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just need to vent I guess...

mj didnt do it

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Let me start by saying that I consider myself a pretty lucky person. I could have been born mentally challenged, but I'm quite smart. I could have been born with neural problems, but I'm a semi-pro athlete.


I'm successful, graduated med school in 08 (I'm an internal medicine resident). I'm athletic, I'm a semi-pro mma fighter. I'd give myself a B+ on the niceness scale. Not to sound cocky, but I think that those qualities would make me desirable for a relationship with women, except for.... my problem...


I'm not too well endowed...



No, I'm not a virgin. I did go to college after all, and had my share of sloppy one night stands, but I'm past that now and have been for a while. I've never had an actually relationship and, to be honest with myself, my penis size (about 4.5 inches erect) is the main factor on why I haven’t tried. I simply feel that no woman would be interested in me once she found out.


Again, I could be in a lot worse situation, but this still gets to me. I think the biggest thing about it is that there’s nothing I can do to fix it. I got a 62 on my first organic chemistry test in college. I studied more, I asked questions in class, and I passed with a good grade. I lost my first fight because my conditioning wasn’t up to par. I ran that extra lap, did that extra set of push ups, and my next fight I won a decision. No amount of studying or push ups can fix my problem.


When I look at a woman that I am interested in, I get the same feeling I got when I wasn’t prepared for a test in school. I feel outmatched, like there is simply no way anything positive is going to come out of this, like I'm going to be chewed up and spit out. I suppose i should put my insecurities behind me, but that’s alot easier said than done...

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You sound like you have a lot going for you. Size doesn't equal pleasure and any woman worth getting to know will know that. There is someone for everyone, just take your time and don't rush into it, the less important it is to you the less of an issue it will be. The more you show your lack of confidence in it the more women won't find pleasure from intimate relations with you.


Be confident that what you have to offer is enough, and anything else is just added benefits

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You sound like you have a lot going for you. Size doesn't equal pleasure and any woman worth getting to know will know that. There is someone for everyone, just take your time and don't rush into it, the less important it is to you the less of an issue it will be. The more you show your lack of confidence in it the more women won't find pleasure from intimate relations with you.


Be confident that what you have to offer is enough, and anything else is just added benefits



I agree I have know plenty of women who have preferred to be with men who had smaller penises but because they knew how to use it better than a guy who was well endowed.

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When are men going to understand that most women don't care about the size thing?!


Stop measuring and find some nice girl to be with!!


As you have said, you have a lot to recommend you. The love of my life had a penis just about your size. He was wonderful in bed and I can still remember those nights...! The sensations for me were more intense actually BECAUSE it was smaller. By the way, with med school and all, haven't you learned already that the vagina is only sensitive about 5 centimeters (2.5 inches) down? a thing that size would do. Trust me, this should be the last of your concerns. There are a lot of things you can do in bed to give her pleasure, and your size is not an inconvenient at all. It's what you do that really counts, how you are as a person. What kind of pleasure should I get from my current bf who has a big one but has been cheating on me? None, obviously. Just try to be a good guy, you'll be fine!

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You won't find anyone who accepts you for who you are, until you do.


I don't think I could have said this any better myself.


As you said, it's easier said than done. But I believe you need to be happy with yourself before anything, and anyone else.


One day you'll find a women who loves and accepts you for who you are. Don't forget that.

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I don't think I could have said this any better myself.


As you said, it's easier said than done. But I believe you need to be happy with yourself before anything, and anyone else.


One day you'll find a women who loves and accepts you for who you are. Don't forget that.


I certainly agree with the above in principle and it is good advice but I don't think we should use the word "accept" here. He's fine, it's not like he has some serious problem and he should look for tolerance. At least, this is the way I see it. Even if we were to discuss this from a strictly sexual point of view, there are people who have serious physical conditions - he only has a smaller size! This is not even a problem OP. At least, this is my view and, as I said, I have the experience to sustain it.

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