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I still love her so much, even after what she did. I spent 3 weeks in jail before she admitted she had lied about the whole thing, yet I still love her. It's like, if that doesn't stop me loving her, what will? Will I always love her? She says she wants to be with me, and I want that too, but I feel like I'm being messed around.

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Not really fussed if you believe me or not but last night was an accident. I was clearing out my drafts folder and hit send instead of delete.

Still, hope you enjoyed the ego boost.

No reply needed or wanted.

ps. Hope your Facebook status gets the reaction you wanted.

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i hate that i know i will have you on my mind on new years eve. I wish I could have a fresh start for the new year, hopefully I will wake up the next day and feel wonderful and refreshed. Hopefully my new move will do the same, and I won't just feel further away from you and more sad.


I love you so much it hurts mi amorcito.

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ok L...


im having a pissed off day today...one week on...still in shock to be fair


jus remembering your instant vm to 'pinky' when you got home....yeah that was real cute...but its ok, it took you off the pedestal and helped me (however hurtfully) to move on from you that lil bit quicker...


when you tried to play games with your avatar and i said maybe you shouldnt come up tomorrow cos of the snow....dont ya think that would have been a perfect time to say "yeah ok, i guess we couldnt make anything of this after the new year when i go back to work anyway" ....dont you? But no even then you said you werent going away that easily. I guess you didnt wanna pass up the best sex of your life huh?


you made me believe in you, you made me open up after being very gaurded thanks to 3 years of fcuking hell


you held my hand in my friends and then 40mins later you told me thta its (us) gunna be impossible after the new year, over dinner in the resturant...i mean what the fcuk???


3000 years of reicarnation eh?....and you still havent learnt to treat peoples hearts with love and respect when your own wants come into it...


you said after we split that if i searched my heart id see how much you loved me, and i know this truth in my heart. Sorry but i looked and all i can find is BS



its also nice to see LL hasnt replied to me....dont tell me, youre having your own pity party on the site, ...im attractive and sharp and direct and youre just soooo spiritual, so naturally im just 'that b!tch' in their eyes..


..and you wonder why we cant be friends



oh pls hinny....

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Hey L,


Thanks for kicking my butt at times. I needed it but didn't appreciate it. I guess the atmopshere of our relationship was not healthy enough for "constructive criticism" so it came out as contempt towards me instead. But I see now that you wanted me to be accountable for my actions and that's a good thing. You really should try to encourage someone you love, and you tried to in your misguided way. I know how you feel because I wish my mom would get on the ball and take control of her life. She feels nagged whenever anyone says anything. Even my dad...with his drinking. He still doesn't believe he has a problem.


I guess I was in denial too. I thought things were good enough and wasn't willing to work hard. I wish you would have been clear about what you wanted, but I can see how you would want to just give up because you felt talking to me about your concerns were useless. You probably didn't trust me. And I was correct in not trusting you. My intuition is not often wrong in that regard. I trust that you didn't cheat on me, but I don't trust your intentions and I don't like that you hid them from me for however long.


You really taught me a lot, though. I see what a stubborn person I was at times. Not to say you weren't. You really brought out that side of me full force! You thought I was impatient, which is really funny because I was voted "Most Patient" in the Teacher Credential Program. It seems you saw things in me that most people didn't. I just know that you often brought out the worst in me. I'm really not a completely depressing person, believe it or not. I can have fun. In fact, I have been laughing a lot these days. I can't remember even one time I laughed with you.


But I digress.


I'm learning how to be stronger and ask for what I want in a respectful way. Our relationship wasn't "practice" to me...I really thought you were the one, but since it didn't turn out that way, I guess I'll just have to take the lessons.



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I guess I was in denial too. I thought things were good enough and wasn't willing to work hard. I wish you would have been clear about what you wanted, but I can see how you would want to just give up because you felt talking to me about your concerns were useless.


I'm still astounded that it can actually get like that, especially for a long term relationship. It happened to me as well. Why do people feel the only solution is to secretly brood or feel frustrated, but not attempt to approach and say "this is important to talk about"? There was a time in the relationship where these people thought the world of us, yet now all of the sudden they feel so backed into a corner? I just don't get it. Never will.

