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I HATE YOU!!! Thanks for ripping my world apart, never to be same again. Are you proud of yourself? Can't even find a reason to be happy anymore. I truly hope someone does the same thing to you someday. All I know is I won't be here to see it happen but I'll be thinking about it.

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I just want to tell you that I got your messages,

Is sad that you still try to reach me thru such informal way, I always give you my face when we deal with our problems and let you know that messages is an insult to people when is something really important, yet you send me SMS.


Yes, I am still hurt, like you will never understand, I feel stabbed on my back by you, the person I trust the must, you play me, last time you said we can keep going on and I put all myself in to it once again for us, just to see you come to tell me you don’t need me in your life, in your own way.


It’s ok, it hurts and burns deep inside, I can barely bear the pain, but I will heal, no matter how many times in my life I have fall, I always recover and this will not be the exception, I am a good man, with good feelings and serious about compromise, I am not perfect, remember that I told you when I ask you to be My GF?


I step in front of you and ask you to look at me carefully, from head to toe, because I am not super hero in shiny armor, or Superman or anything like that, I ask you to see a Human being with defects and virtues, I don’t lie, I don’t cheat, I don’t drink and I will always solve my problems face to face, I NEVER RUN, I know how to say I’m sorry and being wrong, but I am not perfect, I am stubborn at sometimes, you just have to be patient because Sometimes I am slow to understand but I always be there for my woman, no matter what I will always be a Solid rock to support you and I did until your last decision, until the last moment my eyes saw you leave.


As painful as it was I stood there listening your decision and I bite my lip until it bleed inside, holding my pain so I can let you go in peace, even when your kisses burn my soul, I took you out and put you on your car and I call for God to take care of you, because you didn’t want me to take care of you any more, I Give you the blessing with all my heart and ask you to be strong with your decision, because I will never be there for you again, I ask you to take care of you as a woman, as a mother and take care of that beautiful kid that earn all my love and then let you go.


I do love you, I am sure, but this long agony have change both of us, you will never be the same, neither do I, two lovers started a relation, to strangers end it, and that is how it is.


Your last words, “Maybe someday…” didn’t give me any peace that is why I ask you to not say it, I can’t go on with my life with such weight on my shoulders, so I let you go for good with your decision, be strong with it.


I understand that you might be confused, in doubt, that is ok, we are humans, I love you and I only wish the best for you, EVER, but I will not be there for you to support you because I AM NOT YUR FRIEND anymore, I am the best friend, the best lover, the father, the best support for my family, the best man FOR MY WOMAN and you didn’t wanted to be anymore on my side, so it was your call and I respect it.


Even with this pain, I don’t want to feel any resentment for you, not now not ever, I ask God forgiveness if I allow that for you in my healing process, knowing that is just because is part of the process, but I will never do it on purpose, because I am not that kind of person.


Now, Please don’t contact me EVER again, not SMS, no calls not anything, I will not be there for you, plain and simple, are you in, I am there for you, are you out, you are by your own.


I respect your decision, now you will respect mine.


you see, I am man of my word, i told you that too.


Once Again I give you my blessings and I ask to God to help you heal soon in your own path, I ask him for you to find a good life, a good man, a good husband and father for your kid because we all deserve to be happy in life.


Be free of me and be happy.

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It really irritates me when I see you. You still wear the clothes I bought for you! I should have cut em up and bleached them while I had the chance. I friggin hate you, I hate what you did to my life! Your family is a mess and always will be. They are now blocked from contacting me.

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I felt quite distraught yesterday afternoon.

Starting texting some things but fortunately erased it before I could send it.



I miss your voice. I miss you T. I hope you're well, I still think about you every single day.

It's hard.

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Happy birthday my love, I feel so bad that I can’t be there with you in such important date, but it was your decision, I still thinking on how I felt when I return the ring that I got for you, for your birthday, I can barely keep myself in front of the lady at the store.

I know for sure your friends will do something nice for you, and them with your kid will try to cheer you up, and you will remember the first time we spent your birthday together, how I waited to be the right moment to give you that beautiful chain that I wanted to be memorable, I still remember your face of surprise and the shine in your eyes.

You see, I kept all those moments in my heart, And I thank God for the good memories of our lives together, you walk away from me, and now I have to empty my pockets of all those beautiful memories and start all over again, leaving all that behind.

I can’t open myself to anything right now, the pain still in my chest.

I know the future waits for me to move on, but today you still in my mind, in my heart, in my soul, and I can’t let you go just yet, not today, today was my day to celebrate my Queen, my lady, the love of my life, the girl that wanted to be with me for the rest of our life’s, the day that I honor the birth of the most wonderful gift in my life.

