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Kat's House of Grimm: The Tale of the Surly Lass


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Once upon a time, there was a sweet young brown-eyed lass named Autumn Love and everywhere she went, she found people who loved her, and protected her, and said they cherished her. On day, she crossed an evil hag in the forest, who told her that if she parted with a bite from her lunch, she would provide her with a tall handsome prince. But Autumn Love was hungry, and declared that such a man did not exist on this planet, so she instead slew the evil hag, for begging when she clearly shouldn't have begged. But in her dying words, the evil hag threw a dark curse upon Love: She would indeed find her Shining Knight in Armor, and he would be the only person on this planet who could love and cherish her in the way that she so richly deserved to be treated, but he would die in her name before she ever even learned his name or knew what he looked like.


This did not scare her one bit, for she had many such curses place upon her before by thousands of previously stupid old begging hags. And just to make sure, every knight she met she refused to speak to until after he had removed his helmet. And seeing how every one was ugly and stunk of garlic or something foul, she typically smote their heads off immediately after while they were bowing and groveling at her feet.


And so time passed; the numbers of hags and knights piled high about her kingdom. But one day, she met a dashing young knight quite different. Though while he still had on his helmet, he was polite, he was sweet, and he offered her great things not before offered by any knight. And just as he was about to take off his helmet so that she could smite off his head as he beseeched his name her to, a furball of a creature tumbled out of the forest, playfighting with a raccoon and a squirrel. And though she was a bit horrified and mostly perturbed, he jumped up and declared he would save her from the this evily cute cuddly little furball.


After half a day fighting, and chasing, and fighting, he finally locked the furball inside of a large barn, and then set the whole place ablaze from inside. Of course, he died.


And so from that day on, princess Autumn Love could only wonder what the man of her dreams really looked like, for the only one she wanted after that day was the dashing young knight who was burnt to a crisp saving her honor from a cute furry little furball.

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Captain's Log Mark II


The small milk run for local Space Port is nearing completion. While the job was light, the income has made the necessary balance. The supplies have been more than adequate to keep the ship fueled and the lights powered.


Local law enforcement officials have come down hard on our apparent lack of adherence to hailing frequency protocol. We seemed to have missed the memo about the coversheets for TPS reports. Regardless, we have now found a number of primary systems hampered by their boot locks.


Engineering has looked into the matter and after re-routing power through a few previously unused channels, we will regain 95% of our previous funtionality. Overall, it appears the efficiency of funtionality will improve.


Two more weeks of this merry orbit and we'll be docked to our new host, and with docking this planet will be far behind!

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