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Guys with perverted senses of humour


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How do you girls feel about guys with that sort of sense of humour? Do they have long-term potential or is it a sign of maturity or lack of desire for growing up and committing to something?


Many of my exes had this sort of humour. Like my one ex would say things to his guy friends like "You left your underwear over here last night, darling". A guy I met this weekend poured a little alcohol in his hand and said "I'm just trying to get my date for the night drunk". I like this sort of humour, but I'm wondering what it says about guys in the long run and if they are valuable somehow.


I'm not currently dating anyone right now but I'm curious what others' thoughts are about guys like this.

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Well, I'll comment and say that I have a tasteless sense of humor. I like silliness and cleverness a lot, too, but nothing gets me laughing harder than a dead baby joke or a pedophile joke. And it's not like I approve of those things, either.


I'm also a college graduate, I've paid bills before, I seldom drink enough to get a hangover the next day, I took care of my mom in her last few months last year, I help out my dad however I can, I understand that just because a girl is a stripper doesn't mean she's a dreg of society or slopped up on drugs, I know I shouldn't tell such jokes in the presence of children or newly acquired acquaintances, and I'm aglow from becoming an uncle a few weeks ago.


Also, I'd like to think others have read my posts on here and can judge for themselves that I'm somewhat articulate, respectful, and responsible.

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I think it depends entirely on the joke and the guy. If the humour has a bitter undertone, if it's misogynist etc, I would take note. If he's just funny guy trying to make you laugh then that's great. A genuinely funny person I think is very rare, and a lot of the humour I find funny is that left of centre non-PC stuff. I've known guys who are complete cads with great humour, and guys who are terrific with that humour...

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i love dead baby jokes, abortion jokes, etc. they're funny. and like you say, there's a time and a place. it's not condoning anything. it's just jokes.


but does it say anything about the guy otherwise? like how woudl i know if he's a bad or good guy based on his sense of humour? I look for sense of humour as one of the biggest turn ons for me, so if a guy can make me laugh, i'm golden. but how much is too much?

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i'm torn about it all. i think it's hilarious when guys act like that, but at the same time, i'm not sure if it says anything else about them. like if it says anything about their maturity and how they'll do in a relationship, for instance.

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well.. in my experience, it doesn't. guys act very differently when they are with their friends alone... i know my boyfriend is a great guy who used to make those jokes but it had very little to do with his personality... i don't know. we kind of have the same humor though so it's cool.

and you also have the frat guys who do that at parties and honestly... i would run a mile.

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I think the trouble is that we (I) don't have these guys in front of us to evaluate. I also think it's age-related, stage of life related. What I found hilrarious in my mid-20s may not be the same things I find hilarious now. If a guy my age was cracking the puerile jokes I laughed at in my early 20s I would certainly think he had a maturity issue.


Also, senses of humour are going to be different between people too. And as someone with a small child I know my brain is wired differently from before I had him, and even the concept of a dead baby is upsetting and unfunny to me.


Anyway, my advice is to listen to your gut about the maturity issue, as there will be more than the humour to judge someone on. Also, see how quickly they let a joke go once they've milked it dry. I think that an immature person is more likely to be someone who just can't let things go. I look at kids on the train these days chortling like Beavis and Butthead for 40 minutes about one line they do in bad accents and I can see how things change as you get older!

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I think, ultimately, it's just not a reliable barometer for gauging a person's personality. At best, all you know is they find tasteless, off-color humor hilarious. But if nice, mean, drunken, genteel, sane, and crazy guys all like tasteless humor, then you can't really use it to gauge someone's personality.


It's sort of like taste in music. You probably know a lot of people who like the same bands you do. Chances are, some of those people are cool and some are not cool. Likewise, you probably know a few people who like a few bands you absolutely hate, and you might think those people are good people.

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like how woudl i know if he's a bad or good guy based on his sense of humour?

You can't. A man's true motives show through other types of actions, but perverted sense of humor is not one of them. For example I make these types of jokes and I'm the very serious relationship type of guy, but my friend makes these types of jokes and he has never been in a relationship, just flings.

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i'm torn about it all. i think it's hilarious when guys act like that, but at the same time, i'm not sure if it says anything else about them. like if it says anything about their maturity and how they'll do in a relationship, for instance.


If it says something about them, wouldn't it say the same about you?


Everybody has their own tolerance. Personally it's a turn off to me, so I don't usually go for those type of guys. But if you like it, and it makes you laugh and they're just jokes - I don't see the problem. It's how he acts at other times that would indicate a problem. Like if he made a dead baby joke around someone who had a miscarriage. That would give you reason to question his maturity and relationship potential.

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i think a dirty and slightly risky sense of humor is attractive. it's how my boyfriend is, and how i am a lot of the time and i feel like it shows me he isn't afraid to be bold and be himself. if i dated a guy who never made my jaw drop, and sat around telling knock knock jokes all day...i'd be a mental case.

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if i dated a guy who never made my jaw drop, and sat around telling knock knock jokes all day...i'd be a mental case.


Unless it was the KING of knock-knock jokes, which is SO FUNNY it will make you forget your first language. You know, the one that goes:


-Knock knock.


-Who's there?


-An interrupting cow.


-An interrupting c---





But yeah, if it was other knock-knock jokes I'd get bored too.



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I don't think you can really judge a guy by that. I can't go to a get together or party without these jokes being present...and the guys range from jerks, single guys, guys who fare well in relationships, guys that don't..and so on. I just thought it was a common thing for guys around my age. I go to a party and get greeted by having my boys petted by my buddies, some of them are good..some not so much. Not the petting.

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i love dead baby jokes, abortion jokes, etc. they're funny. and like you say, there's a time and a place. it's not condoning anything. it's just jokes.


but does it say anything about the guy otherwise? like how woudl i know if he's a bad or good guy based on his sense of humour? I look for sense of humour as one of the biggest turn ons for me, so if a guy can make me laugh, i'm golden. but how much is too much?


When he can't be serious when you need him to be.

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Hm, lots of interesting replies!


Well like the guy I mentioned who poured alcohol in his hand and said he was getting his date drunk, he said that around me and 2 other girls. No guys at the table. I was in conversation with one of the girls and didn't hear why he was doing that but just heard the punchline. The other 2 girls didn't get it but I did and cracked up and even high fived him. It was hilarious to me. We ended up having a fling all this weekend. I'm not looking at him as relationship material at all but it just made me think of other guys I've dated and how they acted the same way (this guy is 31 and my exes are all still in their 20s).


But like someone else said, it depends on how they act in other situations too. The guy I had a fling with had a very nice house, nice car, takes very good care of himself, and is obviously responsible. He's also an elementary school teacher. But his sense of humour borders on the jaw dropping side with jokes.


So let me ask another question: what about girls with the same sense of humour? Is it a turn off to guys or do some guys like a girl who can make these jokes with the rest of them and join in?

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If it was his main way - or even a frequent way - of expressing his sense of humor I'd quickly find it boring/tacky, especially if it focused on female anatomy or penis size, etc. I also would be concerned about his level of good judgment if I brought him to meet my friends or to a business function. And usually that type of "joke" goes hand in hand with a lot of cursing, which I also don't like being around.


I wouldn't look at the kind of house/car/job a person has as definitive as to his level of maturity/responsibility without knowing a lot more about his character. And if you're talking about the ONS guy, isn't he the guy who agreed to have unprotected sex with you? That particular behavior doesn't sound all that responsible to me. I agree that his sense of humor offers some clues into who he is as a person (although it may have been just that night that he was behaving that way - maybe he thought it would turn you on, who knows).

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