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I wonder if we will ever talk again.

In your emails and from our conversation two weeks ago you said we need to let all the mess simmer down and just wait it out a bit before we are ready to talk again. You told me I am impatient, which is true. You know me better than I know myself sometimes. I am still unsure if we will ever talk though. You've been seeing this other guy and I can't blame you considering how bad I've been.


I wish I'd have a definite answer whether we will talk or not. Not knowing is killing me. Last time we talked (before we had another argument) you gave me a hug a held me so tight. I miss you so much I want to cry.

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I really miss you today, I love you so much I still can't believe you ended stuff without giving us a chance to sort stuff out. I just wish you had talked to me before so that at least we could have tried to sort things. All you needed to do was communicate ! Why didn't you ? I just don't get it.


I know it doesn't make any difference now but you throw away something really special, that's what makes me so very sad.

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Oh hi....Ya sorry, cant talk right now - Montreal fling is on her way to pick me up from work. Yes, I know I saw her last night - what can I say....shes hot and well, we just cant get enough.


Would love to stay and chat but I really do gotta run....have fun with the b/f and the laptop tonight.......

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Hi W, Went 19 days without talking to you, texted you yesterday, you texted back quickly, i posted a status today about my work and you liked it and commented on it, so we interacted two straight days after 19 days of not talking, I am confused and it sucks. I don't know what you want and I am not sure what to make of all this, I know it seems little but you haven't liked or commented on my facebook in months. I will see you sometime next week, I am nervous and excited but not sure If i am ready to face you if you don't have feelings for me anymore, crap.

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Why am I so positive you will return one day, after 7 months of nothing. Why do i read positive into everything you do, why do I turn it into signs you are missing me. I must be deluded. I keep planning what to do next. So why are your responses, not positive, spurring me on. Why can i not take no for an answer. What more do i have to put myself through to accept you are not coming back? I miss you, its improved, im good now, we would be cool

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Well, for some reason, I keep wondering if your "new" girlfriend is posting on ENA. Whenever I see posts about not trusting someone, I wonder if "Anna" will end up on here writing nasty posts about you. Who knows, we may even be answering each other's posts.


I'm not really angry..haven't been for a few days. Just kinda sad. Was reading a book called "The Places That Scare You" by Pema something and it reminded me of how love is open and free and fear is clingy and full of walls. What I find so sad is the memory of all the times you looked at me, innocently, and said "With you, there are no walls. That never happened before." You seemed to mean it. You said "You tell me things you don't like about me, but I don't feel upset. I want to listen to you." Do you know that I told you my deepest insecurities? I am ashamed that I did. Now you can use it against me. That night that I started crying when you ignored me, you asked what was wrong and I admitted that I think I'm a boring person. You held me and told me I wasn't boring. I said I felt like it and told you I never told anyone that before. I didn't even share that with my ex fiance. Now, you just validate that by cheating on me and being with her. Just knowing that you know my most vulnerable spot makes me uncomfortable. You would probably tell everyone and laugh. I know I said bad stuff but I did trust you sometimes with some pretty heavy stuff. I regret that, but I felt like we had no pride, like you said. It was weird, the less we had walls, the more we had walls. You told me you felt safe with me and it was a new feeling for you. I felt safe with you too. But was that part of the sociopathology or was it a break from that? Did you feel so safe that you got scared? It's a bipolar thing. The more safe we felt, the more horrid we acted. Weird.

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I can't believe you're already seeing someone. It's been a month to the day, and you've been seeing him for at least a week! Not only have I lost you and moved back in with my parents, but I lost my job 2 days ago. I haven't felt so pathetic in years.


I wonder what I'd do if you contacted me and wanted me back, like I contacted you and wanted you back 2x weeks after the break. If my heart would take you back. I don't know.


It's funny how you didn't love me when you dumped me, and somehow I get the feeling you imagined I'd be over it already.


I can only image, before you got your nice fancy job that paid $5 more than mine, before you went on antidepressants that killed your sex drive from once a day to a 'regretful' oncee a week+, when you were very emotional, jobless, and kept crying to me that I didn't come over enough and that you were afraid I'd give you a "It's not you speech". If I had given you a speech like that, would you even have recovered by now?


Now you have already recovered, and moved on, and I'll be sad for months. It makes me feel that love is very * * * * ty, and that I have to be really paranoid and defensive in future relationships that I may get screwed and that love really is fragile and will dissolve.


We were almost always so close... we talked about everything, we worked out our problems. What happened to that? You never talked to me about anything the last month, you just dumped me abruptly.


I still can't believe you found some after 3 weeks. We were together for over 13 months. We lived together for about a year. I remember when I first met you. Driving out to your parents house. Comforting you. Kissing you.


No more now. You've moved on from that.


You say that we wouldn't work out, because we didn't work out the last month and that was because we got 'comfortable' with each other. I don't believe that.


I can't freaking believe you're already seeing someone. He's probably spent the night too. Sleeping where I slept. Holding you where my hands used to be. Comforting you when you get upset. I try to rationalize it, that you didn't love me so it didn't take you as long to get over me, especially since you knew you were going to break up with me at least a week in advance. How could you know that and still be just okay with for a over a whole freaking week.


I guess it's the same way in which you could just start dating someone 3 weeks after... A kind of heartlessness.


I don't know. I loved you, we shared a lot, we lived together, I thought we'd be together forever actually, but... I guess I didn't know you. I guess we didn't share a lot. Because the person I loved and the person I knew wasn't a person who'd do something as * * * * ty as you did to someone like me. Didn't even try to work it out. What the * * * * was that, I deserved better.

