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Guys with perverted senses of humour


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That "getting my date drunk" joke had me LMAO!

I need a guy with a good sense of humor. I hang out with a group of guys and most jokes/comments are perverted but it's hilarious. They say they like to hang out with me because I can hold my own with them. If a guy I was interested in had that sort of sense of humor I'd be cool with it. I need someone who I can laugh with.


I'm cautious of guys who can ONLY tell racist or sexist jokes and strive to offend you. I had an ex who would tell racist/sexist jokes all the time. It wasn't funny because the jokes he told turned out to be his true beliefs. He WANTED people to be offended and get angry. When I didn't laugh he'd ask "Did you leave your sense of humor at home?"

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I think you can tell a lot about a mans character, in the things he says.

A man who will inject sexual inneuendo into his humour and regularly, has a one track mind obviously and isnt getting it enough. The type I'd be very likely to avoid.


Im no prude.....I just dont like 'in your face' men. I think its a lack of respect for a woman, when they will talk crude and sexual in front of her.

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