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Why do people feel the only solution is to secretly brood or feel frustrated, but not attempt to approach and say "this is important to talk about"? There was a time in the relationship where these people thought the world of us, yet now all of the sudden they feel so backed into a corner? I just don't get it. Never will.


i wont....my ex when i needed to talk bout the * * * * my ex ex was playing with regards to my daughter would say "dont spoil the vibe"


errr hello....this is my life and sorry to spoil the vibe but i need to vent to you considering youre meant to be in on this with me....or were your words of support jus there so i would melt (and i did)


guess jus until we were physically together....arrrgh


deflection is a total b!tch is it not guys x

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I am having an intense moment of regret and I want to call her. Did I overreact to her? Was I being too sensitive? I's it ok to be insulted from time to time? Did I expect things to be perfect?


you and me too mate....got my finger on the dial...


but no we all gotta stay strong...we have these doubts that seep into our thoughts








i tell myself "he jus wasnt that into you"


that keeps me from dialing....tho i get tempted now to ask some1 to go on his site to check if im deleted and see what b!tch hes been flirting with and then i think "stalking by proxy is still stalking and a no no"


jus let it go gurl....ffs

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This letter is to B


Thanks for proving, once again, that men are not to be trusted. I knew givnig me a necklace after only being broken up with your ex for one week was a crazy idea, but after the talk we had last night for 3 hours, I thought maybe I had misjudged you. Nope. I guess you're just like what people said: immature. That, and a liar. Not only did you volunteer (twice) to show me your yearbook (then "forgot" to bring it), but now you're telling me you'll talk to me at certain times and you don't. Look, I don't want to talk to you every night anyway. So don't bother saying you will talk to me and then flake out.

I hate liars, in case I didn't make myself clear enough. I must have told you over and over how I just wanted you to be yourself and not try to impress me. You said you weren't.


So much for guys and their lies. You just try to win women over with gifts and flattery, but just like my ex...if it requires effort or keeping your word, you want no part in it. I guess the chase is over for you now, huh. I'm not some mystery woman in tight jeans that you can drool over from a distance. Now I'm a real person that thought we were becoming friends. Too drama-free for you, huh?


Sorry. Your ex girlfriend is still available, isn't she? I should have known not to think about dating you after you dated her. She is bad news. Sorry, I'm a "nice girl" but I'm not finishing last. I will find someone emotionally available.


Adios! Oh...and forget about that "long hug" you were looking forward to tomorrow night

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I miss you so much you have no idea. It's been 22 days since I saw you last n I can remember kissing you on the forehead and telling you that i loved you and got the same reply back even if you were half asleep. I miss touching your face and getting lost in your eyes. What we hd was so real but you wouldn't let me love you. You were too scared to. I guess we all have our flaws but I was willing to accept yours. I'm so afraid I'll never love like this again and all I can think about is seeing you. You haunt my mind but broke my heart. I've never imagined someone I loved so much could make me feel this way and change me like you have. Why do I feel like you're the only one who can take this god aweful pain away?

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To my jigsaw piece. My dancer. My girl. My best friend. My soulmate never to be.


Having you say you werent number 1, and you felt you lived in the shadow of an old girlfriend fo 4 years ago was so wrong. You knew the truth, because I spent the whole of November reasoning and proving to you that wasnt the case. You even said you never thought I would fight for you as much as I did. Regardless, I failed to convince you.


Agreed, I deliberated over the relationship whether you were the girl for me. You didnt know this but I decided that YOU WERE, hence why I stuck it out and kept things going. I decided that this was what I wanted. 10 months is a short time to decide whether we'd be together for life - I was guarded, but I never once stopped loving you.


I knew you loved me dearly - the emails and messages you sent me, your actions were never ignored. I recipcated. You knew I loved you dearly.


So all through November and December I text and rang you to reassure you I was your boy. You even text me 14 days ago to say you missed me and wanted to get together for a chat. You said you adored me. Things were looking sweet - then the day came and you didnt turn up, told me I hadnt received the texts youd sent, and went towork blaming me for not responding. I had sat at home with all your birthday presents and a bottle of wine staring out the window waiting for you. I was beside myself.


Then the lies. I belived everything you told me what you were up to.In reality it seemed you were embarking on a new relationship with a guy who muscled in. You obviously spilled your guts to him as he seemed to know everything about me when I received that abusive text flurry from him and you on the 20th. That wasnt fair. That was so cruel and unnecessary. I deserve better than that. You intended for that to hurt me - I have no idea why as I'd been so sweet to you for the whole duration of our 10 month relationship.


