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in hindsight i can see how everything faded, but i still feel like if i was a better person, better looking , anything, you wouldnt have done this to me. i wish i can go back to the old you, id give up half my life to be that happy. you KNOW we had a connection that was so hard to find, thats the only reason we kept it up...but you stopped wanting it, you nitpicked every bad thing about me and chose a girl who has less going on for her, physically, morally, and success-wise. just because shes a pair of legs?! *sigh*...i wonder if i'll ever see you again...

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When I lose hope, it's depression. When I don't, I can function.


My second ex cut all ties with me as soon as he dumped me and never looked back... i haven't spoken to him in a yr and a half ish. he even deleted our fb connections, but he kept my number and txted me by mistake once. We practically are strangers now.


The recent ex has kept many mutual friends like my mom on fb, so he can still see a lot of things about me. He also checked my personal blog I update all the time.


Why? Why dump someone but still keep indirect contact? When you dump them, I believe you should never give them false hope. It only kills the dumpee.


I don't understand ppl. This is the first time in days where I've been numb.. or maybe i'm in denial again. The hope is confident again. I have no control over it. I guess I won't move on until I see you with someone else. I'm sure you will find someone quickly to replace me.


That's just how my life works when it comes to guys I fall in love with. I'm easy come, easy go to them.


Maybe I need to think of how you haven't spoken a word to me for two weeks. That should be a clear cut sign... you're happier without me. end of story. you'd rather be alone than have me around to do things with you or cuddle in your bed... etc.


The truth hurts. Accept this heart. Accept it so we can move forward to someone who wants me.

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I still can't go to the movie theater and I forgot my phone at a restaurant. I never forget things. I miss you so much even when I think that you're off my mind you creep back in. I love you and I hope you're doing well. Make sure you call me if you need me.

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Today I hate you. Yesterday I did not. Tomorrow, I may not. But today.... TODAY I hate you.

Actually, rather than hate you, I am really rather tired of you. You are my Rubik's cube that I have not been able to put down for months, trying to figure you out. But, I have grown bored with this puzzle. And I shall toss you aside. Into the closet with the other puzzles. Let another woman try to solve your mysteries. Go make her miserable.

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When I went to sleep last night I was almost at peace with the whole situation. I felt so free for some hours. You were still in my mind every second, but in a different way. It was maybe because I was so tired from all the tears. But then I fell asleep and we were back together. And you told me again how you don`t wanna be with me because you love her. So now I`m awake, with the same pain, drowning in my own tears for one more time, while you`re so happy with your life and don't give a damn about me. I just want to be quiet in my mind and have no more feelings in my heart. I`m way too tired of having you in my thoughts every second, even after you`re gone away, without even looking back for a second. Why do I keep loving you? You don't deserve my love..

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You're coming over to meet the guy about the heat pump and I'm here at work. I'm going to have to run home, shower, change clothes, put my things away, and come back before you get there. I'm sort of hoping you'll stop by my office to let me know what he says, but you won't, I know. I'll have to ask you...or arrange for a consulation with my own heat pump guy to find out what's recommended.

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I booked my round the world plane tickets yesterday. It still doesn't feel real without you. I'd love to tell you how excited I am about it and tell you all my fears and ask you the questions I have about travelling, but you don't have that right anymore. Not since you walked away.


This is the next journey in my life without you; a new chapter. I've been holding onto hope to help me get through this but maybe that hope is just beginning to fade... I miss you L.

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Just want to tell you "X" that because of you breaking up with me in April I met someone at church not long after that just blows who you were to me out of the water! Ya see....she doesn't lie like you. She doesn't chat online with other men that you would call "just friends". She doesn't live in cyberspace. She doesn't look for the next best thing when the going gets tough! She doesn't take me for granted. She's an equal partner unlike you! She tells me all the time how much she loves me and doesn't want to lose me. We BOTH go out of our way to make each other happy. I don't need to provide her with anything! She is smart, independent, has a great career and is a great mother (unlike you were). In hindsight, you were selfish. She is giving. She has "it" together, your a friggin mess and so are your kids! They always will be and thank God I'll never have to deal with the stress of that!! I'm almost done caring about what we had because it was never meant to be, wasn't gonna work, and I was just too blind at the time to see it! I could have been hurt worse by jumping in and marrying your sorry ass. I'm so glad I didn't. Cause your just the type who would take my child (God forbid we had one together) and runaway back to your home state to your mommy and family. There were so many subtle signs in the few months before you left that I thought you were cheating on me like locking me out of your phone and closing chat windows on Facebook when I'd come up behind you at the computer. It was obvious you had something to hide! You probably were cheating at least emotionally. Guess I'll never know and I don't give a damn! I never want to know. I really don't!


