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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Its been 3 weeks since i sent that e-mail. 3 long weeks and i was so sure you would have said something to me by now. You would have checked in on me, tried to see how i was doing. But i was wrong. We went from talking to each other every day, not going more than 2 or 3 hours without at least texting each other to this. Have you given up on me? I still sign into WoW and i see you playing with the person whom i can only assume is your new boyfriend. You guys are always on together, and its someone who never even appeared until i was out of the picture. Can you blame me for doing that though? You live 900 miles away from me, and its the only way i can see what you are up too. When you first told me you wanted to play the game to bridge the gap between us while you were away i knew right away, from my previous addiction to the game, that it would destroy our relationship. But i wanted to make you happy, so i said yes. And i was right. You got hooked, and it put more distance between us than 900 miles could ever do.


I know i was wrong for saying i wanted to cut off contact with you, and saying goodbye when i didnt mean it. But the next day when i -tried- to take it back, you could have at least acknowledged me. You told me you have never ignored me before, even though it never really felt that way. You blamed some of the situations in which i assumed these things on your bad memory. Whatever the case may be, what hurts the most isnt the fact that you ended the relationship, and not even over the phone, over a god damn instant messanger, the lowest form of breaking up in my opinion. Thats fine though, you werent happy, and we would hate each other now if we kept going in circles. But what hurts is you cant even answer a simple yes or no question. You cant even tell me you dont know the answer, i get silence and im forced to assume the worst. You said the mere thought of us breaking up and never talking again made you sick to your stomach, you constantly told me you were always here for me, and now nothing. I love you Christina, and the only regret i have is that i pushed you so far away from me that you cant love me back.

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Its like ever since I told you enough was enough, I dont feel beautiful anymore. I feel like so low of a person for some reason. I didnt realize how much of myself i truly gave to you and your holding onto it. But i want it back now, it's not yours anymore. You threw me out the window, us out the window, when you decided to test the theory of one of my best friends being attracted to you. This isn't my fault, so why is it that i am having to suffer to without you. Give my heart back please, it isnt yours for the taking anymore.

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I hate that I am stuck and that you are moving on.....do you even think of me anymore? Did you ever care? I feel like you didnt. I was used. You came back to me out of boredom.......because you were lonely. You had to have had this guy lined up when you broke it off with me. Maybe you met him that weekend you hung out in Milton - when I left.


I wish you cared. Thats what breaks my heart the most. You knew what leaving would do to my already battered heart and soul and you dont care. You havent once checked in with me to see if im okay. You are too busy with him.


I wish I left after the first time you cheated.....I wish I didnt go back all those times. You have destroyed me. I wish you cared.

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I'm SO ANRGY that I believed everything you said. Everything you said to me was only to get it said in return. You said it yourself - you need constant attention & affection. So, I'm supposed to be glad that all the time we were toegther you never slept w anyone else...as soon as I was out of the picture you moved on to someone else who could give you what you needed. God, w all my heart I hate you. With most of it tho, I still love and miss you too. I believe I miss the charade you played, all those lies you said to me to keep me around; the good guy I believed you to be capable of and the future I thought we had. I SO ANGRY that things could go from looking really good between us to back to square one in a single day. IDK how you could look @ your phone and ignore after having some chit chat, that of course my dumbas$ initiated. I'm angry and I hurt because of you. And I was doing so well before my 'suggestion'...or maybe not since I even suggested it in the first place. NO MORE CONTACT. I've tried, and tried, and tried, and tried w the most minimal of effort on your part. Why? Cuz you're not interested anymore. The desire for the relationship came and went like every other relationship in your life. I can't do it anymore. I can try. I can't be the one wanting to maintain a relationship w you; baby or no baby. You have to do that on your own, and tho I know eventually I will accept that, its really hard to get there.

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In a couple of hours, I take my mom in for a biopsy. If you cared at all for either of us, Im sure you would have texted me to wish us luck and to assure me that I have nothing to worry about.


But you dont........You are heartless............Thanks for making it so painfully clear.

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good to know you still think about me. i miss you, but you already know this. this is what i needed more than anything at this almost 4 month mark. i'm not going to chase after you, you need your space and time, and so do I. i've said what i needed to say, and you did respond, whether or not you meant to. that's okay. keep moving buddy, because that's what i intend to do.

