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Why am I think about BOTH of you, L and B? Do you know that I dream about both of you almost every night? What is going on? I got over you, L, when I met B, but now I'm grieving more about B yet missing you. I feel more love for you, L, than I do for B, but I miss the addiction of B more. I had more fun with B, to be honest, but I connected more deeply with you. What is wrong with me? I have gone nuts. I wish you were both somehow in my life.


L, I guess I'm not 100 percent over you and cutting off all ties with B has caused me to realize that. Maybe he was partially a rebound. Yet I still miss him. He could be a lot of fun. But you were awesome to be around. I miss you both. Wish we could be friends, but maybe some other time.

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Every since our conversation the other night, I keep thinking about you.


I think about you all the time. But I dont pine for you.

I try to think about the good times, but all I see is the pain and destruction you caused.


You are heartless and selfish.


Maybe one day we will be friends. Maybe we wont. Part of me says after all that you have done to me, that I should tell you where to go and cut you out of my life. But a small part of me isnt ready to lose you like that. Part of me wants to hold on so that we can be friends. But this isnt something I can clearly make a decision on. I need time on this one.


You arent asking what we are going to do, but you referenced a future when the dust settles. I wish I could. But Im not sure its for the best. But that answer will come to me in time.


I wish you didnt walk all over me the way you did. I wish that the love and respect was mutual.


Im still angry - clearly.

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I got over missing you now. After seeing you post the pics on FB. And you and him striking a pose. 4 years and you never posted anything. It made me angry, how someone you are dating for 3 weeks, you post pics as if you are engaged. But the man, that wanted to marry you, was with you for 4 years. It's strange.


I can't help but imagine you 2 dancing in the club, and it pisses me off to the last degree. What happened "you are my first, only and last love". Can't believe I bought that crap you were selling.


YES I left. But you lit the fuse to send me away don't you realize that by now. You refuse to admit you did anything wrong. That's fine.


But I feel like I got dumped. Maybe because your new 3-4 week boyfriend, is a "long term relationship". You found that out after 3 weeks, but it took me 5-6 months to sleep with you, because you were a virgin and you didn't want to rush things.


Amazing. What goes around comes around. ALWAYS. You should know that by now, after everything you have seen in the last 4 years. And when it does, it comes waaayyyyyy worst, than the original send off.


What happenes, when you go back to school and he goes back to his country for school? Is he going to be home for you? Is he going to be at the movies with you? When lighting strikes will he call to see if you are ok, because you are scared of

lightning? Or will he fix your car like I did, when something goes wrong? Will he kiss you goodnight on your forehead in the bed with you? Will he just drive with you for hours and talk with you? Will he get off work early to get you food when you are sick, because your temprature goes up to 101? Or will he drive 1 hour to see you at 10pm just because you miss him, and wake up at 4am, to go back to work? Will he miss work, just because you are lonley?


Thank you for taking advantage of me. It was my fault. I should not have done those things for, you out of love. You should have earned it. There is so much more, but my mind races right now. I would be lying if I said I can do all these things for the next girl in my life, because I got so burned by you and it sucks, because the next girl just might appreciate it, but I don't think she will ever find that out, because I don't think I can do this again.


But hey, you and your sisters complain there are no good men in the world. You had one in the palm of your hand, all you had to do was close the hand to lock it. But you didn't.


Girls outnumber guys 3:1 or 4:1, so at least the odds are in my favor.

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I know its not possible, but I wish we were together and worked things out. After a long time, I felt the need to get back together with you. But I know you will not. And if I think from my head, I will not either. But still I wish you would want to work things out rather than take the easy way out. I wish you were not bf for good days but for good and bad days.

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I miss you - can't understand why i have done everything i have always been told i should, didnt beg and walked away with no contact the day after we broke up yet still you left both the dog and me behind. No contact from you.... do you miss me? Do you think about me when we are both at tournaments and used to text in btween games to tell each other how we are doing?

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It's odd - I've lost track of exactly how long we've been broken up. I am feeling less and less of an urge to contact you now that I found out even more information about how you were developing feelings for your new guy during the last days of our relationship. Maybe it really is over for good.

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rhino , now please stop being senti and come out of here....you were all so cleaned up....now again in a mess....no no no I will help you and you will help me...enu has people going through similar situations....so I know your condition.....totally coconut....tough from outside.....and soft from within.....still....even after 2 months !! rhino

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I won't lie L. The fact that you threw a BBQ for your brothers bday on Sunday really set me back. I'm clearly miserable, and your doing just fine without me! That and the fact that you haven't called me, or tried to see how I was doing. YES I know the letter I sent you, told you that this break was for the best, that things needed to change, that we needed to work on ourselves, and that we couldn't move forward until we did. BUT, in the letter I also told you to call me, to tell me that you're okay with what I said. And you haven't. But you got that letter two weeks go. So why are you waiting to contact me? are you done with me? Still taking in what I said?


