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Guys: What type of things make you lose interest in the girl you are dating?


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I'm sorry to hear how she disrespected you. I think it's straight out rude of her to just matter of factly shrug and say she doesn't believe in it. My ex had ADD and I wanted to research as much possible to learn about him. I even signed up on an ADD forum and posted questions there. (He didn't know I did this). It was for him and for me to know what I'm getting myself into. I think the least people can do is have respect for each other. Anyways that girl you described has no class.


I think it's when the girl--whether she means to or not--undermines my interests and beliefs.


Once I met a girl through the internet, and we had a nice conversation over tea and everything. I mentioned that I have ADD and she tells me it's a bogus condition and she doesn't believe in it. Even though I liked how independent she was, that she was an artist, her taste in music and movies, etc. etc.... she said that and suddenly our conversation wasn't as pleasant.


Of course, being the hapless, girlfriendless loser I was, I still tried to pursue her a little.


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Guys, can anyone respond what TOO clingy would be like? And not in a relationship but in the initial stages of dating (first 1-2 months)


Constantly calling for no apparent reason, constant text's, showing up unannounced, filling my email box, never allowing me to have a moment to myself.

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so many factors to list. here are a few:


-too clingy

-wants all of my free time

-calls all the time to check up on me

-always asking who this is and who that is

-gets upset when i cannot see them

-terrible kisser

-hates giving oral or isn't a mover in the sack

-no car. no job or doesn't go to school

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How would you guys feel if the girl you were dating had been sexually assaulted or seriously mistreated in past relationships? Would that be a deal breaker.. or when would it be?


Only if you let it overshadow your attitude all the time. Any mass amount of negativity or depression because of it would be a turn off. But assuming you're pretty much above it then it should be ok.

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How would you guys feel if the girl you were dating had been sexually assaulted or seriously mistreated in past relationships? Would that be a deal breaker.. or when would it be?


Only if you let it overshadow your attitude all the time. Any mass amount of negativity or depression because of it would be a turn off. But assuming you're pretty much above it then it should be ok.


nice response furious. i agree, if it's a constant issue, then yes. if not, no worries.

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How would you guys feel if the girl you were dating had been sexually assaulted or seriously mistreated in past relationships? Would that be a deal breaker.. or when would it be?


I agree with furious. Mostly because I can only offer so much support and do so much to make a girl happy. If the overwhelming weight of depression from her sexual assault isn't affected in the slightest, there's not much I can do for her and we'd both be miserable as a result.


But that's the only reason. If she can learn to smile again, then it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

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I agree with furious. Mostly because I can only offer so much support and do so much to make a girl happy. If the overwhelming weight of depression from her sexual assault isn't affected in the slightest, there's not much I can do for her and we'd both be miserable as a result.


But that's the only reason. If she can learn to smile again, then it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.


That's good news. I had trouble with getting attached for about 5 years but am finally and have slowly been moving forward. I did worry though that you could be seen as damaged or end up with a guy who has a hero complex.

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