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I told myself I wouldn't dream about you and I didn't...So why am I so sad? I know

its because in my dreams is the only place I get to see your face...=(

Today is a new day, Got a job interview and have already been hired at another job!

I hope life is treating you good...I know I wished Karma on you but I am starting to really

regret thinking anything bad about you...Yes you did promise me we would be together

forever and that you love me more than anything but peoples minds change...And I guess

you changed yours for whatever reason...

You said you didn't wanna fight anymore and tried my damndest not to fight with you that last week

I begged you to give me a week to try to fix things and I did but you still broke up with me, why? Maybe

because you weren't happy with ME anymore...or something that I still have a hard time figuring out...

im tired of typing..

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I was gonna propose to u on ur birthday and was making it a surprise...and u r saying i was using u for fun? U should've talked to me, I would have broke the surprise for u if i knew u will leave!


and PS: running to re-add ur douche ex on fb and deleting all my pics? Really?

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I just wish my last bit of feeling can go away.. I really hate you for betraying me the 2nd time after all your promises you made to me!


Stop trying to contact me randomly! If you want me back then just tell me, if not, then leave me the hell alone!


PS: I will find someone who will be more faithful than you!

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We're smiling but we're close tears,

Even after all these years,We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time


I really hope someday in the future me and you can get those feelings of meeting for the first time.... If not oh well. I can hope.


Oh these times are hard,

Yeah they're making us crazy

Don't give up on me baby

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We're smiling but we're close tears,

Even after all these years,We just now got the feeling that we're meeting for the first time


I really hope someday in the future me and you can get those feelings of meeting for the first time.... If not oh well. I can hope.


Oh these times are hard,

Yeah they're making us crazy

Don't give up on me baby


Great song. I have the same hope...

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Three months on, I'm once again deep in a mad, gluttonous feast of punishment. After having the thoughts of you finally start to evaporate from my mind, here you are again, soaking my brain. I'm ashamed of spending this much grief on you. I wonder why I can't fight you off like an infection or expel you like a splinter. And still, I find myself wanting to talk to you ... without any idea of what I want to say.

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Once again, I'm crying. I'm having such a hard time trying to move on from what we had. I was having such a great time hanging out with my friends this afternoon, until I saw a couple holding each other on the skytrain, and suddenly I just broke down... It's only been 8 days since we've gone NC, and today feels like one of the hardest days ever.

I miss you so much. Do you ever think of me?

I dreamt last night that we kissed. I dreamt that you held me. I'd do anything to make that dream come alive again.


I love you. I want a new relationship with you, but I have to learn to be strong, happy, and independent again before that happens.

I'm sorry I broke so many promises to you. I'm sorry for ever hurting you. I'm sorry I was so immature.

I'm making a lot of changes in my life. I'm doing everything that I should have done while we were together...

I'm sorry I made you the centre of my world. I'm sorry I put so much pressure on your shoulders to make me happy.

I'm sorry I was so needy. I'm sorry for being so clingy even though I knew you had a career to focus on.

You are my first love, and I can't let you go until I've tried one more time.

2 months until I say hi to you. 2 more months until I have a chance at reconciliation.

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I loved u madly and sincerely, yes

I used u in anyway, no...actually the ironic thing is that I didnt ask you to marry me yet because I didn't want u or anybody think i'm using u to stay here.

I treated u badly last few months, yes

Why? Coz i'm an idiot

I deserve this ruthless revenge? no

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I've been wallowing in guilt for the last few days that i broke up with you, but i'm starting to have some revelations.. All i really need to do is remember all the bad things and not the very distant good memories from the early relationship. So now i'm going to list them, writing them down will make it so much easier to realise i'm not guilty for making myself happier.


