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Hot for teacher!


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So my daughters 6th grade teacher and I have been texting. She gave her number out at the parents conference and email, saying that texting is easier for her. I thought it was weird, that a teacher would give out the personal phone. plus the parents at the table, I was wondering if they even knew how.

So during the conference she never made eye contact with me or said anything directly to me. I was like huh?


A couple weeks go by and I text her about my daughter. She responded calling me John and being friendly. the next week she text me about my daughter. then it all started to get personal about her divorce and son etc.

We text all night. Then a few dayts goes by and she text me again about my daughter, but it went personal again.


This friday she came out with my daughter after school and came up to my truck to just say hi and wish a good weekend.


Its weird, my daughters teacher. She is very attractive and seems like a good woman. she loves my daughter and has said she admires how good I am with her, with school etc.


I just dont want to screw things up with my daughter and school. I'm not going to intiate anything with her and just see how it goes. Maybe if anything while my daughter is still with her, be friends. Isn't it a fine line to date your daughters teacher? It is flattering that she is so sweet, yet scary.

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Texting parents? That's crossing the professional boundary in my opinion (and I'm a teacher)

Anyways, she's only human, right? Wait till June to ask her out and try not to get too personal in the meantime. Texting all night is crossing a line (as I see it)

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I agree. She has been teaching for 15yrs so she's no child. She got divorced last summer he left her for a woman he met at their 25yr reunion. She hasn't been single or available and is still healing I'm sure.

I did think it was real weird and a boundry was being crossed, But she's nice and attractive and single.

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I don't really see why a teacher should not date a student's parent

It's not about the teacher and parent...it's about the teacher and the kid. Imagine being a young girl and your teacher is over for dinner or holding hands with your dad? It compromises the "student-teacher" relationship and I think that's what the dad is concerned about.

Once the year is over, he can ask her out with no worries. It sounds like she's interested and that he is, too. I really admire that he's putting his kid first!!

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My gut tells me it is ok. I will move cautiously. I guess most of the time I have been trying to figure out, is she flirting? or just being nice? Well its more than just being nice. I won't ask her to meet yet. I'm going to let this one take its natural course.

I'm already nervous about parent meetings and my ex sitting in it. How uncomfortable will that be

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6th grade... is that last year of elementary school or first year of middle school? I only ask because if it's the former, may be you can start something once after your daughter graduates

Yes she will go on to middle school afterwards, so she will move. Time will tell. I'm not thinking I should push anything yet.

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good question I don't know if it could get her in trouble. They just had a skating party for the school. my daughter wants me to drop her off(6th) grade too cool for dad. she doesn't want me to come in. So I told the teacher through text I will be dropping her off, and she doesn't want me in. the teacher said so come in anyway. I didnt i chickened out.

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So we have been texting still pretty regular like 3-4 days a week lately. weird only text tho. today she called to see when i was getting my daughter. we ended up texting later and talked about food etc and fav foods and i mentioned a restaurant i liked. She asks which one? and she would love to try it! well i told her and suggested maybe we could try it sometime. i she didn't respond back tonight. I took her asking about the restaurant was an open door.

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Yeah, it was a good opening for you, but it may not have been an open door from her, exactly.


If you don't get another text back then that's a strong answer. If you talk to her when getting your daughter and you decide to bring it up, then you'll likely have your answer then, too.

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