You know, you were right about something Ms. X, you said men always go for the looks. You couldn't have been more right about that. You were hot, the sex was hot, but you turned out to be nothing more than an empty shell of a human being. There is a saying, beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone!! I'm almost over you and not because I miss the "you" but because I can't believe how cold and cruel you were to me in the end. Your not worth my hurt anymore and it's about gone. I will be so happy when your gone from my brain completely. I've thrown or deleted every bit of crap I had of you away. Now come on brain, you can do it....catch up!


Can I get an AMEN!!!=D>

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I forgot to tell you....I saw Craig on the boat the other day and he asked if I could give him a ride to the four way. We talked about his son, the trips he and Lynette have been on, all the cool things he's been doing. I told him you'd bought a place on Upper Queen Anne, had taken our girl to Vancouver for the weekend, and E. and I are taking cello lessons together. He said he'd asked you to go to Reno, but you said you didn't have time, and he stopped asking if you'd come over for first Thursday. I said, "I wish he would get out and do something. He needs more joy in his life."


Craig: We could all use more joy.


Me: Not me. If I had anymore it would spill out and who knows what could happen. I've had the best summer of my life.


Craig: Really? That's great.


Me: Yeah. I think it's the cello.


It is the cello. And sailing. And the road trip. And the concerts. And the men whom I've noticed are noticing me. THIS IS THE BEST SUMMER EVER. I wish you felt as happy as I do.

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you've stated your reasons why you gave up a million times, it seems, but i'm still no closer to understanding. you're so good at talking and making sense of things that make no sense. i hate you for breaking my heart, but i love you for who you are. i hate that you barely even tried before you got scared and ran away. you will never find anyone who'll be as good to you as i could have been, or who understands you like i do.. and by the time you realize it, it will be far too late. maybe you'll find someone else some day, but it will never be the way it was with me. you should never have thrown away a possibility for such greatness. in time, you'll see.

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I'm so conflicted. I got triggered badly yesterday, when I saw the long note you left on T's blog. You can write to her, but you can't write to me (like you said you would). I've been waiting since June 21st. You act like I don't even exist, and it hurts. I was your best friend and girlfriend for over a year. Remember?


I'm also hurt because you would rather be with your best friends than give me closure. It doesn't help that I'm jealous of C and A, not only for taking up so much of your time, but also for being so pretty. It's illogical to be jealous of people I don't even know, but there you have it. Hopefully the jealousy will pass soon.


Did I do right in sending you that letter? Maybe it was a big mistake. Is that why you aren't writing back? Or are you ignoring me because you just don't care? I don't know... *sighs* Despite not having closure, I still love you, care about you, and miss you.

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I am so angry that you are gone. I wanted so much for us. You go to mexico - and sit - under a tree and feel the hurt I feel. you lost. you wanted half so badly - that is what you have left. half of the heart that was whole. I miss you and I hate you. leave my heart.

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Well three months ago tonight you called and dropped a bomb on my life !! Since then I have been on a totally nightmare of a rollercoster. But I guess now I'm glad. You called our relationship disfunctional. Well yeah maybe it was. I'm still angry at you for not doing anything about it before you dumped me !! You never said a word about you not being happy. Never gave us a chance, but it was your choice so hey there you go.


But I'm more relaxed now, the kids are happier so I guess it was a good thing it ended. Would I take you back, if you ever showed any interest at all ..... not sure about that. Have I forgiven you and myself ? No not really !! But I have plenty of other great things in my life that you will miss out on. I still think about you way too much, but it's getting less. Soon I might be able to get up in the morning and you won't be the first thing on my mind. I can't wait for that day !!

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WHY the * * * * did you leave me and this family? Your kids? Every evening when I come into this house and see all of OUR things, the hurt comes back. HARD. I'm exhausted from hurting over you, thinking about you, and wanting to kiss you again SO BAD.


How could you hurt me so much? How did you get this power over me? Do you hurt too or do you not give a * * * * ? How could I love someone so much....someone that did something like this to me and our family....to her own kids?

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