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Dear ex,


you are a pathetic jerk who couldn't even break up with me in person, goodjob loser. Not only did you break up with me over the phone, BUT you didn't even give me a real reason as to why it ended.


Well whatever, it has almost been 2 months now. If you're wondering I'm doin fine. I guess you aren't since you're using that fugly girl to fill my void. Oh well I was always too good for you, even you knew that.


I hope you realize you made a mistake very soon, come begging

back babe. It's the only way I'll ever speak to your emotional self again.


Baby, we weren't meant to be we just happened

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It's been a rough week because of you. I hear that's because its only been 8 weeks. I do miss you and I am having trouble accepting you chose her over me. I guess that makes you a sick man. How long has this really been going on? It amazes me that you have enough money all of a sudden to support 7 childen. Well, I will be okay some day. I will find someone who appreciates me, loves me and makes you look like the loser you are. Oh and by the way she'll leave you again wedding ring or not.

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Day 35 of NC. I really do think that your the best thing that ever happened to me. I have grown so much since you dumped me and with my head 3 months post break up. Thank you for showing me what I will never put up with again. You really are not worth it and do not deserve me.


The more time away from you the happier I get. Thanks for the hard lesson. Unfortunately for you, you will never benefit from it. The next girl will.

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i have this hope you will come back, i have the scenario all thought of in head and i can't let it go. I don't know if its from God or just me holding onto the hope of you coming back, because I want you back so bad. What we had was special and you don't get that chance to love like that all the time in your life. so i'm hoping that you realize, hopefully sooner rather than later. but on the same note i'm not gonna wait for you, cause you may never come back and i WILL not spend my life waiting for you to wise up. but please do.

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If only I could have blocked you on facebook before you blocked me. Can't handle seeing my profile? How immature are you? I hope you are enjoying smoking pot by yourself and the anxiety of the future which you clearly cannot handle. I hope you find another crutch of a girl. I hope she breaks your heart. It's too bad that I wasn't able to. It's too bad you never really loved me. I hope I made you cry. Thanks for teaching me how to be strong. I need a real man not a scared little boy.

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If only I could have blocked you on facebook before you blocked me. Can't handle seeing my profile? How immature are you? I hope you are enjoying smoking pot by yourself and the anxiety of the future which you clearly cannot handle. I hope you find another crutch of a girl. I hope she breaks your heart. It's too bad that I wasn't able to. It's too bad you never really loved me. I hope I made you cry. Thanks for teaching me how to be strong. I need a real man not a scared little boy.


lol my ex defriended me..and I wish I had done it first.


but at least we get to enjoy the fact that it obviously bothers them to see our profiles

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Dear Ex,


I really f^*@ up. I emotionally abused you, did not support you, threw temper tantrums, had entitlement issues and was just volatile. I was controlling and didn't show you how much I loved you. I still love you. I killed your joy and said things to make you unhappy and insecure. Why won't you give us another chance! I know that you did so many times during our relationship and have said over and over again that if I don't change, it's not going to work out. I didn't believe you because I thought you loved me unconditionally and would never leave. Two and half years and you gave up. I know it's because you don't think that I can change since I am 39 years old. I am changing slowly. It's a process. I'm going to therapy and trying really hard to work on my issues. This is so painful. I'm too old to be going through this pain. I regret not learning from my past relationships and not working on myself when I was younger, because I repeated the same behaviors/patterns with you. The same behavior that ended my previous relationships and the exact same behavior that led you to dump me three times and not give us another try. Why didn't I learn from the past. Why didn't I work on myself before. It's a vicious cycle. I let my insecurity and fears hold me back from showing you how much you mean to me. Now you're probably dating someone else and I know that you're happy without me because you said so. I know that she is beautiful, smart, athletic, funny, supportive, kind, and she makes you feel "special." She makes you happy and I know that you will get marry. I miss you. I am so sorry. I wish that I can go back in time to change my behavior, because if we were still together... we would be planning our life together. Please take me back.

