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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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I agreed with someone here the other day that true love is not so easily abandonded....And so for the first time in what seems an age, I am glad you left....


I will miss you and what we had for the rest of my days on this planet, god we were good, but I am so glad you left before we got married and had children....Thankyou for that*


Also since you left the band, we have gone from strength to strength and are about to release our first CD of great songs inspired by the BU...

Funny how things work out sometimes huh?


I am still searching for some answers, but I know they will come in time....



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I am reading your latest disappearance as you just don't have the backbone to be honest and tell me that you have changed your mind about pursuing something with me so instead you pull a disappearing act. It's cowardly, and you have no idea how much more hurt you are causing. If you did, I would like to think you would bite the bullet and just own up to how you really feel and say it.


I am learning that you are a selfish commitment-phobe who has never had a successful relationship. You can't commit to me, you can't even commit to a breakup - you just panic and disappear leaving me with no closure - scratching my head and wondering what's wrong with me and what I did wrong - when I did NOTHING...the truth of your behavior is that you are a heartless, selfish person who is too cowardly to have the discussion - it's pathetic. On top of that it seems that you want to leave me hanging in case you change your mind so you can wander in and out of my life according to your own needs and schedule.


I'm tired of your mind f****** seduction/rejection games. You've sabotaged us with your uncaring behaviors and by making me a low priority in your life. At some level you know that you have been deceptive and cruel. You know how to say all the right things but your actions give you away. You never allowed me to feel emotionally safe (I hate you for that) and you have left me confused, bewildered, angry and hurt. You are unreliable and have never been there when I really needed you despite your sweet words. I hate what you have done to us.


Love and fear cannot exist in the same space and that is exactly the relationship environment you foster. You create confusion, havoc, pain, and anguish with your often insensitive, unpredictable and bizarre behavior. They say it's a fine line between love and hate and I believe that's true because I do love you...but I f****** hate you right now. The opposite of love is indifference and that's what you are giving me in spades. I wish I could flip that switch as quickly and as easily as you have.


It's fine that you don't love me anymore, if you ever did - I would have liked a concrete answer but you have so little respect for me that its not going to happen. I don't expect that I will hear from you again - and sadly, right now I don't want to. Thanks for turning me into a crazy person - nice! The good news is that I will recover and go back to the happy-go-lucky good person that I am at my core...unfortunately you will still be crazy...it's in your DNA!


DAY 2 of NC...it sucks.

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Ive been too nice.


I @*#$ing hate you, M.


You lied to me.

I know everything now and the truth does hurt. I just wish you could understand how I feel. I wish you would know how much I would have done for you. How much you meant to me...

..and how much you HURT ME.


Im glad I met you, but I regret loving you.


You didnt deserve it.


I dont deserve this.

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I haven't wanted to contact you in a while... but, God. The memories! So many good ones!... all of them, really. All of them are good, even the ones maybe you thought were unspectacular or even bad, even the ones where you were crying (because usually I was there making you happy). I wish I could remind you of all of them - so many small things you may have forgotten - the warthog, the penis song, the booboo song... hahaha, the chainsaw/spider joke and all those other ridiculous late night discussions that had our sides aching!... oh my God, all the bad puns. So many bad puns. I remember when we met the guy in the Salvation Army who, like us, was looking for old records and he talked about how he used to listen to King Crimson and do LSD every week and how we agreed he was the coolest random guy ever.


It makes me wonder if you forgot... there's just no way a sane person can look at all of those things and not want it or think less of it. There's just nothing better than that stuff. I guess you never appreciated the big things like I did.

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I keep seeing your ex around the towers.....I knew this was going to happen now that we split.


I am my own self fulfilling prophecy. I said I knew it would happen now that we are no longer together and I have seen her 2 days in a row.


She looks at me....not sure if she knows who I am now that my hair is considerably shorter..........

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I so desperately want to call you. I want to hear your voice. It's been so long, we used to talk everyday. What happened, I don't understand how you did this. But if I called you, all I would be able to do is cry about how much I miss you. Please help me, I don't know if I can make it. Are you with Sarah? Do you think of me, miss me at all?

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You say that you always want the best for me. Now I know that to be nothing but another lie. If you wanted the best for me, you would have never cheated on me. You wanted the best for yourself, and perhaps to assuage your guilt, you wanted me to be spared the pain. It didn't work. I wish you happiness, not because you deserve it, but because I do still care about you and I want you to do well, even if it is not with me. If you could have only told the truth from the beginning, at least we would both be further along in the healing process, and both feeling less guilty, but neither of us can live life with those sorts of regrets any longer.

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R, you have no idea how much i miss you. I miss hearing your sleepy voice. I miss your laughter. I miss the way you look into my eyes. I miss how you embrace me. God, I miss everything about you, you lil thing. And now, he has all that. And i am now left all alone. How could you lie to me? If it wasn't for my persistent questioning, i'd still be a fool not knowing about him. How could you DO THIS TO ME!


You said you were afraid of losing me. But to tell you the truth, i was more afraid of losing you. And which i did. And i prayed, begging God that this day will never come.


And now i'm stuck here, sitting here again under these cloudy skies. You brought sunshine into my life for those brief period of time and now you have taken it away. Am i that worhtless to not deserve your radiance? I tried my best, or did I?

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A- I feel so alone without you. Everything makes me think of you. Do you think of me? Do you want to see me again? If only we could spend some time together, I believe we could rediscover what we had. I'm sorry I took you for granted and I stopped making as much effort. I thought we were comfortable, I thought you would always be there for me. I would have supported you in everything. I still will.

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why say: that im your bestfriend, that i mean the world to you, you want a family with me, plan for our "future"?? why do all of those things when you're so quick to throw me away?? why speak of our future child or tell me how much you love me?? then look into my eyes and say that you want nothing to do with me. i put up with your lies. why wasn't i enough for you? talking about love and planning a future isn't a joke.


i believed every word that you said to me. at this point, after everything that we have built together, i realize that i'm disposable to you, and this is the most painful thing that i've felt in my life. to look into your eyes and ask if this is really want you want, and to hear you say that you want nothing to do with me is the most painful thing. you didn't have to say that you wanted a future with me, because it's not true. so i don't know why you did it. and i know, that after all of this, you won't think beyond the surface of things.


the thought of you with someone else makes me sick. the thought of myself with someone other than you makes me feel wrong. after all of this hurt and mistrust, the worst part is- if you were to want to come back into my life i'd let you in.

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I still can't get you off my mind. I hate that I can't stop thinking about you. I want to talk to you so bad and see how you are. Did you ever love me? Do you think of me? Do you wish we were still together? I have such a hard time letting you go but I know I must, you have already let me go. I wish things were different, no one knows what the future holds, I hope one day I get over you like you have me.... I love you

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Cheated on me with that guy. Dated him for a month, and then decided that this druggy wasn't worth it, and just became sex buddies with him...nice going.


I've realized that you're a leech. You leeched off of myself to satisfy your own insecurities and to get things you wanted...and you're doing it to this guy (although don't think that just allowing him to screw you and not being in a relationship is going to push him away, that'll actually excite him most likely).


Good luck with all that.

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