You told me i had to be on the same level as you emotionally from the beginning of the relationhip or there was something wrong with me. You made me listen and watch all the things you liked as you said they would 'broaden me and educate me.' You wouldn't do the same for me - you would turn over or talk all the way through about how rubbish it was. You stayed in contact with your ex's and met up with people on dating sites as 'friends' as we had nothing in common and you needed a best friend. You got angry with me when i sent a happy birthday message to my ex and told me never to speak to him again. Yet you didn't care how much it hurt me that you still spoke to R with her constant stream of how she loved you still missed you. In fact you told me you like the attention. I supported you on the weekends for a year, paying for everything - petrol, meals, little treats to make you feel better; while you looked for work. i even gave you two lumpsums to help you start your own business which you gave up on after a week. I felt under such pressure, which you didn't really understand. On your last day before you started your new job i took a day off so we could spend it together and you decided to help out your mum instead, which i understood. But when i said i would make other plans, you got angry at me and called me selfish! You took your moods out on me, walking out in the middle of the night and getting angry with me when i didn't follow when you asked me not too. You walked out 20 mins into of a film i wanted see, as you were in a mood.. not with me, you were just moody. You told me that if i didn't want sex with you, then we were just friends and shouldn't be togther. You almost broke up with on Christmas day, when i had tried to compromise and fit both your nan and my parents into the one day and you called me selfish and said i should have cancelled with my parents. You said you had to look after me like a child, but you were perfectly happy to put all the things you wanted on my credit card, for me to use my savings, for me to cook, clean everyday when we lived together. You asked me to marry you, you told me to look at rings and then never got me one, saying it was only a symbol. You then changed your mind about marriage and kids and completely crushed my dreams, when we took a break because of it you then said it was what you really wanted and you were just scared. How can i really trust that?


there so many many more things, but that will do. I felt obsolete, trapped and no matter what i did everything was my fault and i was the selfish one. Is it any wonder i couldn't love you anymore? All the things you say about loving me for me and how i'm the best thing in your life and your missing you best friend, i really find it hard to see from my view point

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it hurts how you left, i dont think you even think i know you left for another guy, i do believe you think i am as naive as you. i understand why you left, but not how you did it. i hope you dont regret it as you will feel the amount of agony i have, but by then i will be pain free and not there to help you through it as you haven't been for me.




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for the sake of your future happiness i hope you realise you have made a huge mistake in letting me go. i was good for you but you took me for granted, you didn't think i was of value. I hope you realise now that I am and that you were wrong, idiotic and stupid!!!

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we have had contact for the past few weeks... and each time ive left the door open for u, not to get back but just to have a civil human relationship, but u seem to have such a general bitterness towards me. i understand thigs didnt work out between us and im slowly learning to accept that. but the tone u have with me, the anger... i mean, let it go. maybe we can be good friends. i dont know. but jeez. open up your heart.

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I miss you...I feel like im losing my new boyfriend too...I am doing the same sh**...freaking out when there isn't anything to freak out about...

Wanting to be us!! I miss YOU!! Its impossible to replace you but being with a man like you is the best I can do...I can only wish for you to

want me back some day...I am seriously MISERABLE with out...I love you too much to forget all about you!!


Im realizing all of the messed upi things that led to lthis break up and I wish I can just

take it all back but theres no way to...I just can't see myself without you!!! Baby,

I learned some things while I have been away from you....I can make you so many different

dinner plates now...I have so many recipes I can actually prepare you like Onion Soup,onion chicken...

stuffed chicken with whatever you like inside of it!! Pork chops...Japanese dishes like

your favorite!!...Im not afraid to fry things or touch raw meats!! I love you so much

and wish you will take me back...


Im not the same person I become while I was with you...Im getting the old me back

, the one you fell in love with! I just wish I could show you!!


I miss you so much...You are someone else's everything now, you are a husband and a father

and a house provider!....You don't need me anymore....You are happy without me...just

wish you wanted me more than her...!


I think I am going to end up happy eventually but right now its hitting me that im all alone..

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It's weird. Why did you tell your sister to message me on FB? I'm so confused by you!! I've over analyzed this to DEATH!


