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Well, just passed 11months and I'm struggling - yet again. /sigh Do you ever struggle? Do you ever have weak mornings where nothing seems worth the fight anymore? Do you even think of me? I wonder. I suppose not. The beauty of replacements parts is they allow you to forget the broken ones left behind in the trash can. I reckon that's just the way it works. 1 year ago we were on holidays. Having fun (?!) Are you that GOOD of an actor? Was anything really real? I actually wonder nowadays. Perhaps this was all an illusion. I dunno. In a few weeks you'll have a birthday, followed shortly by the 1 year mark of dumping. Will you remember that day? Will you have a flash of me? My birthday went by without a word. I contemplate being a better person and sending a card - but I won't. What would be the point. Spitting into the wind is no damn fun. Anyhoo, I am still alive and exist - in case you'd care to know. /shrug


Yours, lost in the world of doubt and hopelessness.

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I really wish I could understand you and what motivated you to do half the things you're doing right now.


Why are you still contacting my friends and telling them what you're doing? Why do you keep updating your fb status about that one girl just so I can see it? Why would you delete me off your friends list a month after we broke up..why does it even matter then?


Stop calling me and disguising your number. you are pathetic.


Everything you're doing just proves to me that you aren't over me, nothing more.

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Im sorry things ended the way they did. Im happy we got to speak today,that i got to say sorry. Truth is i am glad you broke up with me. I need something like this to grow into a better person. It meant the world to me that you agreed you would like to get to know each other once again, start fresh but not now, im not ready yet. Tomorrow marks the first day of our agreed NC. I know i'll make it through because i got to say sorry and you listened.


Make the most of this placement though! Its the main reason we split up. I wont wait around for you in hope that we will get back together, i will move on and better myself and see where that takes us. I wish you all the best over the coming months

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Why are you doing this R?


We were together for a long time, and we were friends before that and 9 months later you STILL won't talk to me? What is going through your mind when you think of me? Do you really hate me that much? Why do you still complain about me to your friends? Do you even care just a little bit? What runs through your mind when you see me down the street? I wish you were able to answer those questions R, cause I sure as hell can't.

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So, after 7.5 years together you tell me you are "..too busy to see me anymore." And now, you tell me you are moving to Australia. Just like that. You are cold, mate, and I am gobsmacked.

Go, and good luck to you, you pratt. At least now I won't ever have to fake my orgasms ...

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I should have never gotten back with you.


I knew it would have never worked, and but you were so persistent. You broke my heart, and while you tell me I'm so perfect, I'm everything you want, you can't believe you found the complete package this young in life, YOU can't be with me! CMON! I fell so in love with you, and we were together for 4 years, I can't believe that I still care and I can't believe that you're leaving me when all I've done was be there for you and supported you for all those years. For you to say that you still love me hurts so much, because you don't know what love is. I'm alone and you'll probably have a new girl in a month, and I'll still be hurting. Do you miss me? Yes/no, you've just "been so busy" Do you cry? "One time when I was sitting on my couch" Do you miss me? "yes" Should I move on? no response. You tell me you're confused cause "we feel right" but you're still gone. I hate you for hurting me, because you've hurt me so many times, and I just let it go. I'm falling apart as you're going on with your new life. There is no future for us. I'll change, and you'll change. What we had, already is becoming a dream. You'll regret your decision, and you'll regret it for your whole life.

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I miss you and I cant even tell you that....


I miss sitting there watching you study.

I miss you DJing to me in your lounge room.

I miss our adventures together.

I miss sharing hotels with you.

I miss playing in the band with you.

I miss watching you sleep in the sun as I drive us back from the country.

I miss leaving you notes and hiding surprises for you around the house.


I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough when you needed me to be. I didnt know what to do. My emotions were in turmoil. I knew you were leaving.


When we were together we were doing so well. Money was flowing and life was good. Now I struggle to pay the rent.....it upsets me.


I guess I'm glad you found love again so quickly. If life is truly better for you and you are happier with him then I am proud of you for having the strength to make the switch...


We were so beautiful together and lived in a unique beautiful world.....I cant wait for the pain to fully stop so I can appreciate those memories instead of having to block them out....


I miss you and I cant even tell you that.......


Thankyou ENA*....That was cathartic....*

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No I haven't heard anything on the deposit but once I've received something I'll be sure to forward it on.


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I don't know when/if we'll be able to be friends. I was willing to work things out and you fell out of love with me years ago. You dragged me on your boat waiting to catch a bigger fish and then once you saw him in the river you slowly threw me to the side letting me back into the water, you cast your line and caught him, snipped my line and still left that hook in me. I'm hurt, someone I loved betrayed me. I'm healing and getting over you. So when I am completely over you I will give you a call and we can go 'hang out' like old times. Although I'm not sure what you want to do, laugh at me and give me a hand while all I wanted to do was hold your hand.

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Dear pathetic, superficial, emotionally unattached, empty human being,


This morning I woke up and am FREE! I finally see the light! I finally realize that you are not worth my tears and sorrow. You didn't even have the respect to break up with me in person, you are a gutless coward! I reject you and your rejection!


