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Oh my god guys, you won't believe this happened.


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I hadn't been this scared for a long, long time...

you remember this weird guy? Whom I had a date with and he turned out to be really creepy? And then a few days later showed up in front of my house and disappeared again?


Well, here is what happened.

Since I last posted about this guy, I have seen him numerous times again. He didn't do anything, just appeared & disappeared. Always at night time. I didn't want to call the police unless he tried anything. So I just ignored it but felt really strange walking home when it was dark.


I had told N about him. He was really upset about the situation and genuinely worried about me. He said if he ever laid his hands on me he'd bring him behind bars with his own hands. (He's a cop). And that I should call him whenever anything happened... that he'd be there as quick as he could.


And this I did when I was home in my apt. almost a week ago.

I had seen the weirdo lurking around the house, but he didn't disappear completely this time... he was there, sneaking around. I tried to ignore it but I kept hearing strange noises all the time and after a while I was beginning to panic- I was really, really frightened. So I finally called N. Told him the guy was there again, didn't leave, that I heard noises and was afraid he was going to break in.


He just hung up without saying a word.. It was really confusing.. I didn't know whether his phone died, or if he even listened to what I was saying.


After like maybe 4-5 minutes went by it started to sound like someone was trying to open the door, like putting something in the key hole. Seriously, you really can't imagine how freaking horrified I was, I got soo cold and I must've been so damn pale!

I couldn't feel my body!

And like a retard ](*,) I ran to the door cause I couldn't stand the noise anymore, I opened, and the guy was there. I was planning on attacking him (I'm really quite strong actually!) but it was as if I just froze.. He said something but I dont remember what... then he, like, JUMPS on me, it all happened so fast I really dont even remember what exactly happened. But he pushed me to the ground and hit my face and then I could no longer breathe.


Guys, I thought I was going to die. It's the second time in my life that I was really certain that this is going to be my end.. and if it wasn't for N, maybe it would've been. I am SOO lucky he lives quite close! And on his way to my home, he made sure to call other cops. He came there, couple mins later other cops did, they took him and I was put to the emergency room.



I can't seem to get over how I could have been dead, how I was put in danger by myself. I should've called the cops much earlier. But somehow I like the fact that the man I've only ever truly loved- was the one who 'saved' me- and if we ever got together in the future, I could playfully call him my savior, my knight in shining armor- and then smile and kiss him. But I am doing myself no good fantasizing, daydreaming about him.. about what could be. I've been trying to move on, trying to accept the fact that he's made the choice to be with someone else.. trying to tell myself that he doesn't love me, not at all, zero. But then he looks me in the eyes and I am convinced of the opposite.


Anyway, this stupid dangerous jerk is going to be arrested, that's for sure.. I've already told the police the whole story. Seriously, girls, if you feel that someone is stalking you and you feel threatened, call the cops immidiately. Dont downplay the potential danger of such a situation.

You can never be careful enough. I am going to get new, much safer locks on my door and windows as soon as I go back home (I've been sleeping over at my Dad's place since the incident cause I'm too scared to sleep alone yet).


Thanks to those who are still reading to this point.. it's gotten reallllly long. I was just going to summarize it all in a really small text, but once I start writing a thread I can't stop telling you all the details and things that ain't so important. Sorry


Thoughts, opinions, advice on N... all is welcome. I just wanted to let you guys know what happened.

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Whoa!!! First of all, I am really glad you are alright!!! Secondly...why oh why did you open the door??? OMG!!! That scared the crap out of me when I read that...I was thinking, "WHAT?!?!"


As far as your old flame...just remember to take it slow if you do try to re-kindle your relationship. This of all the things that broke you up in the first place and put the "Savior" image aside for now. It may skew your thinking.


Also, thanks for posting this...every woman should read it.


God Bless!

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Oh my! What a horrific story! I'm so glad you called N at the right time, you're a smart girl. I don't want to imaginie what would have happened to you otherwise. What a loser he is! And anyway, since I read your story about your first date with him, I knew this guy was dangerous. I'm glad it's all okay now. I would suggest that you move from your residence if you can.

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Definatley never open the door in that situation. Best bet would have been to call a neighbour/the police or start screaming 'fire' or 'help' or tryign to escape somehow and get out of the situation.