If your phone really was messed up and you lost my number- which I doubt- you could have just gotten my number from your sister. But instead you used her as the middle man, had her message me on Facebook and tell me you wanted her to tell me that your phone was messed up and to 'text him if you wanted'....let me think about this for a minute. Why would I text you? Last month- when I stupidly tried to text you a few times and make contact you brushed me off, made me feel like crap. Kept telling me you were SO busy and would try to contact me. For weeks you did that. I mean I'm NOT dumb. I could tell you didn't want to talk- that you were brushing me off. So I stopped trying. And its been a little over a month since then.


So this all kind of came unexpectedly. Your mom and I had emailed a few times, your sister had commented on my status on FB the other day. All little things- nothing big. So this was kind of random to me. I mean maybe I SHOULDN'T read into it....but it seems like you were thinking of me- wanted me to contact you. As the one who initially broke up I would say yeah- It made sense for me to be the one to contact you, but I did that many many MANY times and you shot me down all of them. Over Christmas- I mean I was basically trying to reconcile the entire time but you were cold and unresponsive and just mean. Then you seemed like you wanted to work on things a bit after New Years....and then you went cold again. You treated me so horribly when I went out on a limb and saw you in January- I honestly have no idea why you even wanted me to come there. You treated me like a stranger, let me cry for you with no feeling- no emotion. You showed me you could care less. And STILL after that I reached out to you a few times- even after you didn't even check to see if I got home okay after that weekend. And all you did was put me off- make me feel like crap. So WHY in the world would I go out of my way to contact you NOW???


Everything is telling me to just go about my life and pretend this didn't happen. I have been struggling latley, but still it will be better then being in contact with you- and be constantly in pain. NC will make it better.


This all sucks!

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How could u do this to me ? U left me ..u promised to love me till the end .. U told me if I left u it would make u devastated...but of course u were selfish enough that of urself n not care what I want ...u never cared ...u just threw me like with everything that u do ... I feel so alone ... U abandone me n now I have no one... Y did u do this to me ? Y couldnt u reciprocate? Was It so bad that I loved u ? Y couldnt u do that ? Y ?

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so okay you dump me after 6 years walk away like i was nothing and i constantly think of you even though you treated me badly. I cant believe I actually dreamt about you last night and woke up miserable. I ant you out of my head now because if you dont give a * * * * nor should I agh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey baby, it's been awhile & I am missing you so much today. You sent me a "happy birthday baby" email 2 weeks ago. It meant so much to me, but I didn't respond, not even a thanks. I'm afraid. I've been doing so well & don't want a set back. I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow for a week. I don't want you in my thoughts constantly. You really haven't been much lately. For some reason, today I miss you & cried for the 1st time in a couple of weeks. How are you? Do you miss me? Do you miss us? I have a feeling you will contact me again soon, I don't know why I feel that but I do. "IF" you do, I don't know what I would do. No one wants us back together...no one. So why am I still missing you?

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You're gone. I know you have some idea of what you've done to me, but you're selfish and you don't care about anyone but yourself. Yet, I am the stupid one because I would take you back in a heartbeat if I could. This break up has really damaged my self esteem. I was happy while we were together, I mean truly happy. Its gone and I am so broken and empty. No job, no friends, nobody I trust and I have a front row seat to watching your new life unfold. I hate it here, living on this street with you. If it was just me I would pack everything I own and leave. But I have children and they need stability, they have friends and go to school and I can't uproot them again. I feel so trapped and nobody gives a shyt about me, unless I have something they want or I can do something for them. FML and FU "L" !!! I know I sound like a victim right now but it is what it is and thats how I feel!


I have run out of ideas, I don't know whats next for me.

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helpmetoheal and Bec83 - don't ever let anyone else make you feel like this, I sway my thoughts every day but now I feel strong, we are all alone as individuals on this planet no matter if we are married, with someone whatever. Just remember that. Your both women and so am I so make yourself look fabulous, lose weight/tone up, get healthy just do it now, get up and start making that change and don't stop, focus on being a better person. It wasn't your fault they left thye just didn't value you enough. Now go and make yourself valuable, do that by NC and by being the best you can be, so that you never allow this to happen to you again.

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