I loved you for the person you showed me, now I realize you were this cold, heartless person all along. I am glad I finally got to see the truth. I am so happy this happened before things got more serious.


Thank you for setting me free, there has been so many positive things that have happened since! I am closer to God, re united with all my friends, closer to my family then ever before, I stopped smoking and drinking and I also realized all the negative feelings I had were from my childhood and can be fixed! Not fixed to make you happy but for me. NONE of this would have happened if you didn't leave.


Besides, this is my life, why should I let a stupid break up ruin me!? All I know, is,,,, WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES BACK AROUND 2x's harder! I loved you, I forgive you and I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for.

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Dear Crazy, Manipulative, Lying, Abusive, Jerkface,


You really did a number on me. I feel painted in your filth. It's almost a year later and I still wake up with my heart racing in the middle of the night, feeling as trapped as I did that long night when you HELD ME HOSTAGE IN YOUR FREAKING HOUSE. And I know you sabotaged my car, thanks a lot for that, I wasn't in a position financially to buy a new one and now I'm completely broke and stressed about money trying to make my truck payment every month. And to make matters worse, you went around telling lies to your friends about me after we broke up. I screamed out other guys' names in bed? Seriously???? We broke up because I HIT YOU???? I'm sorry, I didn't know that trying to push you out of my way when you had me trapped in the guest bathroom counted as hitting you. You poor little thing. Good thing you had a big manly gun to pull on me in the kitchen so you didn't have to feel threatened by me. You're freaking pathetic. You are a loser. You had to leave town after we split up because you knew damn well that the truth would come out, and you are such a COWARD that you can't face up to what you did to me. You actually had the gall to suggest that we go to couples therapy, and when I told you that you were the one who needed therapy, you went to the associate pastor at MY CHURCH, which you never would have gone to if I hadn't brought you, and told him all my dirty laundry, and now he doesn't act the same toward me and I don't even feel comfortable going to that church anymore. Thanks a lot for that too. I wish I had a magical direct line to any woman that you try to date, so that I could call her and tell her exactly what a snow job you did on me, and that you are NOT WHAT YOU PRETEND TO BE. You are a selfish, immature, manipulative, sneaky, LOSER.


And for the record, I never stepped out on you. NEVER.


trying to forgive but finding it really hard,


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I miss you so much. You texted me a few weeks ago and said you wanted to connect on the 15th when you got back in the country (if you ever really left, and who were you with? and it doesn't even matter really, cause I forgive everything). I just want you you to write and say hi. Just to let me know you remember me. I miss my friend.

I love you. No one will ever take your place.

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I really miss you now. It's exactly 6 1/2 months out from our initial breakup, and most days I am ok. But for some reason I just want to hold your hand and walk with you in our park today. The last few weeks I've had to deal with a lot of anger and resentment from the constant rejection I've been feeling from you. I know it is a defense mechanism, but it doesn't make it easier to deal with.


I still love you and your beautiful daughter. Make sure she has the best.

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Is it wrong that I am still so incredibly far from being over you? All I want is to have you back and be working on our problems and to hold you at night again. Oh God to hold you again! I'm still throwing up randomly from being so upset. I still can't sleep at all. I still think about you all the time. I wish I could call you right now and hear your voice and feel like everything will be better. You are the most special person I have ever known. No one will ever replace you in my heart, you are so unique and amazing. I wish I could tell you about the interview I'm going on next week. I wish I could talk to you about all my goals for the next year and have you be excited about them too. I wish you could be a part of those plans...

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I miss you. I think this situation is complete bull * * * * . I know you love your family and that’s one of the many things that I love about you, but I hate your choice. I love you and you love me and that should triumph over everything. I would fight for you and I would stand up to anyone who didn’t support our relationship.

You’re really missing out on a great thing here, but if you would rather please your parents then yourself, fine.


I just wish our relationship meant more to you, that I meant more to you.


I love you, but I need to let you go. I don’t know what the truth is, everything you told could have been lies and now I don’t know. I don’t know if I was being played or used for your own advantage. I just don’t know and that’s was hurts the most, not knowing. Not knowing if I gave my heart to someone who actually cared or not. I have never given so much in a relationship before and to have you throw it all away hurts me to my core.


I am mad at myself for giving you so much power over me and giving so much of myself to you. I lost myself in you and our relationship. I defined myself through you and our relationship. So that now I don’t even know who I am anymore. I used to be so happy and full of life, and now I don’t even know where that girl has gone and if she’ll ever come back.


I thought you were the one. I had never felt this way about a guy before. I so want you to come back to me, but I know you won’t. I pray to God to lift this pain from me. I wish things could have been so different. I really hope that I can let you go, and move on from this. I know I will love again, but it’s going to take time for me to trust someone and let them in. I won’t let people in easily; they are going to have to work for my time and my love. I gave too much, to someone who wasn’t worth it, never again.

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I wish I could talk to you about all my goals for the next year and have you be excited about them too. I wish you could be a part of those plans...

I had a good day today...And when I pulled into the garage at home I cried heavily because I miss you so much.....Damn You*


I hope you are smiling....wherever you are....



