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Used condoms & wrappers always under bfs bed...


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This might be a silly question but its mainly directed for the guys here. This is more so if you have a girlfriend. Do you leave condoms and comdom wrappers under neath your bed? Say if your gf is over and you have sex and you put the wrapper there and condom afterwards, would you leave it there for OVER a week?


my bf does this. After we have sex he takes the condom off and puts it slightly under the bed (he has no bin in his room). And i guess the wrappers go there too. When i saw him last week the condom and wrapper were still there and he goes 'yeah i have thrown them away yet'.


I find it odd considering he has a MASSIVE germ phobia. He wotn even walk on his carpet with out shoes.


Oh, and also, he lives with his parents.


is this weird? or just a guy thing?


i only see him once a week. I trust him and dont think he's cheating, but in all honesty it wouldn't be hard for him to do so. I dont see him much and he is always 'busy'.....

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I leave the wrappers [i'm female..]


We rip them open in the heat of the moment, and he tosses it wherever, usually beside the bed against the wall.

And to be honest, sometimes they sit there for a few days before I collect them.


With that being said, I think leaving a used condom on your floor for a week is absolutely disgusting.


Like mentioned, go to a $1 store, buy a little garbage can and leave it in his room/beside his bed.

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Lol does he just like "seeing" how many times he's had sex?


Either tell him to be more hygienic and at least flush/throw away the Used Condom...Or buy him a bloody trash can already.



DON'T tell him to flush the condoms;

you might cause a plumbing disaster that way!


Good advice, otherwise.

Tell him to grow up and sort it out

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That's not how I meant it. In the context I meant that I've never had a plumbing disaster for flushing a used condom. I'm not talking about the wrapper. Why wouldn't I advise something that hasn't caused a problem (in my experience)? I don't really see the point in making "sarcastic" replies... That by no means is helpful.

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That's not how I meant it. In the context I meant that I've never had a plumbing disaster for flushing a used condom. I'm not talking about the wrapper. Why wouldn't I advise something that hasn't caused a problem (in my experience)? I don't really see the point in making "sarcastic" replies... That by no means is helpful.


I would not suggest flushing condoms down the toilet. They do not break down. Paper, waste- they break down in water. Rubber does not easily.


Odile was not wrong in correcting what you said. It can cause issues with plumbing, not a smart move.


Just throw them out. I agree with buying a little cheapie can or something. It's pretty gross to have them laying around!

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That's not how I meant it. In the context I meant that I've never had a plumbing disaster for flushing a used condom. I'm not talking about the wrapper. Why wouldn't I advise something that hasn't caused a problem (in my experience)? I don't really see the point in making "sarcastic" replies... That by no means is helpful.


Mimori, I knew exactly what you meant, and meant no offense.

Maybe this will help:


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"condoms and the like can create problems at sewage treatment plants or with your septic tank."


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"Firstly, don’t flush your condoms, ever! Flushing condoms is not the way to deal with them. Condoms can clog the plumbing in your house (or the plumbing wherever you happen to be). This can be an expensive and embarrassing situation. If the condom manages to make it through your septic system, it will only end up with the solid waste. This means that somebody has to pull it out of the sewage treatment, which isn’t pleasant for anybody. The condom might even make it past the treatment plant. This is not good because it means that it could end up in the water supply, and the last thing we need is more pollution in our rivers, lakes, and oceans.


Not all condoms are made equally. Most condoms are made of latex, which means that they will biodegrade. Latex, however, does not biodegrade when it is under water, which is why it is not good to flush your used condoms."


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"— flushing condoms down the toilet is a bad idea. They can clog your plumbing or end up in the water supply. If condoms are disposed of via the toilet, they would usually be fished out early on in the water-recycling process and transported to a landfill. However, they can sometimes remain with other water waste and be sent out into the Atlantic, the Gulf, or some other larger body of water.


As you correctly note, latex is biodegradable (when not under water, that is)."

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If he lives with his parents, is he just "storing" them under the bed because he's worried his parents will see them if he throws them in the trash?


Anyway, why don't you suggest he keep a plastic grocery sack under his bed that he can put them in when he's finished? That way it requires no more effort than he's already putting in (although "effort" could be argued here, lol), and it keeps everything more clean and sanitary.

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Oddly enough, some people with phobias are so phobic they can't tough things they think have germs on them... so once that goes onto the floor, if he is phobic about dirt on the carpet then he may have to really work himself up in order to touch something that has been on the carpet.


But this is easily solved. Get a little trash can and put it by the bed, lined with a plastic bag. Then he doesn't have to touch the floor or condoms again, just throw out the bag.

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If he lives with his parents, is he just "storing" them under the bed because he's worried his parents will see them if he throws them in the trash?


That sounds pretty likely.

Then again, why not just wrap them up in toilet paper or something?

Most guys have a box of tissues in their room.

If he doesn't, get him one to match his new bin

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