Why didnt you just tell the truth to me and my mom when we asked whether youd moved on? Why did you lie? Why did you carry on texting me with deceit? You knew I loved you implicitly and wanted you back. You got it wrong, so wrong about me - you were my princess, my soul mate, my partner, my best friend and my lover. We were my complete. You were my other jigsaw piece.


Your new chap sounds like a complete arsehole and is clearly aware of your feelings for me - why would someone step in and try and entrap me with texts from "other girls" seeing what I'd do? Trying to trap me? You were trying to see if I'd bite so you could show her that I was a cheat. Im proud I didnt respond to his liking. What would he be so openly nasty about things he knows nothing about? Personal stuff? You clearly told him - maybe he was someone who you could cry on his shoulder and he's slipped in to your life.


Maybe he's better than me but I doubt that - he wont be able to share the things we did and discussed. He wont be able to make you laugh like we did. Thats clear from the fact that it appears you are doing all the things with him like you did with me (as per his facebook page) playing Wordsoup, saying quipps to him that I SAID to you. You are replacing me with him.


I hope your new boy lives up to your expectations. I hope I dented your life and I hope you miss me in time. You will never meet anyone like me ever again.


Your jigsaw piece.

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In hindsight I have to keep thinking - you werent even that good looking! You were plain, looked older than you were, and your background and upbringing just didnt parry to mine. But it didnt matter at the time. I saw all through this as you were mine and I was yours.


You definitely had issues socially, you had a rotten temper, a chip on your shoulder and a very nasty streak. What makes it difficult for me is you also had a heart of gold. You were jekyl and hyde. I cant date or hope to live with someone so erratic???


You could say I "stooped" to go out with you, and even though I fell in love with you, you werent of my calibre. I am worth better and I think you knew that. You even said to my Mom "you did a good job with that one". Everyone knows this too.


I will survive. I will be happy again. Im glad that we split over a 10 month relationship rather than a few years down the line.


Bring on the new love. I need it.

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well John, not even for Christmas?? You coward. lol You are such a piece of S+++.

I have no idea why I am still thinking about you.. But then, you have been the love of my life and I have always thought you would grow up.. guess not..

so have another 18 pack today and smoke two more packs of cigs and smoke your weed all day long, that you stole from Eric's bag lol and enjoy the truck your Dad gave you and the car insurance your Mom pays for you.. Have a Happy birthday in Jan when you turn 43 and still are one step above homeless.. And you just dont see it do you??

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I love you C. I miss you so bad and tonight of all nights I wish I could hold you in my arms and hold you tight. You asked me to be your partner in life and in love 14months ago, I said yes and even tho we broke up for you to gather yourself and independence, You still have not asked me not to be your partner in life, just said we cant be together now. I love you with all my heart and every day that goes by my love continues to grow. You are my ONE. I believe in that and one day, I believe you will come back for me as you have before. We were apart for 10months and you came back for me. That day you did was the happiest days of my life hearing from you. I was happy before we dated, but happiest with you.

I dont know if I can seriously date anyone with the same intensity. Once you have climbed the highest mountain and seen how beautiful life can be. all other mountains are just hills, sure the view is nice, but youll never forget the time you were at the highest point of your life.

I love you C.. I have to let you go for now, but doesnt mean I let go of hope. I will be here, I am not going anywhere. I miss you and one day we will feel our lips touch again. But not tonight, not on this special night. I will have to wait for you..I love you.

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happy new year row xxx well all the things i told you i ment and well i know how you hate my music but well here just one last song for you i was going to play it on valentines day in part of the mix i made for the meal i was going to cook in the forest under chinese lanterns and candle light under the stars.


well here the song anyways

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R, I will never stop loving you even I know down the road we WON'T be together. I was feeding myself with false hope. I'm desperately sad for at least a week now and seriously I can't take no more. I'm letting you go and be happy with someone else because I don't deserve to be with you. You deserve to be happy and love again because you are a great man. I threw away my happiness because I was insecure about my feelings and being with you. Now, after we broke up I realised I did put you through so much pain and I'm really sorry. I didn;t realised I'm bringing you down with me. You put up everything about me and you had enough. I totally understand R, I'll never ask you to come back again even it's going to hurt me for the rest of my life.


