happen in the future but i hope only the best for you..


I dont want to feel pain anymore.. I want to be free..free from feeling bitterness and regret...


I want to be free... Because i know whats in front of me is actually wonderful to have... I have friends who love me and support me and i have a new life..a .life that im to live in...


I want to be free...

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Miss you more than anything...I am in the worse, most screwed up relationship that I can put myself in!! I just

want you, I only want you...I cannot stand it anymore and am about to break the no contact that you asked for..

I really cant take it anymore, Im still in love with you....

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Just when I thought you were 'done' with me.....on my way home, a text, you're coming over.


Reacting from my gut.....I race home.....tidy things up, dress (or undress........) sexy, and wait for you.


Your mouth on mine, first time since 3/31.....my skin against yours....I want you.......I love you. Not sure how I can do without you......

After the stars fall and the dust clears.....the truth rings clear.....I still want you. I still love you. I love your friendship too......I'm strong....I can handle keeping you in my life....

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I want you in my life more than anything. I need you here.. Even though I want to hate you so much, my heart wont let me. I still love you with every part of my being. I miss everything about you. How we used to laugh, spend nights after nights just talking and planning the future. How you would picture our daughter would look like. I miss you so much.


I'm sorry for everything I've done. I would take it all back if I could. I would win your trust back. I'd do anything. I can't stand to see you talk and flirt with other girls and treat me like I'm nothing to you. Like I never was.


It's destroying my life. I can think, I can't eat, I can't breathe without you around.


Why can't we start over and forget everything we've done to hurt each other? Without you my life has no meaning....

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Your life has meaning. Trust me.



As far as you... ex....or... ex-friend or whatever the hell you are....


It's been 12 days NC. You tried contacting me on day 6 or 7, not even sure which. The sad part about all this is... you don't even know you've done anything wrong. You really have no idea what this is like, and what it's doing to me. You honestly believe I'm just "upset cause you won't be with me."

A shame, really. I really looked at you like you were something else.. because you were.

Then... in 2008, when you started losing weight - that's when you turned into the girl you are now. Yeah, a girl. Not even a woman yet at 24 years old. Still playing highschool games, still lying, still looking for that ego boost.

It's also a shame that it took me these last 2 years to see you for the monster you actually are. It took me almost 2 YEARS!!!!!!! to finally get it, and finally understand what I already knew deep inside.


It amazes me that I still have so much to say to you.

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So I was really upset yesterday. But after reading an amazing book about healing and moving on, I can say seriously, I forgive you for everything. I forgive you for not being who I had hoped you were. I wish you well. I don't hate you and will never wish for anything but complete happiness to come your way.



I'm not going to run away from things. I'm going to deal with them day by day. One day it will all stop hurting.


Goodbye T.

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I am feeling so down, depressed and ashamed about breaking such a great streak of NC. I had almost 40 days and was making strides to healing. Why do I continually torture myself? I thought time would have mellowed your feelings toward me. All that time has done was make you wish I never existed. You didn't say it exactly, but I can tell that you have no use for me, no feelings (not any loving/friendship feelings). I was totally diluting myself, I am such a fake. Trying to put on a brave face and a good act that I was moving on and forward. You don't give a crap either way. I bet you wish I would just disappear. Well, we still have one thing in common, I wish I would disappear as well. I am so trapped, you live a few doors down from me. I don't want to be a prisoner in my home I am so ashamed of myself, I don't want to anyone to see me. Nobody could hate me more than I hate myself right now. I deserve it. So bring it on, all the tears, self doubt and loathing. I have nothing left and I am quickly becoming nothing. The words of your last message still swirl around in my thoughts "Alright, I'll do this for you. Help you out and that will be the absolute end". Ironic?!!

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Maybe I didn't love you. I thought I did. I keep putting myself down because I know I was wrong. In the beginning I was stronger to let you go...have your life. But you wouldn't let me. You cared about me more than anyone I knew. But there were times when I didn't want to be forced. You may have been right but I wasn't ready to learn it...and I certainly dont handle my situations as you do. God I miss you. I feel like I messed up so bad. I get so confused that I am in a manipulative mind game though and know I cannot contact you. When I had tried you didn't care. Doesn't that say something?

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I don't feel bad anymore talking to you.

because you was going through the same exact suffering as me. Maybe worse, because who can you talk to? Not your mom, friends, or your new girlfriend. They will think you're NUTS. And should have BEEN over me by now.


This fact alone makes me smile. Because I did mean something to you.

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i miss you so much. i dont get why our relationship ended like this. i was always there for you. today i was playing the game where we met. and i started to cry. i want to let go but its so hard. i dont want to feelt this pain. why did you have to do this to me?

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dear x,

I still love you no matter what happened. My feeling for you might have changed day by day because the way you are acting now. However, I know deep down somewhere, my heart is still for you baby. I miss you and all the time that we had been together. I now regret all the things that I haven't had time to do it with you. I was a bad boy friend that made your feeling changed. Now I know you are enjoying your life, you are trying to make your life so much easier and better for you. I dont know whether you still love me or not, you hate me or not because day and day you are still trying to avoid me. Is it because we are both get into too emotional every time we see each other? I know after the break up, I was the completely mess, I should have listened to others and left you alone. May be it will change what is going on right now. However, I did it, I came to your house and talked my heart out. I pretty sure I didn't sound really desperate but by that act, YOU would think that I was. I talked to you a few times but I felt like you tried to distant me. I was so disappointed at myself for acting this way. Now I know there is nothing I do can change u unless you really think about it, my love. I miss you and its so hurt and painful to see you everyday in front of me, same class, same school, same major that I can't really have a hug for u, I love you.

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