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you are the most selfish cold and manipulative person ive ever met, how can someone so special turn out to be so cruel, you changed overnight and ill never truly know why, you blamed me, made me feel guilty, made me feel like i was to the one who changed, all i did was try and provide securtiy for us and our son, yes i was tired, yes i was stressed because of the debts we had created, yes we didnt sleep because our baby was young and difficult, but these are the things you work together on, support each other on, i gave up everything for you, then you just walked away without a care in the world, you are straight into another relationship as though i dont even matter, i cant even bare the thought of being with anybody else. most of all youve taken my precious son with you and inflicted your issues and problems on his life aswell, i love you so much so how can i be so angry and hate you at the same time, i hope karma catches you up and you cry for forgivness, beg for us to be a family again, i hope im strong enough to say NO!

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You broke up by saying 'its not you, its me". You are a coward. You can't even have the courage to say why you broke up with me. You didn't have the courage to tell your parents about me. You didn't have the courage to even try to work on it. You always saw the negatives of the relationship. You saw the glass half empty rather than glass full. On a month, if we had a fight and we didn't talk for 2 days, you kept thinking of those stupid 2 days rather than the 28 good days we spent together. You are a pessimistic . You are one hypocrite guy who goes around having girlfriend for fun and when it comes to serious relationship, you say, 'ohhh. I will marry according to my parents wish'. Yeah. go ahead and do a arranged marriage. You are one hypocrite whatever...i am happy that i am not with you. i would rather be single than have you in my life. i will be lot happier in my life than you. with this pessimistic approach, you will never be happy in your life...i hate you.

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Its really over. You really wanted out. I had no idea. I hope you think of me every night because I was the best thing you will ever have. You'll regret it. Give it time. You'll regret it...and I wont be there to pick up the pieces.

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i never cheated on you, i had the plentyoffish acc way back when we split up, you said i joined it in dec 18, but that wasnt true, it was in october when you dumped me and i returned home....you read it all soo you must know, there was nothing in there!! i told everyone that contacted me that i wasnt looking for anything, id just split with my boyf.. also the facebook, nearly all the guys that were added on there were from when i joined back in june last year, yea i added a few more as i went along, but i was never cheating, i tell you that i never ever even spoke to them on fb, i only wnet on to talk to my friends....you had tagged the whole first year of our relationship, and i told you all the time it made me feel insecure, but basically you told me to deal with it. it hurt me. well you got what you wanted, i hope your happy....i loved you truly, madly, deeply, youve destoyed me n ill never be the same again...you were my world....goodbye M.x.

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Looking at your picture makes me want to puke. I look at you and I don't even know who the hell you are or were. You don't deserve a relationship, you don't even know what life is, let alone love. The minute it starts happening to you, you run off and hide in a cave. Coward. All I ever asked of you was if you were through, to do it the right way. Man up and tell me so. But no, you couldn't handle confrontation. All you ever did was hide from it. Four broken leases, blocking your bosses and coworkers numbers when you leave a job...Not quit, LEAVE, without a warning for no good solid reason, other than being a big wimp. I said from the beginning that I didn't think you were capable of having a relationship, and I couldn't be more right. I can't wait until someone leaves you at your lowest, weakest point. I can't wait until they exploit your fears. There's clearly a reason every woman you were with cheated on you. Not that it's right to handle it in that manner at all, but guess what - Something was missing, they weren't happy, and because YOU can't handle honest communication, they got what they needed elsewhere. Plus, you totally sucked in the bedroom. I mean honestly, dude. I felt like I might as well have been wearing institutional underwear and hiding under the sheets. Open up your mind, for crying out loud. You're boring. B O R I N G. Boring. Let me spell it again incase it went over your head the first time or it was too long of a word for you to comprehend - B. O. R. I. N. G.


Also, your dad is a creep. He's sick. And no matter how many times someone will tell you that, you'll never, ever get it. He'll always be your hero daddy. Get a CLUE! Everyone else has one but you. You always were pretty slow. That, or just plain stubborn, who knows. Or maybe just a creep, too.


Do you know how much more MONEY I have now that you're gone? Holy crap, I can actually BUY myself something and not have to worry about you! I'm not your momma. I don't owe you anything, I didn't have to take care of you - I did it because you fell on hard times, and I loved you. But nothing was ever enough for you, selfish guy you are. You wanted more, more, more, wanted me to sacrifice everything for you. What do you have now that you're all alone, and left all your things here in one of your little temper tantrums? Hah! Is daddy gonna help you replace all that?


You should consider yourself lucky that we didn't have a child, because I would be on you like flies on crap, and there is no doubt in my mind I'd make as much trouble for your father as possible if there were any chance I'd ever have to subject my child to him somehow. My poor baby. You would have split in a second if things got too overwhelming for you, and left our baby fatherless. Everyday, I wish my stomach were still growing and I had a sweet little angel growing inside of me But if I have to grieve EVERYDAY for the REST OF MY LIFE for her, I would suffer FOREVER - Rather than knowing that you would try to bring our child close to your father.


Good riddance to you and your father.

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