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Post here instead of contacting your ex!


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I miss you Joanie. A lot. I get through each day, it's a struggle, but I do. I loved you so much, what in the hell were we thinking? What were we doing together, when it was so obvious we never had a future? Were we afraid to be alone? I don't get it. I wanted to start a family with you, you wanted to be single and have fun. What's funny is I understand completely, we're really young... and you were an exception, not the rule. You were the only girl I've been with who I wanted to have a future with. I'm not even mad at you, I'm just hurt that I had to cut you out of my life. We had such a great connection, I feel like I'll never have that again, and that scares the hell out of me.


I can't talk to you, so that's why I'm writing this here. I have a lot of emotions built up in my head... fear, jealousy, sadness... it doesn't really stop. You told me to get over you, and I am. I'm not doing it because you said so, I'm doing it because I have no other choice. I can't do this anymore. I can't miss you like this, or it will destroy me. My heart will literally stop if I continue to let you in my life. It's been so hard to wake up every single day and not grab my phone and ask you how you've been. For once in my life, I'm doing the right thing... and as they say, doing the right thing is never easy. It feels good to know I'm strong enough to cut you out. I literally saw the decimation of a world in you when you left me, because you were mine.


It wasn't infatuation, it wasn't fake, I really loved you Joanie. I know that you know that, but everything happens for a reason. Maybe you were supposed to show me that the world isn't such a terrible place. You gave me so many happy memories, and I know I gave you the same. You can tell yourself all you want that I'm not the man for you, but I think you're wrong. I respect you still, because I still love you, and that's why I'm letting you go. I won't love you forever girl, and one day soon I really am going to move on, and this will no longer hurt. I'll love another woman someday, and she'll love me too, and maybe she'll be the one for me, maybe she won't.


One thing is for sure: I loved you with all my heart. I held nothing back. Goodbye.

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My friends Chris and Jenn took their lives this last week. I wanted to call and cry all my tears to you. I wanted you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay, but I had to brave the news on my own. The night is so cold and quiet. I am finding the strength within me to get through this time, but I still wish you could wipe my tears away.


The struggles in life seem to be constant at times. The only thing I can do is ensure that I become stronger and stronger so that I can make it on my own if need be. Their deaths compel me to live, and to live well. It always gets rough. It always gets better. Don’t ever delete yourself.

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i feel numb...i'm letting you be. i can imagine the pain you are in daily- none the less due to our accident. and in the past i have contacted and said horrible things, not caring about the consequences of how it made you feel. I was angry and hurt and just wanted you to hurt- or just wanted to be heard. i should have dealt with my pain another way. this time- i know you are in so much physical pain- i couldn't bear bringing you anymore stress, which is why it's been so much easier to respect the no contact. if only it had always been this way. i acted childish many times in the past. and you had your problems as well. i found our one fave pic of us today, and i got teary eyed. i was sad that we lost us. that something that we thought was so good and one of a kind changed to the complete opposite. i guess we were caught up in the initial bliss, never really seeing the signs. but god i dont know if i'll ever have a love like ours again. but then i think of the reality and the pain that love brought in the end. we used to talk about how we were two lost souls...that found one another. and when together everything in the world was right. we really were lost- and could never fix the other. everything that was wrong in you was wrong in me and vice versa. takes too solid, stable people for a solid, stable realtionship. and unfortunately we weren't that. i learned a lot about me, and am growing every day. i hope you recover, and i hope you find your peace. i'll never forget you. time for a new chapter in this life.



"When one door closes another one opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us"

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I don't understand how you could love me so much and then just want to end it. I gave you everything I had to offer. I went through so much with you. I helped you out of the dark so many times. I was the only person who unconditionally cared for you. You say you regret breaking up, then why do you hesitate to get back together? You're playing games with my heart, and it sucks because you're winning. You did something to me, and I can't seem to undo it. It's at the point where I feel like I can't be happy without you. All I want is you. All I think about is you. All I dream about is you. I'll never let you know it again though. My pride has suffered too much for you. It's all on you from now on.

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So - i called you for my stuff back, which really i should not have to do since you ended it - and no response. Nothing. You are very strange. I thought you might have been in an accident. I got worried - still care so much see, even after everything. So what's really going on - you want to end it, answer, respond, lets end it. You said you were confused? How do you think i feel now!

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yea i called you for my things too. u said to never talk to ya ever again.. is it that hard to believe i dont want you to have my baby pix and my grandparents obituaries..and other things that dont belong to you? ya said you were so proud that you never stolen in your life..well now u have. what a loser

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You're fading from me. The light is fading, the candle nearly burned. Oh, it's just flickering against the thick black night. Soon the darkness will be here and the long cold winter. I only pray that I'll truly say "let it be", but it's so hard to just. let. go. The remembering is difficult, but the forgetting is worse.