How do you feel?


I've been going to church twice a week. Really trying to find my divine purpose, my identity, what I'm passionate about.


In doing this I've identified all of my values, how I want to live by my values, and what I want in the future in terms of a partner. You fit the bill with the majority of what I need and want.


And I'm sooo ready to move forward once we get ourselves together.


Please tell me you're on board.


I need validation, confirmation, something from you telling me that you agree and that we're gonna work this out.



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im crying because i hate that u are even considering this. if we stay apart, we will eventually be with other people and i HATE that u dont HATE that. u should NEVER want to be with any woman besides me you should never want another man to be with me!!! im so sad & mad, it feels like my heart is literally throbbing in pain. WHY ARE YOU RUINING ALL WE HAD PLANNED!?!?!?!? YOU BROKE ME! YOU TOLD ME I WOULD NEVER LOSE YOU!!!!!

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OMG! This stings. I feel numb but it's starting to wear off and I sting. If I could use all the cuss words there were right now, there wouldn't be enough. I know now why you said your exes (all 20+ of them?) were psycho. You are seriously a dangerous human being. You should be an actor because your performance is better than anyone in the movies. Seriously, you have no soul. Everything is straight up a farce. You led me on that entire time. You told me all these lies that came out to be false. I wanted to believe. I told you so much personal stuff and now I am humiliated. You said my ex fiance was a jerk for leaving me. WHAT?! He was depressed and thought we were holding each other back. He cried and said he'd always love me. I was upset then, but I think he did me WAY better than you. At least he was honest and he tried his best. You cheated, lied, STOLE, fake cried, used me, raped me....OMG...the list is endless. I am the biggest IDIOT (after you).

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oh god... ive been breaking down for hours. this needs to stop. im so mad at you that u have this control over me. it's been 6 weeks & it feels like 6 hours after the break up. WHY AM I A MESS & YOU ARENT!? i need to study!!!! i hate you, you dirty liar. i hope you one day realize what uve done & i hope you are MISERABLE! I WANT U TO CRY FOR ME!!! SCREAM, CRY, KICK, HYPERVENTILATE, THROW UP... FOR ME!




i hope every relationship ur in in the future fails. i hope they treat you like s---. i i hope they walk out on you. hope they cheat on you. YOU DESERVE TO FEEL SOME OF THIS PAIN. THE PAIN IVE BEEN FEELING FOR SIX WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!


you walked out on your fiance! you walked out on your partner! i thought what we had was more special than anything-- even more than my parents-- who've been together over 30 years!!!!!!


I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Good luck having a stable relationship after letting go of someone like me


I doubt you will find someone who will love you like I did. Who would have given you the world just to see you smile.


I on the other hand will find someone who will respect me and love me for me. They will appreciate my romance, my humour, my wit, my sex appeal, and my morals. Its so close I can even taste it.

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You know what just occurred to me, Brian? You were looking for relationship videos 2 Sundays ago! The same videos that WE used to watch together! OMG!!!!!! You actually have the nerve to check out the church's Christian marriage videos so you can watch them for or with your new chick?! I am stunned. You haven't even been to church in ages, except a few times when you got there early and left late. No wonder you looked so startled when I walked into the library! The library we used to cuddle in. OMG. You are scum. Those videos were my idea for US. We were watching them for pre-marital advice. You are seriously insane. Are you telling her you're going to marry her too? This is just too crazy.


P.S. I noticed the videos were missing but you didn't sign your name on the borrower's list. Did you STEAL them?! OMG YOU WOULD, WOULDN'T YOU? Stealing relationship videos so you could get manipulative ways to entice her. Your sister wrote me an email today apologizing for your behavior. She told me she's so sorry and that she loves me. She said not to worry because this new girl is nasty and she deserves the inevitable heart-break you will cause her. It made me feel better somehow, especially knowing she cheated with you knowing you had a girlfriend. You will both be sorry. What goes around comes around. It might take a while, but someday I will find someone better while you are all upset that this zombie freak and you are messing up. Or she'll be stupid enough to marry you, you guys will have an abusive relationship, and you will end up in jail. You reap what you sow. At least I don't have to worry about that. But it still hurts and sucks and I can't believe I let myself get attached to you and make memories.

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Happy anniversary.


20/07/2007 - 20/07/2010


I won't think of wanting you again. Your last chance expired.


Same date as mine, except mine was 2008.


I used to love and cherish that number, 720. Now I hate it. I'm so glad today is finally over.

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