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Wish so much I could go back in time 12 years ago today and make some other plans for the evening. Wish I knew at any time in all these years what your true colors were. And maybe more than that I wish you would at least let me have some nice memories of us. I dont want you back, but its still so hard to see that after so much time spent daily together you were able to do something like that and in the end just delete me from your memory in a blink of an eye. I thought you really loved me.. when the truth is you dont care, never did, for one more time you showed me how this whole planet revolves around you from your pov. It`s sad. I shouldn`t care, I know I deserve better, but I`m so disappointed, words cant even express it.

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Hey honey.

I saw you today and already miss you like crazy.

The time we spent together this night was amazing. We talked a lot…. had great sex ….I’m still feeingl the connection between us. I can see how much you love me, I can feel it, and this is amazing energy. I can’t remove from my mind how you hugged me in the morning and told me how much you love me, you’ve done this while you were sleeping. Every time I wanted switch my position and stop hugging you, you’ve grubbed my leg between yours and took my hand with your hand and you didn’t let me go, and I didn’t wanted to go, I continued hugging you, you know that I love hugging you when we sleeping.

You were sleeping all the night, but I didn’t, I couldn’t fall asleep. I think I couldn’t, because I was afraid that when I’ll wake up, you would not gonna be there, that all this was just a dream. I’m happy that it was real.

I can see your confusion, I can see your fear, I can feel it, but your love is stronger then that.

And I don’t want other guys, I want you, I’ve made my choice five years ago and I chose you for a reason.

I want to live my life with you, I want help you be happy, I want be there for you always. Because I love you and after the night we spent together, I realized that my love today bigger and stronger then month ago.

Just follow your feelings, follow your love, follow your heart and come back to me, I’m here and I’m ready to share all I have and learned, with you. I made many mistakes, today I see them and I understand that I really hurt you, words kill, and I used wrong words. Last thing I wanted is to hurt you, I’m sorry, I really am. I never hurt you again, I’ve learned my lesson, I’ll cherish you.

I promise you, if you give us another chance, you’ll never regret it. And you know that I promise something only when I know that I can sustain this promise, because for me it’s not just a word.

Love you my sunshine, I’m here, waiting for you.

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Despite what was said last night at the counseling session, I know that it wasn't a bad thing to be in this relationship with you. We were together for a reason. It could have been 6 years or 6 months. Our relationship happened for a reason. It allowed me to grow as a person. It allowed me to experience love. It allowed me to care for someone. Because I was never given the chance to do that before.


Whatever your reasons were for allowing it to continue despite you knowing that we weren't right for each other doesn't really matter at this point. Yes, the relevations hurt me and I felt angry. But I know you did the best that you could. Whether or not it was a conscious decision.


I can only hope that


a) while I'm in the healing process, I can really learn about myself and understand why I chose you as a partner.

b) you learn about yourself so that you doesn't hurt someone else the way you hurt me.


Last night's relevations were not setbacks in my healing. They are just more pieces to the puzzle that were put out on the table to help me understand more about myself and our relationship.

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I really miss you But, I know I have to let you go. I have to. I don't know why this is so much harder on me than it is on you, but I know it's because this is what you truly wanted. So, I have to be strong... I know it's going to take time. It's been 2 months since the break up, but only 2 days since complete NC. I have to move on... how? I'm still trying to figure that out. But, I can't give up... I have to throw in the towel and walk away. It seems like I threw in the towel, but I'm still standing at the pile... I'm so tempted to pick it back up, but I wont. I'm staring at it, but I'm working on turning my back away first... then, taking the first step away from the pile...us...the relationship.........you. It's hard... so hard. But, I'm doing it.

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I'm hurting right now. I wish you had not written me that note last night. I know you meant well. I read it this morning and it only made me feel really sad.


You didn't "put me through" anything during our relationship. I enjoyed all the good times we had. AThe only bad thing was that the good times, in my eyes, outweighed the bad times. Not the opposite. You said that I deserve better. I know that. It's not fair to me to be with someone who can't love me as much as I love them. I just wished you didn't reiterate that. I know I deserve better. Please stop apologizing. It's only serving to hurt me more right now.

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Remember that cold winter day after new years? You came to the house, used your key to come in, came straight up to my room and crawled into bed with me. It was the first time in almost two months that we had shared a bed, almost two months from the time we last embraced.


