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rapid fire poetry?...doing something different? i dont know =)


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I think it would be interesting to see what flows when people just start to type.. I used to write a lot of poetry when in relationships.. but havent for a while. I did enjoy it.. perhaps this thread may be mine (?and others?) ''excuse'' to get back into this pastime.. it would certainely make for interesting reading.


so.. just start, dont pause, dont stop.. dont let your mind catch up tothe words your typing .. leave the spelling mistakes until later, run with it fly with it.. and have some fun, express, create, remember, feel, see, touch.. see what comes out.


what might be interesting.. is to leave the 'origional' un-edited version.. then copy n paste it if you want to make any changes.. ive never seen this done before..


just a thought, something which may or may not have been done.. by writing this i have now forced myself to go first.. fulfililng one aim of this thread.

Im far from a poet or writer.. i dont really appreciate poems whose main achievement is rhyme.. but i thoroughly enjoy glancing accross a page onto which a writer has poured his thoughts. i just think its interesting. lets hope others post as i think im all 'worded out' at tho mo =p


i was looking at a picture on my wall.. heres where it went.. was touch typing whilst looking at th pic so apologies for mistakes


im looking at a painting.. a picture.. a man in a boat on the smoothest of water.. blues all around him.. whites whisping overhead.. golden orange.. glowing infront beyond the skyline. i look at this picture.. its my escape. a moment.. one perfect moment.. captured, in a frame, on my wall.. i type whilst still looking at it.. feeling the gentle rocking of the boat.. the feeling that i have nowhere else to be.. nothing else to do.. as i close my eyes.. and open them.. im still in that moment.. its ok to breathe out.. to blink again... my moment is safe, still there.. unchanging.. forever on the water.. in my boat.. in a picture frame on my wall.


decided not to put any more bits in or edit it.. as that little bubble i was in has popped for now =p so ill leave it be despite wanting to alter.



lol.. i enjoyed that =)

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I never think of my poetry but I always write in that fashion..

You came into my life ,

just from no where,

Sense something empty,

Deep inside of me,

You held mmy hand in solace,

An amazing friend indeed,

I think of you quite often,

I hope you never leave,

You helped me see the beauty,

That i possessed inside,

I have since flourshed,

Like a beautiful flower ,

A soul coming on full bloom,

I now understand ,

That life is not just doom,

I am only human,

Yes i make mistakes,

But when things get rocky,

I think of your nurturing words,

And love its on its way,

I have so much understanding ,

You showed the way,

I am blessed to have met you,

I wish good for you every day.

Thank you my great ena friend...I wish you love ..growth and a fruitful life.









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