As strong as you think you are, dont mean to be sexist but men can be scarily strong, and chances are in a fight. they will be stronger or he could have had a knife/gun. I dont mean to scare you more! But everyone makes mistakes, I guess you just reacted instinctivley its nothing to be ashamed of. The main point is your ok!


Im sorry you had to go through that *hugs* And im so glad your ok.


N does sound like a good guy. But you have to remember he is a friend now.

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Yes, I remember your original post on the subject of this wierdo.


I'm really shocked that it got to this stage. Clearly he was trying to gain entry at the point of you opening the door to find him standing there.


Its damb lucky that you phoned for help first.


Thank god that you are safe though. If you can't move house I would seriously consider, stronger locks and an alarm system of some description (with a wireless panic button you can keep with you ideally).

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oh my goodness. i am glad you are ok. this guy is seriously sick and scary, and i hope you get a restraining order now. sounds like your gut was right all along. and i am glad that n was there for you. definitely, get new stronger locks, and some kind of panic alarm system. omg.


i think they have them for old people when they fall down (like some kind of necklace with a button you can push for help), maybe you can get something similar too?

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>> First off! yeh, I know it was really stupid to open the door, but see. He was gonna get in anyway, it was just a matter of seconds, I could hear it. I was in panic and thought that if I ran there now and opened it, he would be taken by surprise, and I could use the chance to assault him and keep him under control until I'd get help.



and to someone elses question, they have him in custody at the moment, soon he's gonna be at the court. For this crime he is 100% going to be in jail.. I dont want to imagine what he'd continue to do if he wasn't put behind bars... and what he has gotten away with already!


jigsup, N isn't technically my ex. We were never really an exclusive couple, always close to it but something always came in the way. For details, read my previous threads.


Guys, please tell me this..

If he didn't love me, if he didn't have ANY feelings for me.. why would he be so extremely protective of me? Why spend so much energy and thought into someone you feel nothing for?


Oh, and. So you can get a picture of what his pregnant fiancée is like. She is really, really angry at him for coming to protect me. When she heard about what happened, she flipped. Turned into a bad fight with her just screaming, yelling, throwing things around. Saying that he should just 'have let me die' (I don't know if she was serious about this, but even saying it speaks volumes about her character) so finally I wouldn't be in 'her way' anymore. She is extremely jealous.. and it's not the first time something like that happened either.. once I met him by coincident in the mall while she was in some store, so we chitchat some and wooosh she comes running to us, pushing me away, yelling at him "I told you NOT to talk to her again".. just being really mad.. this was really emberassing in public!


She doesn't deserve him, not at all

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...Guys, please tell me this..

If he didn't love me, if he didn't have ANY feelings for me.. why would he be so extremely protective of me? Why spend so much energy and thought into someone you feel nothing for?


Well, only he can answer that question. But I'd do the same for any female I know. If a guy has anything about him, he'll never want to see any woman hurt in any capacity. Its no different to protecting your own sister (well for me anyway).


...Turned into a bad fight with her just screaming, yelling, throwing things around. Saying that he should just 'have let me die' (I don't know if she was serious about this, but even saying it speaks volumes about her character).


"Let you die" Seriously...?


She sounds like a right piece of work. Certainly does speak volumes about her.

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Wow what a crazy fiancee. I don't see why is he still with a jealous control freak, oh well, it's his choice. But I'm guessing if his fiancee keeps on going like that to him, then it's very unlikely the relationship will last. I heard of no guy liking those types of women.

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wow, let's hope those are just her pregnancy hormones going out of control!!!


regarding your ex (we'll just call him that), well, do remember that he is a police officer and it is his job to save people from danger. of course, ex-gfs with stalkers at their door fall into that category. i wouldn't read TOO deeply into his actions other than the fact that he is a good cop who acted quickly and professionally and was in the right place and right time to help out a friend. i don't think that his pregnant fiance should read too deeply into it either! obviously, you were in danger.

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Oh, and. So you can get a picture of what his pregnant fiancée is like. She is really, really angry at him for coming to protect me. When she heard about what happened, she flipped. Turned into a bad fight with her just screaming, yelling, throwing things around. Saying that he should just 'have let me die' (I don't know if she was serious about this, but even saying it speaks volumes about her character) so finally I wouldn't be in 'her way' anymore.

How do you know this happened - were you there when she said these things to him?
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