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The worst part of my day is waking up and yes I still automatically wake up at 6am. Reality sets in that you're no longer with me and it's so painful my entire body feels it. I feel you coursing through my veins...I love you so much and I miss you more than you'll ever know. This sadness consumes me, but throwing myself into working 50+ hours a week helps to get my mind off of you. I don't like sitting idle, because then the thoughts of you come pouring down like rain and there is no sun to help me through those times. I know you've moved on and you're going to be with "him" soon. I only want you to be happy and know that if you ever need anything, anyone...I'm here.


I forgive you for the cold shoulder you gave me when I cried my heart out to you on those many occasions after the break-up. I forgive you for giving up on our relationship, because I want you to be happy, but I just wish it was with me. This body may be mine, but this hole in my chest is your doing so that belongs to you.


I love you C.K.P.

Words I'll never write to you.

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have fun in vegas. do whatever you want, whatever girl you want, anything. i don't care because i've done it all now, and it doesn't mean a damn thing to me. i just moved every picture we've ever taken to a different folder and put it somewhere in my hard drive where i'll never have to see it. seeing your face is so weird, i feel like i don't even know you anymore after a month and a half. here's to you, i, and our new lives, separate and apart. you made a huge mistake, and i know you'll come to realize it one day.

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I'm gonna go see that extremely stupid looking Mark Wahlberg & Will Ferrell film. I know you remember how much I love Mark, and I hope advertisements for this film play 24/7 so every time you see him you think of me. (: Sufffffer.

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i'm glad you felt you could talk to me last night but i'm hurt that you've closed the door again and chosen to ignore my "Hi how are you feeling today?" text. Maybe you are angry at me for saying i'd been on a date but my gut instinct is telling me you're probably not.


You told me last night that the night before you'd played that video of me in the snow with the silly hat on that your dad had bought me. You were obviously thinking of me...you said i looked very cute. Why cut me out completely? I want to be there for you. Maybe you just feel like it's too much for me to handle and that i deserve more but i don't know. I miss you. I miss Gibson. I would give ANYTHING in this world to come home and be a family again.

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I'm gonna go see that extremely stupid looking Mark Wahlberg & Will Ferrell film. I know you remember how much I love Mark, and I hope advertisements for this film play 24/7 so every time you see him you think of me. (: Sufffffer.



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Yesterday I wanted to call you because of how hurt I was. Today, it is because of all the great things that happened. I think we can make this work, but the ball is in your court. If there is a sixth sense I hope you get this and think of me. Think long and hard and realize we can make this work.

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why why why did I call you today and see if you wanted me to join you in Cancun. why why why did I ask you to sleep with me - why am I insane about you still. I am attractive, other guys are in touch with me - none are available what is all that about - but I can do better than you............why why why did I go down that road. I have been crying and fussy all day thinking about what I said. You rejected ME. Are you kidding me? Well maybe I am not all that and two bags of chips - but I am a pretty cool gal - I feel like an idiot.



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Hey LB!!!


I saw you tonight at dinner. Did you see me? What a trip! It's been probably 10 years since we've seen one another and my brother recognized you right off the bat. I saw you with your mom. So you're back in town? You look exactly the same. Wow. I could never go back with you, but it'd be great to hang out and catch up. What's new with you? I had two serious relationships after you---one for 7 years and one for 6 months. Still getting over both of them, but doing OK. How about you? Had any more serious relationships? My mom saw you with a bunch of kids. Did you have kids? I remember you saying you never wanted any. I'm so curious! Our friend "Heather" emailed me a few weeks ago. We should all get together sometime, especially if you're back in town. I don't have feelings for you anymore. You're one of the only exes I'm completely over...lol...but I remember hanging out and having fun...grooming the horses, riding the roller coasters...you flirting with other girls...ugh...lol. Hey, write me, ok!

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Dear B,


I had dinner tonight with my family and didn't even think about you...except when the check came. Then I remembered about the time you only had 10 bucks on you and throght that would pay for both our dinners plus tips. Ha. You acted like you didn't even know how to use a credit card. Not sure if it was an act or not, but I ended up paying. I'm glad to be rid of you for that reason. I didn't miss you. I remember how when we had dinner with my family, you ordered a big meal and didn't even thank my brother for paying your way. You were a user and a mooch. You probably don't even remember that it's my birthday tomorrow. That's ok. I know my ex fiance will remember. But he won't contact me. But just knowing he knows will be enough.


I don't really miss you anymore. I just miss the fun. I miss you sitting on my lap at the bar when we played pool. We looked like dorks, the only ones not drinking alcohol, matching cartoon shirts.


Anyway, maybe I'll see you at church again sometime. If not, even better, but maybe try a different church? It would be a good idea, I think. But it's not for me to advise anymore. So take care.

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Dear L (ex fiance),


As my birthday comes around, I am thinking of you. I remember the massage and spa treatment you got me the last year we were together. I was under a lot of stress from losing my job. That you for that. I have all the birthday cards you ever gave me and they're not going in the trash. It's almost been 2 years since we've been apart! Wow...time flies. Last year was my first b-day without you in nearly 10 years since we've known each other. Last year was hard and I missed you so much. This year, it's a little easier because I'm used to it, but after spending all those birthdays with you, it's not the same. I remember how your parents used to celebrate with me. I miss them. Say hi to your brothers for me and give your nephew a hug. Wish I could have met him but he was born after you left me. I just remember you texting me some pics of him 6 months after the break-up. I've seen recent pics of him. He's a real cutie. Like you. But he looks like his mom...lol.


Soo...will you think of me tomorrow? Will you mention my birthday to your current girlfriend? Or will my bday slip your mind? Anyway, thinking of you...

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