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The strong silent type.


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You'll be amazed at how quickly strong/silent becomes quiet/boring. You can only be so uninvolved before you are forgotten, and it's definitely not something I'd recommend if you're not a conventional hottie.

Personally, I get to know people through the experiences I have with them rather than the conversations I have with them.

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I would prefer a quiet guy over a loud guy. You don't have to be the life of the party, but you can't just stand there and not partake in anything...even a one-on-one conversation is good, but if you are just standing there by yourself...not so good. A lot of noise gets on my nerves. The thing is that I have always seemed to date the louder guys cause those are the guys who ask me out. I have been trying to get together with a shy guy, but it isn't going anywhere. I wish it would because I really like him.


Here is an example...most guys I have dated need to have the TV or radio blaring to the point that you just hear banging in your ears. I was at this shy guys house and he had a movie on, the volume was just right for me. Other people thought it was a little hard to hear, but I thought it was nice. It could have been a little louder, but I was enjoying the fact that it wasn't blaring.


Some people need noise and other people need quiet. It's all a personal preference.

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its ok to play off the silent mysterious type at first but if girls come up to chat, strike conversation. im never that guy to approach women. i just sit back enjoying the night out wiht my friends and women will see im not the typical guy to go hit on them so they consider it a challenge but when they come up to talk, you have to break the ice and give them a reason to have come over to talk to you. What are your hobbies or sports. bring up any of these topics. We get alot of snow where im at in winter and im a big snowboarder and ive found that most hot women love to snowboard so i always bring that up and its always a winner topic. Anything that involves getting out and being active, most women love a man thats spontanious and active.

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