Goodbye my lover, my soulmate. I hope 2010 , you'll find someone that you'll be happy with. Don't come looking for me , I want you to forget everything about me and the past. I'm still living in the past, hopefully I will mange to step out of it oneday. I'll be lonely....... for a long time.

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well i hope your new years eve was better than mine. I managed to drag myself out of the house but really wish I had stayed in. It sucked not having you there with me. And wondering who if anyone you were kissing at midnight. I know you, and im pretty sure no one but still.


I miss you so much and its only been three days since i saw you last. At least I managed to keep it together in front of everyone. Im driving everyone nuts with my constant crying.

At least tonight I managed to make it until I got into my car. And hey I didnt even drink tonight. That will come as a shock to you I am sure. But heck, you werent around to see it. You suck!


and by the way, I lied when i told you I wanted to take you up on your friend offer. Sure I will do it, but just know that it is going to kill me everytime i am with you. But im sure you already know that. And just know that I am not being your friend just to be your friend. I want to make you happy, and I still have hope that you can see the effort I am making and will want me back.

Im guessing you really want to be friends because you yourself cant let go of me either. I wish I had enough self respect to just walk away from you. But no I dont, so I will just continue on this path. I sure hope six months from now I can be in the same room as you and not care anymore. Just know though, we wont be friends if you get a new girlfriend. That will just break my heart more than anything.


I hope you keep your promise to me and make the effort that you practically begged me for. I wish you could be honest with me and tell me why you are so scared of losing me. I guess after all the pain i put you through, I deserve this. But it still sucks. I hope all this pain will be worth it in the end. I want to spend my life with you like we had planned.

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I don't hate you, I hate what you have done to us, what you do now and what you will do in the future.


I don't even knew you anymore. I had a feeling that you were in love with S. I realized today that you did love her. No one opens up a new FB and adds his ex girlfriends or girls he dated for no reason. Of course forgetting me in the process.


Did you ever love me? Was it just lust??? When did your feelings stop? December?


I actually started to feel better about myself, about everything and the NC, I tried to block you out of my mind and then I come accross finding this. I feel so silly! So stupid that I blamed myself for everything that happened.


You are the one that ended it, I now see it was not just because of the issues we had it was also because of the girls you wanted to have in your life. And that is what hurts! You were never happy with me!!!! That's why you never put me as number one! I was never your number one.


I have been so naive!

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Ok i'm not posting any particular message that i want to say to him but i'm in panic! I've just seen him on msn. I noticed he's deleted me from his friends list but not blocked me? hmmm...all this confusion!! I can't bring myself to delete him.


I'm tempted to contact him. I'm worried he's sitting chatting to girls or something. My head / thoughts have gone in to over drive. I'm finding it so painful not to contact him. Help! I want to ask him why he won't talk to me. Its not like I've cheated or been nasty to him! I don't understand why he can't even just tell me to leave him alone!?

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R, well I'm still very much broken although I'm crying less. I went to the cinema alone and bought you some early bday gifts. How stupid eh ? I don't know if I'll send you the bday presents although it's going to be another 3 months away. I didnt realised it's close to 2 months now since we broke up, that's real quick don't you think ? I'm pretty sure you're not thinking of me or cross your mind. I was sad...very very sad. Every morning, I'll check my mail and my mobile to see if you send anything..just a lil hello and i'm thinking of you may cheer me up. I guess you're doing all this because you're done giving me hope.


R, today I went through our msn conversation. I was shocked to see that I've been pretty mean to you. Why do I always do this to people I love? I'm always pushing them away although R, I did love you. I guess everything's too late now. You move on and am much happier in person. I'm happy for you because down inside I know we aren;t meant to be together. I can't be your friend, seeing you with someone is gonna kill me. It's better to leave it this way, no contacts or anything new in your life. It doesn;t mean I don't care, but for the sake of my sanity I have to erase every lil thing about you. I'm sorry..


Just someone who still love you very much.

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I don't know why my heart still wants you. Why do I want you after everything?

Makes no sense! You moved on so easily, as if our relationship was nothing. It's like I meant nothing to you.

I'm questioning so much now, especially the apparent feelings you had. Were you ever really over S? Because having a new FB and adding her on it, makes me wonder. A lot. Was I just a convenience for you? someone that gave you her love and affection when you needed it?



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