Have a good birthday my love, I love you, with all my heart, I celebrate your birthday with a cold tea, at the same place you enjoy that ice-cream that you like that much, I rise up the glass for you, and wish you happy birthday with all my love while my tears rolled down on my face, I didn’t even care if somebody was looking at me, now I am here dropping tears for you, Yes, I still love you, don’t know why, but I really do.

Happy birthday my love!

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Today is Easter Sunday. Last year we were together today. I remember how you last minute surprised me and came to see me. You me and my mom had Easter dinner outside. It was nice. I wonder how this year will be for you though I know I shouldn't. I do hope you have a nice one, hope you and your mom and your sister get along. This holiday isn't as bad at the Christmas season thankfully- but still any holiday I tend to wonder how you are. Part of me wants to text you and wish you a happy one...but know it's a bad idea so I won't. I have debated whether or not to email your mom and say Happy Easter. I don't think it's a good idea so I probably won't. Still even a quick 'Happy Easter Marie! Hope you have a good one!' Doesn't seem too bad. I mean last time we had that awkward text convo you did tell me that I do your mom good when I email her. I kind of miss her which is odd enough.


I have been wondering lately if I should send her a mother's day card. I think it's prob a bad idea but a part of me still wants to....or at least an email. Ehh. I have to really fight these urges- they won't help me in the long run. I need to not have contact with you or your family. It's no good for me.


Happy Easter Mikey

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From the insults on how i look from you bragging about your girl.

I took all of your attacks last night. Every single one of them.

I know the REAL reason why you talked to me.


It really got under your skin the fact I was talking to your ex? WELL I AM NOT ANYMORE.

How are you going to blame me for your DRINKING? What ON GOD GREEN EARTH DO YOU LIVE ON? HOW is it even POSSIBLE I STILL take the BLAME when WHEN I AM NOT IN YOUR LIFE ANYMORE.


I feel like I should had lied. But what would be the point? I gain nothing from that.

I am SO done. I swear. I will NEVER talk to YOU AGAIN.


I'm putting my foot down. You're not WORTH IT ANYMORE.

You are on this big ego trip from I don't know where, and when you fall OOOOOOOO I AM GOING TO LOVE IT.


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Hi Robin! I have been struggling with the same things here, even though my last couple of posts were pretty mean hearted. I have been plotting out the text message in my mind all night and this morning. What could a "Happy Easter" hurt on this blessed day? I think we both found our answer..... it will hurt us 9 times out of 10. I also wanted to email his mom and decided against it. She could have very well emailed an Easter wish to me and the kids but I guess she chose not to. Anyway, to all those thinking back to the last Easter or holiday spent with the EX, let go and let God!

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I'm so confused right now...We've been broken up for almost a month and the words you still said in the break-up are still ringing in my ears...I don't know whether or not if you are lying to me or not but it still hurts. The fact that you thought I was being emotionally abusive, the fact that you never really knew me and the fact that you keep around friends who are more or less not stable...hurts. I don't know whether or not if you have moved on or not but you probably most have. That is fine...I'll continue to move on with my life. I'm sorry that I was a major * * * * * to you...

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Hi Robin! I have been struggling with the same things here, even though my last couple of posts were pretty mean hearted. I have been plotting out the text message in my mind all night and this morning. What could a "Happy Easter" hurt on this blessed day? I think we both found our answer..... it will hurt us 9 times out of 10. I also wanted to email his mom and decided against it. She could have very well emailed an Easter wish to me and the kids but I guess she chose not to. Anyway, to all those thinking back to the last Easter or holiday spent with the EX, let go and let God!




I agree with everything you said! I'm starting to realize if I even have to ask myself it it's a bad idea, chances are....it's a bad idea LOL. If they wanted to say Happy Easter they know how to reach me- other wise not gonna bother.


Happy Easter to you and to everyone in this thread! Rise above it and try to move forward.

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(thank you to the OP for making this thread)


I wish I could have told you that you literally added color to my world. I used to work as a manager at a department store, and I had seen the color "Chartreuse" on the manifests we'd get for new shipments. In typical guy fashion, I never noticed or cared what the color actually looked like.


You told me one night, before I brought everything crashing down, that you used the color for the notice you gave your boss, that it was a color you loved. Before you, I didn't know that there was a name for the color of the sunset's slanting rays upon the grass, or early dawn light filtering down through maple leaves. These were two of my favorite sights at the end and beginning of the day. Now, I can't see that shade of green-yellow without thinking of you, and the pain I brought you.


There's one other thing I never told (or will tell) you, but I will post it here another day. I'm still confronting it, and I'm not ready... ...


I'm sorry... for everything. I already said it to you too many times, but I can never say it enough. So it will be my silent prayer for the rest of my life.

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Easter is officially over- and I officially didn't contact you I feel good about that. Its tough, but I feel good. I almost emailed your mom twice, opened an email on my phone....but realized no good would come of it. I still miss the way things were, kind of have a dull ache for the old days. Pride held me back too- suppose your seeing someone else, suppose she's at the house with you today....and suppose I emailed your mom to say Happy Easter- or sent you a text as that was happening. Can we say awkward moment?