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I can't belieeeeeve that you didn't call when you said you would! Being reliable was always one of your "good points." Apparently, being your "friend" is going to feel a lot like dating you did, and I don't think I'm up for that! Yes, I realize that freaking out like this (not something I'd do if one of my actual friends forgot to call me, obviously) is really my issue. Still, ex-boyfriend, not classy!

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I just wish you will make one call and say you want me back. Because when you do, I am going to snap and say get lost. You broke my heart. You broke it into so many pieces that your coming back to me is not going to fix it. Your immaturity cost me a broken heart and now I am getting the pieces together. I wish I had broken up with you instead of you breaking up with me. And also I hope you come back to me the day I am healed. Because the day I am healed, I will not even look at you. Just walk away smiling. And I know that day will come. I know you will regret your decision one day. That day I will actually feel the opposite of what you will be feeling. I will be feeling free, free of you. And that day I will forgive you because that day I will not care about you anymore.

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Well, I'm missing you again today. The weather is getting nicer and I'm thinking of all the times we used to take the dog to the park or go for a walk. I'm missing the weekends at the lake. The laughs we used to share, seeing your smile. I miss hearing you say I'm the best boyfriend ever. I miss drinking coffee in the morning or going to the market.


I thought the nc would help me more. All it's really done is make me wonder when are you going to reach out again. I'm wondering if you're seeing someone or if you have moved yet. When am I going to stop missing you?

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So I hear the wedding is in June. June 19 or 26 only 14-15 weeks after you broke up with me. could you be any colder or unconsiderate? What the hell?? And don't, I repeat don't try to talk to me in church ever again!!!

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I've done so well to let you go. You have reached out to me on occasion but i know you know now that im getting on with my life and im happy.


I'm getting on with my life and i am truly happy right now.


You're going away tomorrow with your mum. on the holiday we booked together that we were meant to be going on together. I hurt slightly when i know we cant share that experience with each other but i know in the future we will get a chance to make some more memories together, whether thats together in love or just as friend i uncertain yet but that doesnt matter to me right now. My ex before you and i get on brillantly now. Infact im sure if we started seeing each other more again, we could see if the sparks there so i know we will be in that position one day. But to get there with her took time as it will with you, time apart, enjoying our separate lives for a while.


The only feeling i get when i think of you is a slightly anxiety. I'm curious to see where things go when we see one another again in the near future.


I wish you luck on your placement but im sorry you've taken a most definate backseat in my life now, you're back there with the others and you will only step forward if i choose to let you back in. Speak soon.

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i saw your profile on badoo, god i can't believe your looking already, you make me feel sick....a guy of your age looking for a girl of 18!!! are you some kind of pervert! what the hell were you doing with me! you can go * * * * off, your a vile dog!

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So here it is: A month since the breakup. I haven't contacted you, though the urge is still there. It always passes. Like I told a friend last night, there's really no good reason to contact you. We don't have kids together and we don't owe each other money.


I checked your Facebook several days ago. Probably shouldn't have, though my friends don't see it as "backsliding" since I've learned from it. You seem to be doing great -- being optimistic, moving forward in life, socializing with friends. I think I was looking for a hint that you feel down about the breakup too -- which is selfish since I want you to be happy. You're a very private person and you don't post anything negative on your page. So if you really do feel sad about the breakup, it isn't showing.


Anyway, I miss you a lot. You were my boyfriend, but you were my best friend first and foremost. That's what I miss the most.


I wish your visit had gone a lot better. I wasn't looking for you to spoil me with romantic surprises; I just wanted us to become even closer than we were before. I wish we'd talked about our problems in depth, instead of you dropping the breakup on me. But I can't change what happened. Letting you go is so hard -- but it's what I need to do. I love you so much and wish you well in everything.

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I can't believe how much I miss you. I hate your guts for the way you've treated me. I wish I'd never laid eyes on you, and yet I miss you. I so desperatley want to see you, to hold you, but you are so toxic that there is no way I could ever dare let you back into my life. You said that you want to be friends, but you just want me to hang around like a chump in case you need someone sometime. That's never going to happen, you decided what was important to you when you were screwing around behind my back. Well now you have it, you can have your fill of it. You can have a different guy home to screw you every night if you want.

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