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ok i sent you your jumper in the post. that beautiful jumper where i jus loved you in it. i also sent you your shower gel and toothbrush...we both know the symbology of them - quite sad when i think about it


i ruffled my long hair over your jumper, and so i hope you find the odd strand and have to remember me like i have had to, when i have found your hair these past few weeks


half of me wants to stay in LC, to see what happens, even take you up on your offer to stay at yours, and have an amazing night or two, finally in your bed and see what this job brings in a few months time...i guess crumbs


the other half of me wants to go NC and get over you, move on and be with someone who will communicate with me, not ignore me then blame me for you taking off and bailing on me, on us.


yet i jus cant let you go, i dont know where this is meant to go, so searching within is pretty confusing, not to mention the alternating emotions...im gunna need more from you, and if you cant say now "in a few months we can try again" then i am gunna have to say goodbye. but if it doesnt work out in this new job as well as you hoped, dont bother sniffing round me after feeding me a steady diet of scraps and blaise sentements


we shall see what you say when your jumper arrives tomorrow...it might just hit you then, who knows

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Soo, three calls later, you respond - sort of. But even that has set me off again. Guess i just need to get this over and done with now don't i. Then it's up to you. I so scared, i wont lie about that - each step made by me is a step towards the end. still love you

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i am thinking about you. i started a new job near your place.....every moment I'm in that area brings back a rush of memories. god the things we put eachother through. all the chaos and drama in the end. things are calm now. i may be lonely and i may miss you, but when i think back to all of that nonsense- i am so much better off in this state of mind. i hope you are doing well and recovering. i truly do.

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so, no text about that bloody jumper....missed oppurtunity....was gunna tell you that i was goin into nc, but now when you send me a crumb in a week or so, i shall have to ignore it. not doin this to get back at you ignoring me, im jus doin it to get me back.


i also clicked this morning that i laid stuff on the line bout my feelings for you a couple of days before you went for the interview...yet you still went to it, you clearly made up your mind. so why then blame me for you going because you thought it was over??? ....excuses excuses scapegoating me yet again


and hey guess what!?....i could be moving very soon, that cottage got in touch and asked when i could move in...im leaving my four poster here, be nice to have a fresh bed, fresh four walls with no memories, jus new ones waiting to be created, and hopefully be able to put my pole up and start my pole art ive been craving to do for so long. sent off court applications for my daughter...will put into biz in couple months time...gunna be new things going down these next few weeks. granted its not africa or india but i dont have the money or resources like you do to just get up and change or leave, i am living on hardly anything so my steps really are giant leaps considering


so go take that job that will give you very little free time [for a relationship] ...youre not the only one moving on now...


...i must go and let you go


such a shame, i hope you look back one day and realise what this could have been

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I never had doubts about marrying you, Lee. Never serious ones. I *knew* we were going to be together, but I was wrong. Why, why, why did I blow it? Why did I mess things up with you when I loved you so much? But worse, why did I treat you wrong? I don't like how you acted either, but it was a lot of my doing and I wish I could take it all back. I didn't know what I had when I had you although I used to thank God every night for you. I did take you for granted even when I still was so happy to have you. I miss you so much. You were my best friend. If only I could go to you now! I know I can never do that again though. I can't imagine us ever holding a conversation again and that is so sad. Just to think that the one person I REALLY loved out there is taken and gone forever makes me sad.


Everyone thinks I'm happy with B. Well the people in real life anyway (even your mom). I guess I love B, but he is not the best one for me. I don't know how that will turn out but I think I am unhappy because I think he is using me.


You were such a good person. I honestly don't know if they exist anymore. Am I settling for B? You were so polite to waiters. B ignores them. You were very generous with time and money. B is stingy. You cried because you felt your boss was using you. B looks like he's going to cry when he has to wait in line too long. You were hurt because I wouldn't play videgames with you. B was frustrated when I didn't want to have sex with him. You used to make sure I was pleasured before you got yours. B actually touched himself in the bed as he watched me. This crushed me. You would never do that without asking, and you'd touch me before touching yourself any day. Oh L! I got what I deserved!

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I miss you so much right now. I had been doing better until recently. I don't know if it's just the time of year,the recent increase of your texts or the fact that our mutual friends have brought up your name several times recently. I haven't cried in months and today I cried again. I really miss you. I want you back. Why are we doing this if we love each other. I begged you to come back for too long. I refuse to do it anymore. Unless you want to reconcile I can't talk to you. If you decide this isn't right, don't expect me to just know that. You will need to take the initiative this time. Call me, tell me you have been thinking about me. Tell me you want to make this right.....

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So many time I wanted to call you, I even thought about going to your house just so we can talk but I don't want to be rejected. Im angry at you, I hate that you knew my situation before you made the decision to stay with me and complained about it after. How could you? I blame myself because I should have known better, I should have just maintained our friendship for what it was. I hate that you ignore me. I get you want to move on, what I don't get is where did all the love go? Do you even care if I'm still alive??? You up and gave up on us... after the tears that you cried while telling me that I wasn't alone you * * * * ing crocodile!!! I should have laughed at you then... I had breakups with whom I had years of history, I can't believe I let you affect me this way and we barely even made a half of a year, the irony. Im going out to forget you, I know my options are open but I don't want them... I want YOU!! Why didn't you get that?? You and your insecurities was what affected us... my insecurities as well. I wonder if you'll ever call me again... deep down I feel you will and if that day comes I pray that it won't be too late...

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