I'm doing okay though all that aside. I do miss you sometimes. I've been better the last few days after that horrible set back last week. It's been a month since we texted, since your sister messaged me. Guess I have to let that thing go and see it as nothing. Trying to take it one day at a time and go from there.

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Hey ex that brought me to ENA


How are you? I saw you pop on MSN last night and actually felt nothing about it. However, it got me to thinking... how is everything? How are your parents? Are you happy and still with the gf that you made sure I knew about in November? Despite the mess you tried to put me through then, I do wish you well. I was quite surprised that you didn't block me from Msn, and while I will not be contacting you, I am glad to see that you are still around. It's funny, but seeing you pop online really made me realize that I have moved on, I am in love with someone else and while it is rocky between him and I, I know that there is a difference between him and you. He shows and proves that he does have my best intentions at heart and he is someone that I can actually trust and respect in the good and bad times. You ran as fast as you could and really I don't need people like you in my life. Regardless, I wish you nothing but the best.

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I saw you, and I know you saw me, I wanted to stop, to get to you, to let you know something, I know you must be feeling really bad because I didn’t even send a card for you on your birthday, because I didn’t reply to your messages, I am sorry, but I can’t, I love you, I love you, I love you, I can tell you a million times because it’s true, I wish I could allow myself to hate you so it wouldn’t hurt so much, every time I see you not only my mind gets crazy, I start to sweat cold, my pulse rises and my mind gets all blocked, I can barely keep my breathing under control, I get shaky, my body responds really bad.

I love you, Dear lord, how did you get so deep, when this will be behind, when I will be able to move on, I don’t want to miss you this much, I don’t want to feel like this anymore, I want to run away and yet I want to be close to you, I Love you, I MISS YOU THAT MUCH THAT IT HURTS.

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I miss your boobs. They were perfect, literally. Shallow I know, but whatever.


Thanks for making me laugh haha when I read that suddenly there's this "men, men, men, menmen, men, men, men, men, mennnnn" tune in my head. I bet you know the tune

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Do I miss you or do I miss having a boyfriend by my side?

I can't decide...


I haven't looked at your fb for ages and I'm glad for that.

I will certainly keep that up because I know it would sting a bit..

To see you happy or with a girl by your side.

Jealousy is a strong and hypocrite emotion isn't it


It's strange though because I feel like I'm really moving on from you and..

I wish you a merry relationship with a happy new girl!

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Dear ex,


Today marks one year since you broke up with me. I can hardly believe it. Surprisingly, I'm handling it pretty well. No tears, not even close! (*cheers here*) T says you'll come crawling back eventually, which is possible...but I can't bank on it. I'm moving on with my life and working on the relationship inventory exercise from a great book. I do miss you, the you that I fell in love with, but I do not miss the crappy way you've treated me otherwise. That said, I do hope you find happiness.

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“Come to the edge, he said. They said: We are afraid. Come to the edge, he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew.”



On a random side note. In exactly two months from now, it will be ur birthday. Hmm. Oh those memories of last year are gonna rush back for you aye? =)

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The months go on, I still see you everyday at work, I still talk to you. You come to me and confide in me, and you let me confide in you. But I really don't think you realize that I'm not over you, that it still physically hurts, like a knife in my gut, each time you walk into my office. At the same time, each moment I get to spend talking with you, is a gift.


I thought I was getting stronger, but I was just lying to myself. I tried to fake being happy, but the truth is, I am not sure I'll ever be happy again. Right now, every part of my life sucks. The only thing I have left is my running......it's the only part of my life that doesn't feel haunted.

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So believe it or not it's nearly a year !!! I have nearly forgiven you. Forgiven you for breaking my heart. For not telling what you were thinking, what you were feeling, for being so weak. But I've had a tough weekend trying to support my new partner, so it's late and I'm tired ..... so what do I do .... think about you. I would love to chat to you, but I won't. I would love to seek your opinion on my current situation .... but I won't. I miss your calm attitute. But now I know your calm attitute was just a front. You appeared calm but you just didn't tell me what you were thinking. I love my current partner very much, but on paper you were my equal, we should have made it work. That's the lingering feeling. We should have been mature enough to make it work ... but we didn't.


I am so much happier and I try very hard to apply the lessons I have learned. I now say exactly what I think, what I feel. I stand up for myself now and am not afraid of difficult subjects. But I don't know what to do with my current situation .... you would know what to do !!!! You knew everything, or so I thought. You were perfect and could do no wrong in my eyes.


You have a piece of my heart, you always will and I miss you. But our paths will never cross again. I will never contact you, never see you again, never speak to you again. And that does make me sad, but it's the only way cause I loved you so much, I can never see you again.


Sleep xxx

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