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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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Hi W, just wanted to say how much I miss you, I wonder if you ever think about me, now that you are coming home tomorrow, will that 6 hour drive alone give you time to think about US. I hope so, I think we have something really special and it would be a shame to throw it away. Do you remember how romantic our first date was? I wish you would allow yourself to be more open with me, let me know how you feel, your fears, your commitment issues. I can't wait to see your face next week, I know we haven't talked in a few weeks but I think the space has given us time to reflect, me included, the perspective has made me feel even more positive about things and I hope you are willing to give us a second try. Being around single people too long can cause you to want the same, I get that. But the grass isn't greener on the other side, it is just more loneliness feed with short lived moments of singledom. I hope you can see that.

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I know your mother and friends hate me an all because all they would ever hear about me is when we fight and I'd cause a scene or something. However, I am sure your mother and family are so proud of you for rebounding on a 28 year balding hotel clerk.

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I was just thinking about some of the last few things you said to me, something about maybe in the future we could sort something out or words to that effect. Basically one day you might take enough pity on me to be in a relationship with me again !! Well sod you, I don't need pity from you or anybody else. There are many brilliant things about my life and it's your loss that you won't get to share them any more. So take your pity and give it to your next partner cause I'm not interested !

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I must be getting better - I don't even really feel the urge to contact you. Actually that's not quite true. I do feel the urge to contact you, but then realize there's nothing more to be said. It would just be awkward. So how are you? How's life with the new guy you cheated on me with? Good to hear. I'm doing great and realize you don't deserve me.


Hmm yeah that conversation just won't fly.

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Dear B,


I might be able to forgive you soon. I hope I can do that. I am working out my issues in therapy and just told our story to a new friend (what a great relief...to tell the story to a real person and not just online anonymously or to a therapist). She had similar life experiences to share and now I don't feel so alone and also don't feel so angry knowing that being hurt is just part of life.


I do understand why you are the way you are. It doesn't justify your behavior, but it does explain it. You are a womanizer. I say that as a purely descriptive label right now. No malice behind it. It's all you know how to be. I don't have to like it, but it is what it is and knowing this, I really just have to accept it. God did me a favor by breaking us up and maybe it will be a blessing to both of us in the end.


I see that I was judgmental towards you. I think I had good reason to be, but then again, I didn't have to stay with you. Instead, I chose to stay with you and threaten to break up instead of just break up the first time. You felt insecure all the time and told me later that you "knew" I was gonna break up with you. Well, you were right. I don't think I strung you along...but I did keep threatening to leave when you wouldn't be who I wanted. That wasn't fair. You are who you are and I should have left a long time ago. I essentially treated you the way I was treated by my ex fiance towards the end of his and my relationship. I remember how cruddy that felt, so I imagine you must have felt bad too. After all, you felt I really accepted you despite your bad side, but then you realized you could never live up to my expectations.


This isn't an apology though, only because I think my expectations for you to be honest, loyal, and open were reasonable. I want a partner who takes care of his health (generally speaking) and is responsible. I don't expect perfection, but I accept a certain kind of character/morals which you don't have. Again, I can't blame you. Well, I guess I do blame you for what you did to me, but I also understand where it came from. You were not raised to respect women and I can totally see why. Your mom married 5 different guys and left you and your sister home alone while she went out and messed around. You were also sexually abused...what could I expect? Unless that was a lie, that can be traumatizing. I'm sorry I took that so lightly. You told me one day about all these horrible things done to you as a child. I wanted to cry but I couldn't fully express my empathy to you. I know you didn't feel empathy towards me, but I did feel for you.


People on this board say I never loved you. That I complained about you from the start. You know that is how my whole family is, Brian. In my family, EVERYONE complains, even when they love someone with all their heart. That is our way. You KNOW that I loved you...even if only for a very short time. I took down my walls and trusted you BLINDLY. It was foolish, I did judge you. I was nasty. But for a while there, I did love you. I went along with you and was there and suspended these things.


I hated things ABOUT you, but in actions, I loved you.


Also, what I posted about hoping you break down because I want you to come back to Christ, I mean it. I am not trying to look like a saint and I'm not a good person. I've said terrible things about you! But I do want you to be humbled so you can be part of our church in a good way, not a bad way. No one has to believe me because I know the truth and God knows the truth. I don't feel defensive about it anymore because what's true is true. Even if you don't know it. I'm not going to tell you either because I really have no reason to talk to you. What you did is still wrong and I still wish you'd apologize, but I realize now you probably won't ever and never sincrely, so I will just have to accept it, forgive myself, and forgive you. Right now it feels it's getting closer to that. I hope.

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the thought of you still makes me mad. very angry. i think we are really done this time. i feel i had waken up, i feel we are not compatible, you will never change. or maybe just the simple truth is , you don't love me. i am glad i am the one who dump you! i don't have to suffer the pain of being abandoned and suffer the shadow for the rest of my life! serve you right !

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Going to clasp my hands together in a prayer to anything, anyone out there.


I'm crumbling and you're probably out living your life, getting the girls you want, sleeping with whomever.


Sometimes I want to start crying because I miss you so badly. I'll be at work and the feeling will overwhelm me.


You told me I was your "forever".

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Last night I dreamt of you. I woke up in the early hours and couldn't stop thinking about you. I try to tell myself to let go, over and over in my head. It helps. I'm scared of what you are going to say in your letter. I'm still in so much pain and know I need to be realistic about things but I still have hope. Please don't dash all my hopes & dreams L.

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7 weeks since you ruined my life & im still as crushed as ever... i hate crying hysterically over and over and over again. it's driving me literally crazy... last night i just kept repeating "went away... went away... friend... friend went away," because i was so delusional from crying for hours. i cant believe you left after you said you NEVER would. how will i ever trust another man... or person for that matter... EVER AGAIN? i'm so mad at you, i wish i could just punch you really hard.






you said our relationship meant just as much to u, as it did to me? BULL! BECAUSE YOU LEFT, YOU PIECE OF S***!!!!!


i know you've told me "assume it's over." "im not thinking about getting back with you- at all. i dont want you to think i am contemplating over it... im not thinking about it." "move on." ----> but even if you were to come back, but if u were to, how could i take back a man who broke his commitment & who abandoned me?! i will never forgive you for this.



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My montreal fling wants to meet me at work and take me for lunch today. I used to ask you to come for lunch all the time and it was like pulling teeth cause you hated driving downtown, even if you were already down there. Nice to be on the receiving end of an offer for once.

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I wish you'd stay out of my dreams. They're always so happy and hopeful, with us reconnecting amazingly and getting back together just like we should. Then I have to wake up to the cold reality that I am in love with someone whose fear of commitment is so extreme that he is willing to throw away LOVE, something that every person wishes they could have. I can't believe you are willing to take that for granted, and maybe someday while you are sitting alone you will realize just what you have lost. But I pray that I fall out of love with you soon because I know there is no future with you, just the stupid mind games you love tangling yourself up in so that you can avoid confronting how you really feel.


I'll never forgive you for putting me through this

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I wish I told you months ago that I loved you instead of pretending to be friends with you. We still talked on the phone everyday, several times a day to be exact. My ego didn't allow me to tell you that I still loved you more than ever. My ego makes me do stupid things all the time. Like follow you when we argue, call your work, and call your mother when we are fighting. I wish I had more self-control over my emotions and actions that stem from them. I don't think either one of us will ever find anyone more compatible. Yet, we both act so stupid towards one another and arise so much love & hate at the same time.


Maybe I am delusional to think we'd ever talk again.

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