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How many of you guys don't want to get married at all?

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But when a young man and a young woman vow to love each other forever, they should do so sincerely.


They have been vowing to love each other ever since a big purple dinosaur crowded them all around and sang his happy song. The value and menaing of Love has simply become so eroded it is now hard for many to grasp what it means or even more so how to give it to others and mean it.


It's very easy to make promises. Cross my fingers, hope to die, stick a neelde through my eye, upon my mother's grave. Marriage was stronger [though not necessarily better] before about 1968-1970 when the state of California struck down the permanence of "till death do us part." that was the beginning of the end, some say. After that the law no longer imposed the sanctity of that piece of paper - and the people bonded by the piece of paper, it seems, never believed in it either, or only one of them did.


Marriage licenses are like any other currency, they are only worth what people believe they are worth. its all banked upon Trust. We're frightfully short of trust these days.

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I said I would never get married again. Met my current husband 5 years ago. We have a 20 month son. We both agreed that marriage was not important to us we were a perfectly happy family with out it.

Then we found out how much better our taxes would be if we were married so we got married this past march and I do not regret it at all.


I still believe that 2 people can be in a loving happy commited relationship without marriage. However I have found that is not the common opinion most people gave us both alot of greif over when we would get married, they did not seem to understand that it was not a priority for us.

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I still believe that 2 people can be in a loving happy commited relationship without marriage. However I have found that is not the common opinion most people gave us both alot of greif over when we would get married, they did not seem to understand that it was not a priority for us.

Or they understood it was a priority for you, but your happily unmarried status caused them insecurity about whether they made the right decision. Easiest way to resolve their self-doubt is to pressure you to get married.

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