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Really need advice


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thanks for your replies. I know what you're saying but I don't mean get a bf to help fix my problems. I guess I mean maybe if I put energy into finding love (which I have not done thusfar b/c I focus on work/family, etc) then maybe I could meet someone and get started on the 'rest of my life' with him (assuming he's husband material).


I mean I'm broken yes, and I've been trying to work on myself in order to be 'ready' for a relationship but maybe I'm ready now? Maybe I shouldn't want to/have to deal with life ALL ALONE. Maybe I should be open to love and emotional support from another person (family situation is iffy, have some friends, but no significant other).


Am I totally off?

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I'd start with loving yourself. Be to you waht you want to be to other people, and get yourself whole. You cannot be there for someone else if you are not whole yourself, so as long as you are broken, they will be compensating on their half of the relationship. I bet many people love you, you just have to love yourself!

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