I wish you could do that now. I wish you being gone was just a dream and not this reality.


It hurts and I dont know how much more I can take.

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As my final farewell from you, I just want to say that you were "THE ONE" and always will be and actually its ok now that I was not " the ONE" for you.


It has taken all this time to get over you and I am finally realising that regardless of anything, 2 people have to feel that each other is "the one"


I will always hold you in my heart and I really do wish you well, no matter what you think of me, it doesnt really matter anymore.

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Tell me what to do. Tell me what is it that is making you so strong when I'm so weak. Why is it easy for you to hold back when it's killing me in slow motion. I've had it. I'm down in the dumps and have no clue at all.

Don't tell me time will heal you. Don't tell me you will live your life happy. Don't tell me I will find another. But what about now?

I'm hurt, and even though it's been a while but still, the wound is fresh and can't stop bleeding. Time does help to get used to it but what's the point if the scar will always remain. Deep within my heart will always be sad and hurt. The great memories we shared will seem to be hurtful and bad to remember. It's not a matter of finding another, it's that I want you. It's you and no other, why can't you get it?

I don't want no other. I have no room for someone else but you.

Don't keep on hurting me, give me a break. Give us a chance. We both know that it can work out for us. We know that very well.

Just give me your hand and I won't let go of it anymore.

I'm waiting... Please, do something.

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I still think of you every day at some point...usually no emotion attached - just passing thought. I couldn't believe that you booked a hotel room using my Marriott number I assume so you could get my upgrade benefits. Did you not think that I would get a notification? I canceled your reservation without a second thought - then it irritated me for 3 days how you were still trying to use me. We haven't talked in months and you book a hotel room in my name which I am sure you were planning on sharing with whomever you are sleeping with these days...who does that? What the hell are you thinking? Yeah, I know - you were thinking that you can still use this guy (me) for your benefit. Well F you!!

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I trusted you. I hate that i put so much trust into you. You knew what i wanted: a nice house, a family, a partner that adores me the way i adore them, to serve you. i wanted this even though you didn't want it but you convinced me you were mature enough to handle it, i didn't have to look further, i could stop looking. So many broken and empty promises. i can't understand how those words could escape you and you didn't mean them at all. or maybe you thought you could mean it eventually which proves to me we were incompatible from the start, which angers me more. you weren't honest with me about who you are or what you stand for, you didn't give me a choice to decided if this is worth the struggle. why the F did you waste my time ARGGGGG, i hate myself so much for letting myself love you when i didn't trust you. for knowing you were a idiot that would never understand me because you act like a barbarian. i hate myself for thinking i'm that smart to try to elevate your thinking so you could understand me. i hate you for making me believe in your tears the first time i broke up with you, making me believe you knew something about us i didn't, making me doubt myself and what i knew to be true about you. I hate you for humiliating me at work, I hate when you act all calm and logical after you've made me angry and psycho and say why are you getting so angry you have no self control ARGGGGG. Making me isolated in my own skin, making me become distant with my friends because you were so needy, "I CAN'T BE THE ONLY SOURCE OF YOUR HAPPINESS, I'M ONLY HUMAN I'M GOING TO DISAPPOINT YOU." i hate that i wasted my time when i knew this didn't work.

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Well Ive have always been the nice guy in the relationship, I let you walk all over me because In my mind and heart i truly believe that you were the one for me. I spent the past 3.5 years by your side through thick and thin and have always lend you a helping hand. I gave you love when no one wanted you. I gave you kindness when people were rude to you. I was always there when you needed someone. I went out of my way for you when you needed help. I'm sick of being your DOOR MAT! I'm hurt that you took advantage of me when times were rough and hurt that you threw my heart to the chopping block because you are "confused" or needed a "break"... But of all this i am just disappointed that it had to end this way. Disappointed that girl i loved is not mature enough to be honest with me when I was 1000% honest with you...

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I have so much to say.........I will post it up in my healing journal. Then after that, I think its time I take a break. Im at my wits end with this pain. I just cant find the means to let go.


I wish you cared. I wish you ached for me as I ache for you. I wish I meant something to you.


I still miss you. I hope one day we can just be. I hope one day I can be happy for you and your new family.


I look forward to the day I can love again.

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